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Franchises: see Cities.

Germany: Political Germany, Theodor Barth,


The expansion of Germany. Henry Birchenough,

NC., F. Die Seeinteressen Deutschlands, Ernst v. Halle,


Germany: L'Allemagne contemperaine, I, Leon

Poinsard, SS., Mr. German army and navy, H. W. Raymond, Chau-

tauquan, Mr. German versus British trade in the East, Cla-

vell Tripp, NC., F. See also Statistics. Girls: Girls' cooperative boarding houses, Robert

Stein, A., Mr. Great Britain : Failure of our foreign policy, CoR.,

Ap. Forty years in the lobby of the house of commons,

Frederick Gale, FR.. F.

Great Britain's opportunity in China, C. A. More- ing, NC., F.

See also Africa, Agriculture. Germany, Industry. History : Features of the new history', E- W. Dow,

AHR., Ap.

Hours of Labor : see Labor. House of Commons: see Great Britain. Housing : Lodging of homeless men, Homer Folks,

ChR., Mr. Idealism: Idealism in social work, B. Bosanquet,

ChOR., Mr.

Individualism: De 1'individualisme et de ses con- sequences chez les Anglo-Americains, Raoul de la Grasserie, RIS., F.

Industry: Shifting site of national industrial su- premacy, I. S. Jeans, EM., Ap. Inheritance: Les droits de succession, De Sable-

mont, RefS., F. 16. Initiative: see Legislation, Direct. Injunction: Government by injunction, C. N.

Gregory, HLR., Ap. Law, lawlessness, and labor, HWB., Mackay,

A., Mr.

Insurance: Krankenfursorge u. Arbeiterversiche- rung, Ludwig Ascher, Zeitschrift fur Social- wissenschaft, Mr. Arbeiterversicherung u. Armenpflege, C. Brink -

mann, Zeitschrift fiir Socialwissenschaft, F. industrial insurance, Haley Fiske, ChR., Mr.

(AJS., M.)

Der tote Punkt der deutschen Arbeiterversiche- rung, H. von Frankenberg, ASG., 12 : i. Pensions ouvrieres, Ch. de Ponthieres, Revue

sociale catholique, Mr. Les oeuvres d'assistance muruelle en Amerique,

Eugene Rochetin, JEc., F, 15. Internationalism: Does cosmopolitan life lead to international friendliness, Pierre de Coubertin, RRN., Ap.

Invention: L'invention, F. Paulhan, RPh., M. Psychology of invention, Josiah Royce, PsR.,

Mr. Ireland: Ireland since '98, J. E. Redmond, NAR.,

Ap. Japan: Economic situation in Japan, Bernard

Moses, JPE., Mr.

Jews : Zola & the anti-Jewish crusade, RRN., Mr. Labor: Die Arbeiterbewegung in Australien und

Neu-Seeland, M. A. Aldrich, JNS., F. Les accidents de travail en Angleterre, Maurice

Bellom, RPP., Mr. 10. Factory labor in the South, GM., Ap. Trade-union label, J. G. Brooks, BDL., Mr. Old time factory life in New England, A. K.

Fiske, New England Magazine, Ap. Zur Geschichte des Normalarbeitstages, Schu- macher-Zarchlin, Zeitschrift fiir Social- u. Wirthschaftsgeschichte, 6: i.

Mr. Mallock as a political economist, J. H.

Hobspn, CoR., Ap. Industrial object lesson, S. N. D. North, PSM.,

Ap. Possibilities of the present industrial system,

Paul Monroe, AJS., My. Kssais de solutions de la question ouvriere, II,

Leon Poinsard, SS., F. Neue Fortschritte der Achtstunden-Bewegung

in England, John Rae, ASG., 12: i. See also Strikes and each number of BDL.,

BOT., LG., RT.

Land: Die Agrarrefprm in Preussen, Durant de Senegas, Zeitschrift fiir Socialwissenschaft, Mr. Die Entstehung des Grossgrundeigentums, Franz Oppenheimer, Zeitschrift tiir Socialwis- senschaft, F. Law: Continuity of the common law, Frederick

Pollock, HLR., Mr. Progress of the law, ALRR., Mr. Legislation: *Political & municipal legislation in

1897, E. D. Durand, AAP., Mr. ( AJS., M.) Die wirtschaftliche Gesetzgebung d. deutschen Bundesstaaten i. J. 1897, G. Maas, JNS., Ja.-F. Die wirtschaftliche Gesetzgebung des Deutschen

Reiches im Jahre 1897, G. Maas, JNS., Ja. Legislation, Direct: Swiss authorities on direct

legislation, New Time, Mr. Popular initiative & referendum, O. M. Barnes,

Pub. of the Mich. Pol. Sci. Ass'n., Ap. Referendum in California, S. E. Moffett, PSQ.,

Mr. Some party men on direct legislation, Williams,

Bryan & others, New Time, Ap. Lodging Houses : see Housing. London : see Cities. Lynching: Prevent-on of lynch law epidemics,

RRN., Mr.

Marriage : see Family. Mexico : How an Austrian archduke ruled an Am.

empire, S. Y. Stevenson, Century, Mr.-Ap. See also Drainage. Money : see Finance. Missions: Do foreign missions pay, F. E. Clark,

NAR., Mr. Christian missions in India, J. T. Sunderland,

NW., Mr. Navies: Captain Mahan's counsels to the U. S.,

G. S. Clarke, NC., F. Die Entwicklung des Seekriegs, P. H. Colomb,

DR., F. The Great Lakes & the navy, J. H. Gibbons,

NAR., Ap.

See also Coal, Germany. Newspapers: Is newspaper influence declining?


New York : see Cities. Patriotism: Patriotism: Its dangers & duties, W.

C. Doane, NAR., Mr. Philosophy: La philosophic d'hier et celle d'au-

jpurd'hui, Jacob, RMM., M. Political Economy: Vincent de Gournay, Alf. des

Cilleuls, RefS., F. 16.

Lessons fromRuskin, C. S. Devas, EcJ., Mr. Distribution & exchange, A. Marshall, EcJ., Mr. Das Adam Smith Problem, I, II, AugustOucken,

Zeitschrift fiir Socialwissenschaft, Ja.-F. Henry George & his economic system, W. A.

Scott, NW., Mr.

Illusionisten u. Realisten in der Nationalokono- mie, I, II, Julius Wolf, Zeistschrift fiir Social- wissenschaft, Ja.-F. Political Science : La liberta politica, G. Rossig-

noli, RISS., Mr. Postal Reform: Need of postal reform, E. F. Loud,

NAR., Mr.

Primaries: Reform of primaries, GM., Mr.

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