Herckenrath, C. R. C. Problemes d'esthetique et de morale. P., Felix Alcan. 168 pp. i8mo.
Kiilpe, Oswald. Introduction to philosophy:
translation . . . N. Y., Macmillan Co., 1807.
(Dial, Ja. i f-)
- Ladd,G. T. Philosophy of knowledge. N. Y.,
Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1897. 614 pp. 8vo. $4.
(Critic, Ag. 21 - 4-) (Dial, la. i -f) Malot, Hector. Conscience. Illustrations de la
nature. P., libr. Dentu. 487 pp. i8mo. F.
3.50. Margerie, Am<fdee de. La philosophic de M.
Fouillee. P., libr. Roger & Chernovu. 136 >., 8vo.
Edmund. Hallucinations & illusions.
N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1897. 390 pp.
8vo. $1.25. (Contemporary science series.)
(Ed.R., Ja.4-4- -) (Academy, Ag. 14+) Ribot, Th. The psychology of the emotions.
N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1897. 455 pp. 8vo.
$1.25. (Contemporary science series.) (Ed.R.,
Ja. 4- 4- -) (Academy, Ag. 7 4- 4-) Robinet, Le docteur. Condorcet. sa vie, son oeuvre
(1743-94). P., libr. May, 1897. 403 pp. 8vo.
F. 10.
- Scripture, E. W. The new psychology. N. Y.,
Chas. Scribner's Sons, 1897. 500 pp. 8vo,
$1.25. (Contemporary science series.) (Acad- emy, N. 13+-) (PSM., la.-f)
- Selby-Bigge, L. A. British moralists, being
selections from writers principally of the i8tn
century. 2 v. L., Froude, 1897. 8vo. S. 18.
(DL.J1.34-4-) (RPh., Ja.4-4-) Wolff, Gust. Zur Psychologic des Erkennens.
Eine biol. Studie. Lp., W. Engelmann. M.
0.60. Wundt. W. Ethics: an investigation of the facts
& laws of the moral life. Tr. . . from German.
Vol. i. N. Y., Macmillan Co. 339 pp. 8vo.
Ellis, H. Studies in psychology of sex. Vol. i.
Sexual inversion. Oxford, University press.
222 pp. 8vo. S. 10. Faure, Andr. Le marriage en Jude> et en
Egypte; analogic des deux institutions.
Valcns, Villard, Brise et Blanche, 1897. 107
pp. 8vo. Palumbo, Orazio. La famiglia. Trani, V. Vechi
e C., 1896. 107 pp. i6mo. Tamura, Naomi. Warum heiraten wir? Gedanken
e. modernen Japaners Uber Ehe u. Frauenlcben.
Uebersetz. Wiesbaden, C. W. Kreidel. 104 pp.
8vo. M.a.
Finance and Taxation. _ , Sclim. Les finances de 1'F.gypte an point de vuc international (these). P., Arthur Rous- seau. 135 pp. 8vo.
Darwin, I.. Bimetallism: summary & examination of arguments for ft against bimetallic system of currency. L.. Murray. ijopp.Svo. S. 7, 6.
Dollftis, Roger. Ueber die Idee der einzigen Steuer. Basel. B. Schwabe. i6^pp. 8vo.
Douglass, Wm. Discourse concerning the cur icncies of the British plantations in America ... ed. by C. J. Bullock. N. Y., M.i Co. 375 PP. D. $0.50, (Economic Si Vol. , No. 5.)
Ehrenberg, Richard. Das Zeitalter der Fugger. Jena, G. Fischer. 1897. a vol.. (RH., P., p. 146 4- 4- - ) ( A1S., 3 : 365)
Financial reform almanac, 1898. L., J. Heywood. 118 pp. tamo. S. i.
France -MiniMbre des finances. Tarif de* douanes. P., Impr. nationale. s vol. 8vo.
France Ministere du commerce. Rapport . . . Mir les operations de la caisse nationale d'epargne (Caisse d'epargne postale), 1896. P., Impr. nationale, 1897. 90 pp. 410.
Gesellj Silvio. Die Anpassung des Geldes u. seiner Verwaltung an die Bediirfnisse des mo- dernen Verkehrs. (Buenos Aires) Weimar, Geselt & Nagel. 208 pp. 8vo. M. 2.40.
- H3bler, Konrad. Die Geschichte der Fugger*-
i. Bd. i. Wei-
schen Handlung in Spanien. Soci: ( EH R., Ja.-f -f)
E. Felber, 1897.' (Socialgeschichtliche Forschungen. j. Heft.)
RH., F.+) (LC.., Ja. 8) Italy Ministerp del tesoro. Tabella esplicativa
per 1'esercizio finanziario 1896-7. Roma, tip.
uazionale di G. Bertero, 1897. 477 pp. 410. Kennrdy, T. Hist, of the Irish protest against
overtaxation, from 1853-97. L., Simpkm ft
Co., 1898. 196 pp. 8vo. S. 5. Lorini, Eteoclc. La liforma monetaria in Russia:
monografia fatta per incarico del minister del
tesoro. Torino, Krmanno Loscher. 212 pp.
8vo. L. 6.
- Prager, Max. Die Wahrungsfrage in den Ver-
einigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Stuttgart,
J. G.Cotta, 1807. 476 pp, 8vo. (Miinchener
volkswirthschattl. Studien.) ( J PE., S. + ) Royer-Htigot. Essai sur la theorie de 1'impot
proercssif . avec quelques applications. Dijon,
Jacquot et Floret, 1897. 452 pp. 8vo. F.
3.50. Zarli. Alb. I dati di fatto della scienza dei tributi.
Marcerata, tip. Eleuterio Topi, 1897. 351 pp.
History. Ashton, J. Social lite in the reign of Queen Anne.
From original sources. New ed. L., Chatto
& Windus. 494 pp. il. 8vo. S. 3, 6. Bazin, G. L'Allemagne catholique au IQC siccle.
Windthorst, ses allies et ses adversaires. P.,
Bloud & Barral. 332 pp. 8vo. Bibliothek deutscher Geschichte, hrsg von. H. v.
Zwiedineck-SUdenhorst. n8.-i24. Lfg. Srurt-
gart, J. G. Cotta. a M. i.
- Bicknell, Anna L. The story of Marie-Antoinette.
N. Y., Century Co., 1897. 334 pp. 8vo. $3.
(Athenaeum, J a. i } (Dial, Ja. i6 + 4-)
- Boos, Heinrich. Geschichte der rheinischen
Stadtrkultur. Berlin, Stargardt, 1897. 55 -L.,D. 18)
4 to. M. 10. (LC., Je. yf>) (DU.'D. 18) Church, W. C. U. S. Grant. N. Y., G. P. Put- nams, x897. (Critic, Ja. 29 -f +) (Academy, I). 18+) (Dial,Ja. + )
Dahn, Felix. Die Kbnige der Germanien. 8. Bd.
rnnken unter den Karolingen. t. Abth.
Einleitnng. Blick iib. die. polit. Geschichte des
Frankreichs vom J. 613-843. Lp., Breitkoj f
ft Hartel. 108 pp. 8vo. M. 3. (LC., N. 13
Eimc'r, Manifr. Die politischcn VVrh.Hltnisse u.
Bewegungcn in Strassburg im Elsass im I.
1789. Gekrbnte Preisschnft. Strassburg, J.
H.E. Heitz. 183 pp. 8vo. M. 3. ESCOII Social transformation* of the
an era. N. Y., Chas. Scribner's Sons.
Etu.lrs d'hisioirr du moyen-age d^diees a Gabriel
Moood. P., Felix Alcan, 1806. 463 pp. F.
ao. (HZ., 80: i + 4-) (KHR..J.. x) Vlaker. S. (;. Mm. U,,HIM>. and manners in I times. Ph., J. H. I.ippincott, 1898.
a v. il. tamo. $3. Frarr ,,,ry of Htitith India. N. Y.,
G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. 399 pp. (AH R..
Ja. 4-) (AAP.,Ja. X)
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