Philosophic der Geschichte als Sociologic," 6700-2; sociology identical with philosophy of history, 700; Ideal and positive science in soci- ology, ab 707 ; change in, from study of groups to study of men making the groups, 892 ; " In- troduction to the study of sociology," 6 855-9; study and teaching of, 855-9; Sociology : [ac 37, 430,726,880; be 133. 425, 719, 875].
SOCIALISM, CHRISTIAN : Christian socialism, at 415.
SOCIOLOGY, CHRISTIAN: "Social teachings of Jesus," b 548. Christlich-sozial, be 869; [be
1 34, 4*5].
Socrates, 336, 337. 510.
Sou DARITY, SOCIAL: Our social and ethical soli- darity, ab 553.
Solovicff, Wladimir, 06 415; Solvay, E., ab 707; Sombart, C. M., be 874; Sombart, Werner, t><
- 33, br 424; Sonnenschein, W. S., bs 576;
Sophocles, 336, 760; Soulier, H., br 873.
SOUTH AMERICA: territory of, 304.
Soziale Streitfrage, be 425,876; Spahr, C. B., br 422.
SPAIN: [00727,880,871].
Spears, J. K.., oc 873.
SPECULATION : Market wrecking, ab 126 ; [be 422] .
Speirs, F. W., oc 129, or 418; Spence, H. D. M., be 718 ; Spencer, F., 6c 130 ; Spencer, Herbert, 34, mo 108, 118, 121, 164, 167, 254,259, 261, 262, 264, 701, 708; br 133; Spenser, Edmund, 68; Staats- u. socialwissenschattliche Forschungen, be 874 ; Stammhammer, Josef, br 133, 425, 719; 6 537; bg 576; Stanley, Maude, mb 104, 109; bs 575; Starcke, mb 103, 766; Starr, F., a 13-17, r 703.
STATE BOARDS OF CHARITIES : supervision of alms- bouses by, 485-6.
STATISTICS: Mortality statistics of the census in relation to occupations, a 216-35 ; Eccentric official statistics, a 79-99. 355-77 ' census of capital & wealth in 1890 & faulty comparisons with previous census, 79-99; woman & child labor, 355-77 ; Statistical study of the causes of poverty, a 614-21 ; Official statistics, a 622-30; of manufactures in the nth census, 622- 30; [oc 425-6. 431, 720. 727, 880] .
Stegmann, Carl, br 424; Stein, K. H., hr 721; n, Lorenz, 123, be 418; Stein, Ludwic, br 425; Steinberg, F., be 422; Steinmc- 769, 771 ; Stengel, K. F., be 717 ; Stephen, Leslie, bs 575 ; Stephens. T. A., br 871 ; Stern, Alf., be 873 ; Stern, Wilh., be 134 J Stevens, Alzina P., b 140; Stickney, be 717; Stieglitz, A. de, br 112.
Stimson, F. J., 199; mb 205, b 575; .Stock, Otto, be 425; Stockham, Alice B., be 719; Stoerk, Felix, br 421 ; Stolzmann, Rud., br 133; Storia, OC 873 ; Story, A. T., be 874 ; Sto. 419; Strachey, J., 454; Strack, M. L., br 421; Strauss, P., 214.
Strassburg, [be 715]. STREET Ci
LEANING: programme & bibliography, mb25i; (ar 727, be 714]-
STREET RAILWAYS: programme & bibliography, mb 250; [oc 137, 727; be 129!.
STRIKES: foe 137, 43, 727, 88ol.
Strong. Josiah. be 870; Stuart, W, M., o 699-30; Stubo., 673; Stuc!cenber K , J. H. W., be 7 ; b 855-9; Stuckert, Mrs., 125.
SUFFRAGE : see Elections.
SUGAR: ac 137, 727.
SUICIDE: Suicide in the light of recent studies, . a 464-78; definition, 464; frcauency. 465-6; causes of: insanity, 167; alcoholism, 467; race, 467 J .heredity, 468 ; climate & season, 469 ; types of suicide: egoistic, 470 ; altruistic, 471 ; anomic, 47* ; marriage and, 470; divorce and, 471; note by Durkheim as to his position on, 849; [ac 137, 727; be 48, 714].
Sully, James, br 714 ; Sumner, W. G., bs 576.
Swan, C. H., be 419.
SWEATING SYSTEM: [ac 137, ttol.
SWEDEN :[ac 4 3iJ.
Swibled Georges, be 875.
Sybel, H. von, be 421.
SYMPATHY : art and, 64.
SYNDICATES: [ac 431, be 131]; (set also Coop-
eration). jaine, 245; Talbot, James, be 721; Talbot,
Marion. 114; Tamassia, N., ab 708; Tamura,
Naomi, be 715 J Tandy, F. D., b$ 576 ; Tangorra.
Vincenzo, ob 708; Tarbouriech, 213; Tarde, O-,
be 133; 214,473, 476, 543, 544, 55, 558, 708,
TARIFF: [oc 137, 431, 727, 880; be 721, 877]. Tausig, F. W., br 132. TAXATION: [ac 431, 727, 880; oc 130, 49, 715,
871]. Taylor, Graham, 174; ob 280: r 406; Taylor, H.
O.,br 4 i9; Taylor, R. W. C, bs 575; Taylor,
W. C., 203 ; mb 205.
TELEGRAPH : programme and bibliography, mb 252. TELEPHONE: programme and bibliography, mb 952. TENEMENT: ac 727; (see a/to Housing). Tentomai, Otto, be 720. Thaller, 214 ; Thatcher, O. J., be 131 ; Theal. G.
M., fee 874. THEATER: [ac 137]. THEOLOGY: succeeded by moral philosophy,
THEOSOPHY : [ac 137]. Theureau, Louis, br 130; Thilo, Amalie, be 130;
Thomas, W. I., a 31-63, 754-76; r 407, 409;
Thompson, 31, 52,34: Thompson. T. M., 607,
609, 610, 612; fhiinen, 268; Tnurnam, 59;
Thurneyssen, Fritz, br 422 ; Thwing, C. F.,
nib 103, 107; be 714; Tiele, C. P., be 718, br
718 ; Tiffany, Francis, b* 575. TOBACCO: [be 876], Tocqueville, Comte de, br 423 ; Tolman, W. H ..
nit, ioo, 248; Tolman, bs SJTO; Toraasini, Doa-
nato. In- 425, 720; Toniolo, G.. be 719; Tonnies,
Ferdinand, br 419, be 720 ; Topinard, Paul, 40,
41, 42, 58. 53. TORONTO: [ac 727]. Tosti, Gustavo, a 464-78, 848; Toynbee, Arnold,
172, 173, mb 253, 256; 69 573. Tozer, H. F., be 421. TRADES UNIONS:" Industrial democracy," b 850-
55 ; structure & functionary ; insurance^ collect -
ive bargaining, legal enactment, 851-2; implica-
tions, 853; theory, 854 ; economics of, [oc 43 ,
727, 880; be 422, 716], Trail!, H. D., br72i. TRAMPS: programme and bibliography, mb 105;
state provisions for care of, 642-8; lac 431, 880;
be 4i7l. Trant, William, bs 575 ; Treitschke, Heinr. von, br
131, 421, be 717 ; Trent, W. P., br 4*1 ', Trojiw,
P. R., be 720.
TRUSTS: [ac 137, 43', 77, 88ol. Tsountas, Chrestos, br 421 ; Tucker, W. S., bt
TURKEY : [ac 137].
1 urquan, V., 57 ; Twining, Louisa, 0^714 ! >>c 131 ; br 421, 874 ; Tylor, A.,lj9 :
ilechtsliebe, be 869;
bri32j Ufford, W. S.. bs 575 L Ujlaljy, 31$;
UHmo, Louis, be 133; Umlauft, Frdr., be 4*6. UNEMPLOYED: Programme & bibliography, mb
104; unemployment as a cause ol poverty, 617;
[be 131,716]; (see also Labor). Ungaro, FU, be 418: Unger, Henr., br 134. . UNITED STATES: Have American* any social
standards? ab 271 ; " Social S
l- 5 ; "Woman & the Republic," 6 3;
A -. ^t t^.L
Pan- Americanism, 453; ol l
694; [OC 137, 43t, 77, >; *C