Fawcctt. Pauperism, cru 4.
Gilman. Socialism and the American spirit, ch.
5, sec. ii. James, E.J. Education, Compulsory, (see Lalor.
Cyclopaedia., Vol. II, pp. 41-6.) Seaver, E. P. Care of truants and incorrigibles.
(see Educ. Rev., May 1894, 7: 433-38.)
MANUAL TRAINING. Woodward. Manual training. Huxley, T. H. Struggle for existence. (.sec
Nineteenth Cent., Feb. 1888, 33: 161-80.) Marshall. Elements of economics of industry.
ch. 6.
Mills, C. T. Need and value of technical edu- cation, (see Galton. Workers, pp. 1-12.) Riis. Children of the poor. ch. 12. Richards, C. R. Trade schools, their place in
industry, education, and philanthropy, (see
Nat. Conf., 1805, pp. 195-203.) Spearman, E. R. School for street arabs. (see
Scribner, Oct. 1892, 12: 475-87.) (Also in Poor
in great cities, pp. 275-99.)
Emergencies Unprovided For.
ENCOURAGEMENT OF SAVING. Wayland, H. S. The state and the savings of the
people, (see Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., June
1887, 22: 156-61.) Dexter. Cooperative saving and loan associations.
chs. 2-4, p. Wolff, H. W. Cooperative banking movement.
(see Econ. Rev., April 1896, 6: 193-204.) Cary, J. R. Provident savings bank of Baltimore.
(see Lend a Hand, Sept. 18901 S' *28-34.) Lambert, Agnes. Thrift among the children, (see
Nineteenth Cent., \pril 1886, 19: 539-60.) Wvatt, C. H. School savings banks (see Chic.
Inter. Cong., sec. vi, pp. 384-9.,) N. Y. charity organization society. Annual report
of committee on provident habits, for 1889.
On Penny provident fund.
Wilkinson. Friendly society movement, ch. 14. Smith, R. M. Workingmen's insurance, (see
Char. Rev., Dec. 1891, t : 50-54.) Donald, Robert. Why not municipal pawn shops ?
(see Com. Rev., Aug. 1894, 66 : 177-91.) Mason, A. B. Evils growing out of extortionate
usury, (see Char. Rev., June 1895, 4:446-8.)
Indiscriminate Charity.
Hall, Bolton. The disease of charity, (see Amcr .
Jour, of Pol.. Mar. 1894, 4:225-32.) Lubbock. Some poor relief questions, ch. 4. Riis. Children of the poor, ch. 15. Ritchie, D. G. Pauperism in the light of the
theory of natural selection, (see Chic. Inter.
Cong., sec. ii, pp. Wayland. H. L. Scientific basis of chanty, (see
Char. Rev., April 1894, 3: 36;
POOR LAWS. Hartford (Conn.) Outdoor alms, Special cm
tee on. Report, pp. 53-63. Rogers. Six centuries, ch. 15. Warner. American charities, Pt. 4.
POOR RELIEF. BShmert, Victor. Cooperation between public and
private poor iclief. (see Chic. Inter. Cong.,
sec. vi, pp. 310-37.) Craig. Oscar. The prevention of pauperism, (see
ScriWr, July 1893, 14: tai-fi.) (Alto in Poor
Warner, A. G. Public subsidies to private chaiitief. (see Chic. Inter. Cong., sec. vi, pp. 120-32.)
OUTDOOR vs. INDOOR RELIEF. Trusdell, C. G. History of public and private indoor and outdoor relict, (see Nat. Conf., 1893,
Lowell, J. S. Economic and moral effects of public outdoor relief, (see Nat. Conf., 1890, pp. 81-91.) (Also in State charities record. May 1890, x : 67- 70, and reprinted in pamphlet form.)
Henderson. Dependents, ch. 9.
Lubbock. Some poor relief questions, ch. i.
Warner. American charities, ch. 7.
Miinsterberg, Theodore. Elberfeld system of poor relief, (see Chic. Inter. Cong., sec. vi, pp. 187
Ede, W. M. Pensions for the aged, (see Koon.
Rev., April 1892, 2:79-90.) Lubbock. Some poor rehej questions, ch. 2. Phelps, L. R. Old age pensions, (see Econ. Rev.,
Oct. 1893, 3 : 474-85-)
STATE BUREAUS OF CHARITY. State boards of charities, (see Nat. Conf., 1893,
Wmes 33 K?H. State boards of charities. fseeN*. Conf., 1890, pp. 62-72.)
CHARITY ORGANIZATION. Gurteen. Handbook. Loch. Charity organisation. Henderson. Dependents, ch. 14. Hill, Octavia. Our common land, ch. 7. [Also
reprinted in pamphlet form entitled Effectual
charity.] Kellogg. C. D. Statistics: their value in charity
organization work, (see Nat. Conf., 1890, pp.
31-35.) Lowell, J. S. How to adapt charity organization
methods to small communities, (see Nat. Conf..
1887, pp. 135-43.) [Also reprinted in pamphlet
form.] Post, J. A. How to develop public sentiment
necessary to intelligent benevolence, (see Ohio
charities, Board of state, annual report for 1892.
Apx., pp. 333-56.) Warner. American charities, Pt. 3. Commons. Social reform and the church, pp. 27-48.
FRIENDLY VISITING. Abbott, Lyman. Personal problem of charity.
(see Forum, Feb. 1894, 16:663-9.) Norton, Mrs. A. K. Friendly visiting the true
charity, (see Char. Rev., Nlay 1894, 3: 352-6.) Wald, L. D. On personal service and fnendlv
visiting, see (Char. Rev., March 1803,4:229-34.) N. Y. charity organization society. Handbook for
friendly visitors.
Heredity. Dugdale. Jukes. Bois. Prisoners, ch. 15. Henderson. Dependents, pp. i Stephen.. -Social rights and duties. Vol. a, pr Warner. American charities, ch. 5.
Acquired Habits.
INTEMPERANCE. Mitchell. Drink question.
and private charity,
(see Chic. Inter. Cong., sec. i, pp, 89-07.)