Sociological instruction at Paris, C. W. A. Ve-
ditz, AJS., S.
Social discontent, E. P. Wheeler, ChR., Je. On being human, Woodrow Wilson, Atlantic. S. Genesis of social classes, F. H. Wines. ChR.,
Ap. (AJS., S.) Le troisieme congres de 1'institut international
de sociologie, Rene Worms, RIS., S. Statistics: Eccentric official statistics, H. L. Bliss,
AIS..J1.-N. La demographic et la statistique dans les sciences
morales et sociales, Pierre Boz, ReS., Jl. The mortality statistics of the census in relation
to occupations, W. A. King, AJS., S. Strikes: Strikes & the coal-miners, Samuel Gom-
pers, F., S. Der Ausstand der Hamburger Hafenarbeiter
1896-97, Richard Ehrenberg, JNS., 68: 5-6. Strikes in Japan, Fusataro Takano, GM., Jl. A practical remedy for strikes, GM., Ag. Sunday Rest: Le Congres international du repos
du dimanche, tenu a Bruxelles, F. Lombard,
Revue chretienne, O. Sweden : Scandinavia & her king, Constance Sut-
cliffe, FR., O. Syndicates : Le parti rural organise et mobilisable :
syndicats agricoles et petite propri^tc, Rene
Henry, RPP..J1. Tariff: The Tory origin of free trade policy, W.
J. Ashley, QJ E.,J1. Canada and the Dingley bill, John Charlton,
NAR.. O. The real cost of the tariff, H. J. Davenport,
JPE., S. La guerre a coupde tarif, G. de Molinari, JEc,
The protective features of "section w," Jos- eph Nimmo, J[r., F., O. Taxation : Taxation problem in Chicago, E. W.
Bemis, BS.,0. Le modificazioni alia imposta sui redditi di ric-
chezza Mobile, A. de Viti de Marco, GEc, Je. Pure theory of taxation, F. N. Edgeworth, EcJ,
Je. Incidence of taxation upon Ireland, Bernard
Holland, EcJ., Je. Osservazioni sulla spinta contributa della tasse,
A. Puviani, GEc., Ag. Die Reform der directen Personalsteuern in
Oesterreich, R. Reisch, ZVS., Ag. La loi des revenus, G. Sorel, DS., Jl. Principles of taxation, D. A. Wei
Ag.-O. Trades Unions : ttt Labor.
t, Murat Hal-
/ells, PSM.,
Tramps : Les enquetes sur vagabondage, G. Drou-
ineau, RP., II. 10.
Trusts: Federal anti-trust law & its judicial con- struction, Am. Bar Assoc., ALR., S.
The wire nail association, C. E. Edgerton, PSQ., Je.
La teoria juira del monopolio, F. Y. Edgeworth, GEc., Jl.
Fresh from the oil regions, GM., S.
Trade combinations at common law, F. J. Good- now, PSQ., Je.
Growing sound opinion on trusts, GM., Jl.
Sugar trust cases: a legal comedy ot errors, Joseph Wheless, ALR..J1.
Unconstitutional ity of recent anti-trust legisla- tion, David Wilfcox, F., S.
United States: *Have Americans any social standards, F. M. Abbott, F., Jl. (AJS., S.)
Der Aussenhandel der Vereimgten Staaten im Rechnungsjahrei896, M. Diezmann, JNS., S.
Military government in the south, W. A. Dun- ning, PSQ., S.
American annexation & ai sted, F., S.
The Clay ton -Bulwer treaty, M. W. Hazeltine, NAR., O.
Speaker Reed & the House of Representatives, M. W. Hazeltine, NAR., Ag.
A plea for the navy, H. A. Herbert, F., S.
Statesmanship in England & in the U. S., G. F. Hoar, F., Ag.
A plea for the army, O. O. Howard, F., Ag.
The future of the Democratic party: a reply, David Overmyer, A., S.
The United States & the liberation of the Spanish American Colonies, M. Romero, NAR., Jl.
See also Federalist.
The ethical side of the free silver campaign, F. J. Stimson, IJE., Jl.
The making of the nation, Woodrow Wilson, At- lantic, Jl. Voting : Evolution of the American voter, James
Schouler, AHR., Jl.
Wealth : Le role de richesse dans la vie sociale, Dehon, AC., Jl.
The citadel of the money power, Henry Clews & J. C. Ridpath, A., Jl.
Open letter to Eastern capitalists, C. C. Millard, A., Ag.
Has wealth a limitation? R. N. Reeves, A., Ag.
The concentration of wealth, its causes & results. H. E. Taubeneck, A., S. O.
Are the rich growing richer & the poor, poorer?
C. D. Wright, Atlantic, S.