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lions, 737; prizes, 738-40; clubs, 738, 746; system and records of employment, 742 ; train- ing school, 742 ; bathing, 743 ; work of and com- forts for women, 744-5 ; free lunch, 746 ; library, 746; benefits to the community, 747; friendly attitude of labor organizations, 748-50; past and present of the business, 750-51 ; its significance, 752-3.

National conference, bs 514; Nationalsozialer Verein, 60 716; National League, 705.

NATURAL MONOPOLIES : programme and bibliogra- phy, m6 252.

NAVIES: [ac 725, 879; 6c 873, 876].

NEBRASKA: 144,378,479,631.

Neefe, M.,6r426.

NEGRO: Study of the negro problems, a6 862 ; [ac 136, 429, 725]-


Nelson, O. N., br 421.

NETHERLANDS: [6c 130, 420, 873],

Neumann, F. J., br 419; Neumann, Jac., 6c 716, 721 ; New England's plantation, 6c 873.


Newsholme, A. ,53, 54; mb 101 ; Newton, mb 205; Newton, R. H., 6 574,576.

NEW YORK CITY: [00725; 60418; 68140-44,574].

Nicholls, Sir George, 60889; Nicholson, J. S., 6c 716; 6r 874; Nietzsche, 508, 519.

NIGHT SCHOOLS : at settlements, 181.

Nitti, Fr. S., br 133 ; Nobbe. M. A., 6c 417.

NOMINATIONS: [6c 132,717,875],

Nordau, Max, 73, 504, 708 ; br 870 .

NORTH AMERICA: territory and states of, 304.

Notes, 6 576; Novalis, 824; Novicow, J., 712; br 425 ; Noyes, A. D., br 871.

Qcttingen, A. von, 37, 52, 54; Oettingen, Alex., 6c 424; Offermann, Alfred, br 422; Offner, J., 6c 132.

OHIO, 378, 479,631 ; [6s 139-44].

OKLAHOMA, 378, 479, 631.

OLD AGE PENSIONS: see Insurance.

Olmstead. Frederick, 732 ; Oloriz, 320, 326 ; Oman, C., 6c 863 ; Oppenheimer, Franz, 6r 133.

OPTIMISM : present, in West, 523 ; origin of, 526.

OREGON. 378. 479, 631.

O'Reilly, Mary, 6 140.

ORGANIC CONCEPT: origin 0^259; nature of, 261 ; [be 425]-

Orlando, 6c 423.

Ornstein, B., 57 ; Ortloff, Herm., 6c 423 ; Osborne, D. M., 709; Osterhout free library, bs 576; Ostrogorski, M., 60134; Ottolenghi, S., 6c 418.

OUTDOOR RELIEF: see Charities.

PADRONE SYSTEM : [ac 136].

Painter, mb 108; Palgrave, R. H. I., br 132, 422; Palmer. A. S., be 718 ; Palumbo, Orazio, 6c 715 ; Praeto, Vilfredo, 6r 422.

PARIS: [6c 869, br 714].

Pariset, Georges, 6r 831 ; Parish, Edmund, 6r 715 ; Parsons, mb 252 ; Parturier, Louis, 6c 869 ; Pascal, 213, 556; Passez, Ernest, 06 416; Pasteur, 211; Pastori, G., 60719.

PATRIOTISM: [ac 879].

Patten, 271, 511, 520, 521, 525; 6c 425; Pat- terson, 734; Paul, 341, 504, 513; Paulau, 315.

PAUPERISM : Pauper problem in America (& its solution by salvation army plans), 06 127; [ac 429] ; (see also Charities).

Pausanius, br 873; Pawlowski,G.de, 60425; Pea- body, F. G., mb 106, 178 ; 68 576 ; Peabody, Geo., bs 573; Peacock, 59; Pearson, Karl, br 417.

PEDAGOGY : [oc 429] ; (see also Education).

Peddie, R. A., bs 576; Peel, Robert, 125; Pelle- grini, Pietro, br 424.

PENNSYLVANIA: 378, 479, 631; [6c 421, 423; 6 109-44].

PENOLOGY : [ac 429] ; (see also Criminology & Pe- nology).

PEOPLE'S BANKS: [ac 136, 429, 725].

Perkins, J. B., 873; Personal credit, 6r 134.

PERSONALITY: see Leadership.

PESSIMISM : present, in East, 523 ; origin of, 527.

Pestalozzi, 578; Peters, J. P., 6r 718; Peters, Karl, 301; Petersilie, A., 6c 714; Petherick, 772; Petit, Arsene, 6c 721 ; Petrie, W. M. F., br 421 ; Phelan, J. D., a6 127.

PHILADELPHIA: see Cities, Gas.

Philadelphia mercantile library, bs 576.

PHILANTHROPY: Scientific study of philan- thropy* a 561-6; organization of a class for study of, 564-6; women as workers in, 562.

Philanthropy & social progress, 6* 574 ; Philip- povich, Eugene, br 422.

PHILOSOPHY : cause & effect of systems of, 336-8 ; eighteenth & nineteenth century, 811; [00136, 429, 725, 879; 6c 131, 418, 714, 719, 870].

Physiocrats: see Political economy.

Pierantoni. Ricc.,6c 716; Pingree, H. S., a& 128; Pioger, Julien, 262; Plato, 336, 510, 701, 821.

PLEASURE : Pleasure economy vs. pain economy ; Plehn, C. C., br 130, 419; Plehn, Hans, br 873 ; Ploss, H., 32, 43, 49, 54, 55, 754; Pobedonost- zeff, C. P., 6c 719.

POLICE: [ac 725].

POLITICAL ECONOMY : social question is economic, 115-19; " Grundbegriffe und Grundlagen der Volkswirthschaft," 6 266; untenability of Marx's theory of value, 268 ; effect of insurance on consumption, 277 ; " Outlines of elementary economics," 6 407, 408; social aspect of, dis- cussed, 408; Philosophic basis of economics: a word to the socialists, ab 410-12 ; economics the master science, 410-12; Economic progress & social ethics, ab 706; trades unions & wage fund theory, 855 ; [ac 136, 429. 725, 879; 6c 131 , 422, 716, 874] ; (see also History).

POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY: Studies in political areas, a 297-313, 449-63 ; territory as a factor in politics, 297-313; territory & states of the world, 302-13; Alberoni on federation of Eu- rope, 308; Caprivi on unity of European inter- ests, 308 ; sea as factor in formation of states, 310; river systems, 312; influence of large areas, intellectual, political, & economic, 449-63.

POLITICAL SCIENCE: territory as a factor in. 297- 313 ; foreign policy of large states, 462; " Weg- weiser durch die neuere Lheratur der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaften," 6 537 ; advantage of delegated power, 683-94; disadvantages,^.^-., bureaucracy, 695, 697; decentralization, neces- sity of, 817 ; [uc 136, 429, 725, 879 ; 6c 132, 422, 717, 874] ; (see also Political geography).

Politische Correspondenz, 6c 873 ; Pollard, H. F., 6c 873.

POOR LAWS: ac 429; (see Charities).

POOR RELIEF: Grievance of the west (excessive wages of laborers due to excessive poor relief), 06126; (see also Dependents).

POPULATION: Malthusianism denied, 117; [ac 136. 429, 726; 6c 133].

POPULISM: Populism in a state institution, a 392-404 ; [ac 429].

Porter, Dwight, 08 574; Porter, R. P., 86-96, 361.

POSITIVISM : [6c 133, 425].

POSTAL REFORM : [00879],

POSTAL SAVINGS BANKS: [oc 429, 726; 6c 130, 715].

Potter, 7716256; Potthast, August, br 421 ; Potts, 841, 847.

POVERTY : causes of, programme and bibliography, mb 101 ; effect on morals, 116; Statistical study of the causes of poverty, a 614-21; [ac 726]; (see also Charities) .

Powell, E. P., br 873 ; Powell, J. W., 263, 763. 764 J Powers, G. W., 60873; Prager, Max, 6r7is; Pressense, M. F. de, 213 ; Price, L. L., br 422 ;

Priestley, 535; Princeton university, bs 576.

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