< Page:American Journal of Sociology Volume 3.djvu
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May-for February-April. CONDUCTED BY C. H. HASTINGS.


Explanation. Titles not starred represent new publications announced in the standard pub- lishers' lists since the last issue of the bibliography. A star prefixed 'to a title indicates that it was taken from a review of the work in the periodical cited after the title. It may or may not be a new announce- ment. The arithmetical signs following the citation to a review indicate the tenor of the review: X, uncertain ; +, favorable ; , unfavorable; + , favorable, but with reservations ; - + , unfavorable,

but with commendation ; + -f- , very favorable ; very unfavorable ; + + -, very favorable, but with

reservations ; + , very unfavorable, but with commendation. Absence of any sign indicates that

review has not been read. The publication date when not given is understood to be the current year. Prices quoted are usually for volumes bound in cloth in the case of American and English books, in paper in the case of all others.

Abbreviations. See at end of Bibliography.

Anthropology and Ethnology.

Dubois, J. A. Hindu manners, customs, & cere- monies, tr. from the French, a v. L., Henry Frowde, 1897. 770 pp. 8vo. S. ai. (Athe- naeum, Ja. 8 -- ) (Nation, F. ai + )

Ehrenreich, Paul. Anthropologische Studien iiber die Urbewohner Brasiliens, vornehmlich der

Staaten Matto Grosso, Goyaz u. Amazonas

. . . Braunschweig, Viewig & Sohn, 1807.

167 pp. 4to; mit Abbldgn. M. 75. (DL.,

F. xa+ + ) Lorenz, Ottokar. Lehrbuch der gesammten wis-

senschaftlichen Genealogic. Stammbaum u.

Ahnentafel in ihrer geschichtl., sociolog. u.

naturwissenschaftl. Bedeutung. Br., Besser.

489 pp. 8vo. M . q. Meyer, E. H. Deutsche Volkskundc. Strass-

burg, K. J. Triibner. 350 pp. 8vo. M. 6.

(Globus,73:33 + f) (IX., Mr. xa) Pandian, T. B. Indian village folk: their works

ft wars. L., Elliot Stock. aa4 pp. 8vo. $.4.6. Renel, Ch. L'cVolution d'un mythe. ... P.,

Masson, 1896. 300 pp. 8vo. (Annales de 1'Uni-

versitc de Lyon.) Ueber die Geschlechtsliebe. Ein Beitrag zu ihrer

Metaphysik. I.;... <>. Weber. 35 pp. 8vo.

M. 1.50. Walsh, W. S. Curiosities of popular customs and

of rites, ceremonies, observances & miscella- neous antiquities. L., Gibbings. 1018 pp.

8vo. S. ta, 6. Young, E. The kingdom of the yellow robe, being

ketches of the domestic & religious rites ft

ceremonies of the Siamese. Edinburgh, T. &

T. Constable. 410 pp. 8vo. S. 15.

Biology, Evolution, and Science.

Frankland, P. & Mrs. P. Pasteur. N. Y., Mac- mill an Co. 234 pp. 8vo. $i. (Outlook, Mr. to + ) (Academy, Mr. 5 +)

M tiller, F. M Auld lang syne. N. Y., Chas. Scribner'. Sons. 395 pp. Bvo. S?. (A the- num, F. * +) (Ac^kmy, for. * +) (Critic, Mr. t + +)

Charities. Annual charities register & digest. Intro, by C. S.

Loch. L., Longmans, Green & Co. 8vo. S. 4. Beneficenza (La) elemosiniera a Venezia: ricordo

per 1'anno 1897 (congregazione di carita dl

Venezia). Venezia, tip. societa, M. S. com*

positori tipografi, 1897. 185 pp. 8vo. Christlich-sozial. Em Handbuch f. Jedermann.

Br., Vaterlandische Yerlagsanstalt. 59 pp.

8vo. M. 0.35. Congrcs (deuxicme) national d'assistance, tenu

. . . 1897 a Rouen et au Havre. T. icr.

Rouen, impr. Gy. 449 pp. 8vo. Deutsche Verem fur Armenpflege u. Wohlthatig-

keit. 34. Hft. Lp., Duncker & Humblot. 138

pp. 8vo. M. 3.40. Fry, H. Royal guide to the London charities.

L., Chatto & Wundus. Ed. 34. 326 pp. 8vo.

S. i, 6. Hertzberg, G. V. August Hermann Francke u.

sein Hallisches Waisenhaus . . . Halle,

Buchh. des Waisenhauses. 164 pp. 8vo. M.

0.60. Mackay, Thomas. The state & charity. N

Macmillan Co. 301 pp. zamo. $i. (Eng- lish Citizen ser.) Nicholls, Sir George. History of the English poor

law in connection with the state of the country < condition of the people. New ed.,

containing revisions made by author & a biog- raphy b/H. G. Willink. N. Y., G. P. Put-

nam s Sons, a v. $10. Parturier, Ix>uis. L'assistance h Paris sous 1'ancim

regime et pendant la Revolution ... P..

lil>r. I .arose, 1897. Reclus, Elisee. L'6volution, r^vohition, et PioVal

anarchique. P., libr. Stock. 30* pp. i8mo.

F. 3-50.


Hamburg* Vergangenheit i

Sammlung v. Ansichten der huionaieds*

ii. historisch bekannten alten u. neun

u. Quai-Anlagen, Schiffen, Plaice, Markte.

< Reprints of tin* bibliography will be furnished at to cts. per copy, or 50 cts. for the volume of six numbers. An index and title page will accompany the last number of the volume.


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