July (for May-June), - - 129-34
November ( for July-September), 417-26
March (for November- February), .... 713-21
May (for March-April), - - 869-76
Anthropology, 129, 417, 869. Biology, evolution, science, 129, 417, 713, 869. Charities, 129, 417, 713, 869; 11165,129,417,714,869; Criminology and penology, 129, 418, 714, 870. Education, 130, 418, 714, 870; Ethics, philosophy, and psychology, 131, 418, 714, 870. Family, 130, 715, 870; Finance and taxation, 130, 419, 715, 871. History, 130, 420, 715, 871. International law, 131, 421, 716. Labor, 131, 421, 716, 874. Political economy, 131, 422, 716, 874; Political science,
132, 422, 717, 874. Religion and the churches, 132, 423, 717, 875. Sanitary and domestic science, 718, 875 ; Socialism, 133, 424, 718, 875 ; Sociology: general works, 133, 424, 719,875; Statistics,
133, 425, 720. Unclassified, 136, 720.
July (for May-June), - I34~37
November (for July-September), 426-32
March (for November- Februar - - - 722-28
May (for March-April), 876-80
Administration, 426; ./Esthetics. 722; Africa, 134,426, 876; Agriculture, 134, 426,722, 876; American republics, 722; Anthropology, 427, 722, 876; Anthropometry, 876; Arbitration, industrial, 427, 876; Arbitration, international, 134, 876; Architecture, 877; Armies, 722, 876; Art, 134, 876; Astronomy, 134 ; Australia, 134; Austria, 877. Biography, 134,427, 722. Canals, 134, 427, 722; Capital, 427, 722 ; Census, 722 ; Charities, 134, 427, 722 ; Children, 135, 427, 722 ; China, 427, 722 ; Christianity, 135, 722; Churches, 135, 427, 722; Cities, 135,427, 722, 877; Civil service, 427, 722; Coal, 722, 877 ; Coast defenses, 722 ; Collectivism,! 723 ; Commerce, 723, 877 ; Communism, 427, 722; Completion, 135; Constitution, 723,877; Constitutional law, 135; Consumers' leagues, 733 ; Contract, 427; Convention, 877; Cooperation, 135, 427, 722; Corporations, 427; Courts, 723; Credit, 723 ; Crete, 135 ; Criminology and penology, 135, 427, 723, 877 ; Cuba, 135, 427, 723, 877. Democracy, 427, 723, 877 ; Direct legislation, 723 ; Divorce, 428, 723 ; Domestic, 135, 723, 877 ; Drainage, 877 ; Duel, 877. Eastern question, 135. 428 ; Education, 135, 428, 723, 877 ; Elections, 135, 7231877; Electricity, 135, 723; Employment agencies, 428; Equality, 428; Ethics, 135,428, 877; Ethnology, 135, 428, 723, 877 ; Europe, 135, 723, 877 ; Evolution, 135, 428, 723, 877 ; Exposition, 135. Factory inspection, 428, 723 ; Family, 135, 428, 723, 877 ; Federalist, 428 ; Finance, 135, 498,
723, 877; Food, 428, 723, 877; France, 135,428,723, 877; Friendly visiting, 724; Futures, 135. Garbage, 135, 724; Gas, 428,724; George Junior Republic, 724; Germany, 724, 878; Girls' friendly societies, 724; Grain, 724; Great Britain, 136,428, 724, 878; Greece, 136. Hard times, 136; Hawaii, 428, 724; Health, 428; Heredity, 428, 724, 879; History, 136, 428, 724, 878; Hours of labor, 724; Housing, 136, 428, 724, 878; Hypnotism, 428. Ideals, 724,878; Immigration, 136, 428, 724; India, 136, 724; Individualism, 724, 878; Industry, 136, 878; Inheritance, 878; Injunction, 724,878; Inner mission ,136; Insanity, 429; Institutional churches, 724; Insurance, 136, 499, 794, 878; Intemperance, 724 ; Interest, 429; Internationalism, 136; International law, 429, 724 ; Inter- state commerce, 429 ; Invention, 429, 878; Ireland, 878; Iron, 724; Irrigation, 136; Italy, 136,499.
724. Japan, 136, 429,878; Jersey, Isle of, 724; Jews, 724, 878; Jury, 429, 724. Labor, 136,409, 724, 878; Land. 429, 725, 878 ; Language, 136; Law, 725; Legislation, 429, 725,878; Libraries, 136; Lighting, 795; Liquor question, 136,429, 725; Literature, 136; Lodging houses, 725; London, 725; Luxury, 725; Lynching, 878. Hachinery, 725 ; Manual training, 409, 795; Missions, 795, 878; Mexico, 878; Monetary commission, 725 ; Money, 429,725; Monopolies, 4*9; Mothers, 136; Municipal ownership, 725; Municipal reform, 429; Musee social, 725. Navies, 795,878; Negroes, 136,429, 725; Neighborhood guilds, 725 ; Newfoundland, 136; Newspapers, 878 ; New York, 795. Old-age pensions, 725 ; Outdoor relief, 725. Padrone system, 136; Patriotism, 878 ; Pauperism, 499 ; Peace, 878; People's banks, 136,490,795; Pedagogy, 49 ; Penology, 4*9; Philadelphia, 795, 878;
Philosophy, n6, 499, 795; Police, 795; Political economy, 136, 49, 75. 878; Political sci :