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ABBREVIATIONS. The following abbreviations prefixed to page indicate the character of the matter :

Article published in this volume of the JOURNAL Abstract of an article

. Article in current bibliography (Bibliography of Sociology) Book (by person named or with title given) mttmuA . Book in current bibliography (Bibliography of Sociology) with reference to a review of same (Bibliography of Sociology) or article in a special bibliography (Bibliography of Sociology) Miscellaneous bibliography (not in Bibliography of Sociology) Book reviewedby

Book in current bibliography (Bibliography of

Book in current bibliography, with reference to a review of same {Bibliography of Sociology 1 ) Book

N. B This index may be used as a bibliographical index to the reprints of the Bibliography of Sociology by noticing that all references having ac, be, 6s prefixed to number of page refer to titles in the Bibiiojrraphy of Sociology. In the case of subject headings such references are placed at the cad in brackets. As the page numbering refers in every case to the paging of the JOURNAL, these numbers should be written on the corresponding pages of the reprints. Pages of reprints correspond to pages of JOURNAL as follows: 1-16 = 120-44; i7-3 = 47-3*; 33-48 = 661-76; 49-64 = 73~8 ; 65-78-864-75.

Errata. For pages 877, 878, 879, 880 read 876, 877, 878, 879.

Abbott, F. M., ab 271 ; Abbott, Lyman, mb 106, 256; Abel, Mrs. H., bsyj\; Aberdeen, Co mb 103; Abramowski, Edouard, ab 416, 552; Actes, be 130; Adams, Brooks. 822; Adams, H. B., bs 575; Adams, H. C., mb 253; Addams, Jane. 125, 174, 176, mb 104, 255.

^ESTHETICS: an &, 67; [ac 722; be 714, 715, 720, 721].

AFRICA : division of, 304 ; [ac 134, 426, 877 ; be 420, 7x7, 871, 874].

AGRICULTURE : [ac 134, 426, 722, 877 ; be 130, 720, 876, 877 J.

Albanel, L., <r 713; Alberoni, 308; Albert!, Guis. be 131 ; Albrecht, Paul, 42 ; Alden. G. H., be 420 ; Alexander III, be 130; Allen, Grant, br 717; Allgemeine Bibliographic, be 133; Alliance co- operative Internationale, be 721 ; Almanach, be 133, 717 ; Almy, Frederic, 709 ; Alterthumsvereine, be 714 ; Am F.nde, be 719; American & English railroad cases, be 720; Am. library asso., bs 575.

Ammon, 314, 315, 319, 326, 327.

AMUSEMENTS: program & bibliography, mb 109.

ANALOGY: fascination of, 258; character of, 260.

ANARCHISM : " A criticism & history of the an- archist theory," 704; impracticability of, 826;

Andfcf, Charles, be 424, 875 ; Andrews, C. M., be

130, 420.

ANGLO-SAXONS: [<*< 420, 717]. Annie, be 4x8 ; Annales, be 422 ; Annuaire, be

'3'. 33. 425. 713, 717, 874; Annual, be 869;

Annuario, be 422; Ansiaux, Maurice, br 131. ANTHROPOLOGT : study of, at Paris, 210 ; origin of Fundamental laws of anthropo

ab 861 ; [ac 427, 722, 877 ; be too, 869] ; (set <//0 Criminology and penology). ANTHROFOMETRY : Criminal in Mexico, i6[ac

877). Appy, F., /- 414; Arbeits- u. Leoeosverhllt., be

A*nrrKATK>s, Is-nrsiRiAi Rights of capital and labor, and induitrial conciliation, ab 553; [ac 427,722,877; Pf 7'6. 874]-


ARISTOCRACY : functions, 544 ; desires, 633 [be 876).


A H M I K <<


't 336, 378, 701.

f<"-7, 877;


be 719!.

Arnnperger, Walth., be 418.

ART: at settlements, 180; social possibilities of

812 ; [ac 134, 877 ; be 134, 877]. ASCETICISM: nature, 508-11; pessimism ft, 533-4. Ashton, J., be 715.

ASIA : states of and their territory, 303 [be 420]. ASTRONOMY : [ac 134 ; be 718]. Asturio, A., br 133, 435; Atkinson, Edward, 79,

80, bs 573 ; Audifferent, G., be 133 ; Audler, 213 ;

Augereau, 237. AUSTRALIA : federation of, 302, 304 [ac 134 ; be

131, 420, 425, 717 872!. AUSTRIA : [ac 877 ; PC 133, 426, 714, 720], Ayres, P. W., bs 575; PC 131, 134.

M., 13, 16, 17; Bachofen, 763 ; 717; Baden- Powell, B. H., br

130, 422;

Vf.,pr 7 i

Bahrfeldt, M., be 419; Baker. G. H.,>J 5 7 S ;

Baker, M. N., Jc 134, br 720; Bailey, L. H.,

be 720; Baker, mb 250, 253; Bakounine, 550;

Baldwin, J. M., ab 126, 559, 477, 516; b 541, br

7x9 ; Balicki, b 123 ; Ballerini, G.. PC 870. BALTIMORE: bs 575 ; [be 418]. Bancroft, H. H , 767, 773. BANKING: see Finance. Banks. L. A., bs 573; Banz, Placidus, be 425;

Bardon, Eugene, be 874; Barnard, C. F., J*

Ka; Barnaud, Charles, be 7x4; Harriett, S. A., 573: Barrat, 2x4; Bartels, Max, 50; Barth, Paul, b 700. be 425; Basch. Victor, br 7*0; Bascom, John, br 718 ; Bastable, mb 253. br 720; Bastian, 712; Bates, R. C., a 577-600; Hattel,759; Baudrillart, H. t pc 7*0; Baumgartrn, P. M., PC 875.

Bax. E. B., be 425: Baxter, mb 250; Bain be 7x5 ; Bear, W. E., ab 126 ; Beauchet. Ludovic , be 133; Beaurin-Grossier, be 719; Beatley. C. R., be X34, br 720; Bcbel, 704. be 7x8. 873; Beccarias, 535 ; Beer. Guil., be 71} ; Bell, fames, br 417, 714 ; Bellamy, Kdward, br 4*4, bs 573 ; Be. e. /c x 3 x;:Beloch, Julius, fr

4,20 \V., mb a49, *>; Bendteiya.

3r86o; Bennett. G.C..A* 573 ; Benolst. Cfcariw, br 422. 871; Bensa, M, B., *r 7; Benson. E.W., br 7x8 ; Bentham, sj}5 : B*ran1. oe 404; Berdyc/ewski, M. J., Ar 714; B-

BERLIN : [be 417, 714] ; (ttt aho Cities). Bembeim, Gustav, oc 870.

Berthold. P., be 134 1 BettllU, J..


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