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Leipziger Studien aus dem Gebiet der Geschichte. Hrsg. v. G. Buchholz, K. Lamprecht, E. Marcks. u. G. Seeliger. 4 Bd. 2 Hft. Lp.. Dunckerft Humblot. 120 pp. 8vo. M. 2.80.

Lincoln, C. H. Rousseau ft the French Revolu- tion. Ph., Am. Acad. of Pol. & Soc. Sc. 72 pp. 8vo. 25 cts.

Lumbroso, Alberto. . Napoleone I e PInghiI{erra. Rome, Modes & Mendel. 514 pp. (AHR., O.

McCarthy, Justin. A history of our own times, from 1880 to the Diamond Jubilee. N. Y., Harper. 473 pp. xamo. $1.75. (Critic, O. 2 + J (Academy, Je. 12 ) ( Athenaeum, Je. 5

Marx, K. Eastern question: A reprint of letters written 1853-56, dealing with events of the Crimean War. Ed. by Eleanor & Ed. Ave- lin. L., Swan Sonnenschien. 672 pp. 8vo. S. 10.6.

Maspero, G. The struggle of the nations : Syria, & Assyria. N. Y., D. Appleton & 794 pp. $7.50. (Nation, Jl. 15++)

Miller. William. The Balkans, Roumania, Bul-

Siria, Servia. & Montenegro. (Story of the ations.) N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. ?? op. 8vo. (Critic, Ag. 21 +) (Dial, Ag. i

Monod, Gabriel. Portraits ft souvenirs (Victor Hugo; Michelet; Fustel de Coulanges; V. Duruy; J. Darmsteter; Bayreuth en 1876; le jubilc des Nibelungen; le mystere de la pas- sion a Ober-Ammergau). P., Chaix. 367 pp. i8mo. F. 3.50.

Morris, W. O*C. Hannibal, soldier, statesman,

  • Strack, M. L. Die Dynastie der Ptolemaer. Br.,

Hertz. 294 pp. 8vo. M. 7. (LC., Jl. 10+ +) (DL., Ag.7 + -)

Sybel, H. von. The founding of the German Em- pire by William I. Tr. by Helene Schimmel- fennig White, in 6 vols. Vol. 6. N. Y., T.


Y. Crowell & Co. 452 pp. 8vo. $2.

r. H. F. History of ancient geography. N.

Y., Macmillan Co. 387 pp. 8vo. $2.60. (Cam-

bridge geographical series J

  • Treitschke, Heinrich von. Historische u. poli-

tische Aufsatze. Lp., Hirzel. 664 pp. 8vo.

M.S. (LC.,My. 22++)

  • Trent, W. P. Southern statesmen of the old

regime. N. Y., T. Y. Crowell & Co., 1806.

293 pp. i2mo. $2. (AAP., Jl. + + -) (Critic,

Jl. 17+ +-)

  • Tsountas, Chrestos, & Manatt, J. I. The My-

cenzan age: A study of the monuments &

culture of pre- Homeric Greece. B., Hough-

ton, Mi ffl in & Co. 417 pp. 8vo. $6. (AHR.,

TI.+ + ) (Am. Antiquarian, Je.+ +)

  • Tyler, M. C. A history of American literature

during the Colonial times, 1607-1795. 2 vols.

N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. 521 pp. 8vo.

$3. (Critic. Jl. 17++) (Athenaeum, Ag. 14

+ +-) (Diaf! S. io++)

  • Waliszewski, K. Peter the Great 2 vols. Tr.

fr. French. N. Y., D. Appleton & Co. 635

pp. 8vo. $1.60. (Critic. S. 4-f-f ) (Academy

Jl. 24+) (Athenzum, Jl.io+-) LoQR., O.

X) Whitman, C. S. Imperial Germany: A critical

study of fact and character. Meadville, Pa.,

Flood & Vincent. 330 pp. lamo. $i.

patriot; & the crisis of the struggle between Winsor, J. The westward movement: Thestrug- Carthage & Rome. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's gle for the trans-Allegheny region, 1763-97,

Sons. 376 pp. i2mo. $1.50. Monumenta Germanise histonca: Libel li de lite

imperiatorum et pontificum saeculis n u. 12

conscripti. Tom. 3. Hannover, Hahn. 775

pp. M. 25. Musatti, Eug. La storia politica di Venezia se-

condo le ultime ricerche. Padova, fratelli

Gallina. 511 pp. 8vo.

  • Nelon,O. N.,ed. H istory of the Scandinavians &

successful Scandinavians in the United States.

2 vols. Minneapolis, The Author. (AHR.,

O.+ + -) Petrie. W. M. F. A history of Egypt, during the

i7th & i8th dynasties. Vol. 2. N. Y., imp.

by C. Scribne/s Sons. (Critic, S. 18 + )

  • Potthast, August. Bibliotheca historica medii

aevi. Wegweiser durch die Geschit :

des europaischcn M ittelalters bis 1500. 2. Aufl.

B., Weber, 1806. 2 vols. 8vo. M. 48. (DZG.,

8:3+ + -) (AHR., U.+ +-) Reuss, Rodolphc. L* Alsace au i7 c siccle au

point de vue geographique, hiMorique, ad-

ministratif, econpmique, social, intellectual &

religieux. P., K. lion i I Ion. 743 pp. 8vo. Schulthes*. EuropSischer Geschichtskalender

1896. Munchen, Beck. 380 pp. 8vo.

(LC.,11. 3 + -) Schultze, "Walther. Deutsche Geschichte von der

Urzeit bis zu den Karolingern. Stuttgart,

with cartographical ill. B. lamo.

  • Wolkonsky, Prince Serge. Pictures of Russian

history & Russian literature. B.. Lamson, Wo!ffe&Co. 283 pp. 8vo. $2. (Nation. Jl.

Cotta,i896. 548pp. 8vo. M.6. (Bibliotheke

deutcher Geschichte.) (LC., My. + ) Scudder, H. K. A new hl.tory of the United

State- 'Idon&Co. 536 pp. iamo.

$i. (Nation, Ag. 19 + +) Shepherd. W. R. History of proprietary govt. in

Pennnylvania. (Columbia Univ. Studies.) . Ma. millan Co., 1896. 6oi pp. 8vo.

$4.50. (AAP..S. + ) Sloane, W.M. Life of Napoleon Bonaparte. 4

volt. Vol. 3. 410. N. Y., Century Co.

(< 'ritic, Je. l+ )

International Law.

Blavot, Henri. De 1'intervention. P., Arthur

Rousseau. 200 pp. 8vo.

  • Engelhardt, Ed. Protectorats anciens et mo-

dernes. P., Pedone. 231 pp. 8vo. (RHD.,

": 3)

  • Keasbey, L. M. The Nicaragua canal & the Mon-

roe doctrine. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons,

1806. 622 pp. 8vo. $3.50. (PSQ.,Je.X)

  • Stoerk, Felix. Die Litteratur des internationalen

Recht, 1884-94. (Turistischer Literaturbe-

richt). Lp., J. C. Hinrichs, 1896. 327-366 pp.

8vo. M.I. (RDI.,29: 2+ -)


  • Die Arl><-it><- tind Lebensverhaltnisse der Wirncr

Lohnarbeiterinnen. Protokollder Knqi! n.irbeit, abgehalten in Wien, i8<y Wiener Volksbuchh. 686 pp. 8vo. M. 6. (ZVS., 6:3. -f-f)

Bctrocchi. Car. II contralto di lavoro neireco- i e nel diritto. Napoli, N. Jovenc e C 650 pp. 8vo. L. 10.

.line, Arthur. Les greves ft la conciliation.

P., A. Colin. 02 pp. i6mo. (RefS., Ag. i +)

c. Office du travail. Document* ur la

onduCbomage. P.. Irnpr. National, 1896.

198 pp. 8vo. (Jour. Roy. Stat. Soc., Je. X)

Frankenstein, Kuno. Der Arbeitenchutt. Lp.,

l.feld, 1896. 384 pp. 8vo. M. n. (EcJ.. Je. -f-)

>. Der allgemeine Arbeitsnachwei* schland im j. 1896. Br., C. HeymannU

68pp. 410 M. a.

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