ARTICLES. PAl K ALTMANN, S. P. Simmel's Philosophy of Money 4& BELIN, II. E. The Civil War as Seen Through Southern Glasses - - - 259 BOYLE, JAMES E. The Union Label 163 BRANFORD, VICTOR V. The Origin and Use of the Word " Sociology " - 145 COPE, FRANCIS R., JR. A Model Municipal Department. I - 459 II - - 631 DAY, EDWARD. The Treatment of Inferiors in Israel ----- 373 DE GREEK, G. Introduction to Sociology. IV 69 V .-- 226 VI .... 386 VII 549 VIII 690 IX 832 GILES, WILLIAM A. Social Discontent and the Labor Troubles - - - 173 HALSEY, JOHN J. The Genesis of a Modern Prophet 310 KELLER, ALBERT G. Sociology and Homer ------ 37 KING, IRVING. Influence of the Form of Social Change upon the Emotional Life of a People - 124 MACLEAN, ANNIE MARION. The Sweat-Shop in Summer ... 289 MAC QUEARY, T. H. Schools for Dependent, Delinquent, and Truant Children in Illinois -.--I MAURENBRECHER, MAX. The Evangelical Social Congress in Germany - 24 MEIER, WALTER F. What Attitude Should the Government Assume toward the Trusts? 208 Penal Institutions, Report of Committee on- 329 ROBBINS, HAYES. Paralysis of the New York Building Trades in 1903 - - 755 Ross, EDWARD A. Moot Points in Sociology. II. Social Laws - 105 III. The Unit of Investigation 188 IV. The Properties of Group-Units - 349 V. The Social Forces - 526 VI. The Factors of Social Change - - 781 SIMMEL, GEORG. The Sociology of Conflict. I 490 II 672 III - - 798 SMALL, ALBION W. Note on Ward's "Pure Sociology." I - - - 404 II 567 III 703 SMALL, ALBION W. Albert Schaeffle - - - 708 THOMAS, W. I. The Psychology of Race-Prejudice ..... 593
Vincent, George E. Spencer the Man ....... 709 Woodhead, Howard. The First Municipal Exposition. I - - - - 433 II 612 III - 812 Yarros Victor S. The Labor Question and the Social Problem - - 768
REVIEWS. Annuaire-Almanack de l'action populaire.—C. R. H. 729 Armenwesen, Das öffentliche, in Hamburg während der Jahre 1893-1902.—Charles R. Henderson - - - - 271 Bosco, Augusto. La Delinquenza in Vari Stati di Europa.—Charles R. Henderson 270 Bourgeois et Croiset. Essai d'une philosophie de la solidarité.—J. H. Tufts 585 Bowman, Harold M. The Administration of Iowa.—C. E. Merriam - - 723 Brown, William G. The Lower South.—Edwin E. Sparks - - - - 140 Deschamps, Louis. Principes de morale sociale.—W. I. T. - - - 274 Draghicesco, D. Le problème du déterminisme social.—Ira W. Howerth - 415 Dopp, Katerine E. Industrial and Social History Series.—Frank A. Manny 724 Du Bois, W. E. B. The Souls of Black Folk.—T. B. Steward 136 Guerrero, Julio. Génesis del Crimen en México.—Frederick Starr - 712 Gulick, Sidney L. Evolution of the Japanese.—Edmund Buckley - - 716 Hadley, Arthur T. Freedom and Responsibility. —Albion W. Small - 721 Harper, Robert F. The Code of Hammurabi. —G. E. V. - - 729 Keller, A. G. Queries in Ethnography. —C. R. H. 726 Labor, New York State Department of, Second Annual Report. —C. R. H. - - 845 Lang, Andres. Social Origins. Henry Jones Ford 840 Letourneau, Ch. La condition de la femme dans les diverses races et civilisations. —W. I. T. --- 273 Mathews, William. Conquering Success. —A. W. S. - - - 417 Menger, Anton. Neue Staatslehre. —A. W. S. 729 Metchnikoff, Élie. The Nature of Man. —Albion W. Small 580 Michelis, E. L'origine degli Indo-Europei. —Ira W. Howerth - - - 137 Milhoud, Edgard. La démocratie socialiste allemande. —C. R. H. - 272 Morale sociale. Leçons professées au Collège libre des Sciences sociales. —C. R. H. 727 Ponzal, Abel. La recherche de la paternité. —Charles R. Henderson 139 Ratzel, Friedrich. Politische Geographic. —Charles R. Henderson - - 271 Richard, Gaston. L'idée d'évolution dans la nature et l'histoire. —C. R. H. - 273 Roberts, Peter. Anthracite Coal Communities. —C. R. Henderson. - - 844 Ross, Edward A. Social Control. —Albion W. Small 576 Rousiers, Paul de. Hambourg et l'Allemagne contemporaine. —C. R. H. - 728 Seilhac, Léon de. Les grèves. —C. R. H. 272 Semple, Ellen C. American History and its Geographic Conditions. —Edwin E. Sparks 586 Thompson, W. The Housing Handbook. —C. R. H. 730 Vandervelde, Émile. L'exode rural et le retour aux champs. —C. R. H. 728
Ward, Lester F. Pure Sociology.—H. Heath Bawden 408 Worms, René. Philosophie des sciences sociales.—George E. Vincent - - 268 Zeitlin, Leon. Fürst Bismarcks socialwirthschafts- und steuerpolitische Anschauungen.—Charles R. Henderson 587 Zueblin, Charles. American Municipal Progress.—Milo R. Maltbie - - 843
NOTES AND ABSTRACTS. July - - - 141 September 275 November 418 January -- 5 8 8 March 73* May .....-.-.---.- 846 |