of welfare derived from the life of more favored communities, and from the aspirations and ambitions of the best persons among the miners themselves. We welcome this book as a distinct and inspiring con- tribution to the knowledge of our varied national life and an illus- tration of the fruitfulness of the sociological method of analysis of a subject.
Second Annual Report of the Department of Labor of the State of New York, 1902. Vol. I.
THIS volume contains reports of the commissioner of labor, of the Free Employment Bureau, of the Bureau of Factory Inspection, and of the Bureau of Mediation and Arbitration. Mr. John McMackin, the commisisoner, gives the facts relating to factories and employees, child-labor, the investigations by the Bureau of Statistics of Labor, the recent decisions relating to the trade unions, labor legislation, etc. The Twentieth Annual Report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1902, is part of the work of the commissioner of labor. All we can do here is to call attention to these new mines of statistical and descriptive materials. They will be exploited in special discussions.
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