{ Is there a laundry ?
I Where located ?
\ Is there a drying-room ?
j Where?
[ Is use of these included in the rent ?
\ Is there a fuel bin ?
\ Where?
( Is there a garden ?
1 Is use of it included in the rent ? . .
In what directions do the rooms face (i. e. t south, west, etc.) ?
How many families does the building accommodate ?
Is building detached, or in a row ?
How many dwellings on each floor ?
Are there arrangements for shops or workrooms ?
What arrangements, and in which stories ?
Is there a special entrance to these?
For small ( Would you rent to workmen who would ply their trade in the dwellings | house (e. g., shoemakers, tailors, etc.) ?
Are there any special conditions concerning subletting?
Is subletting allowed or forbidden ?
At what hours may the dwelling be inspected ?
Apply to whom (name and address) ?
Special remarks,
For immediate use in the office, cards, differing in size and in color for one-room, two-room, three-room dwellings, etc., are catalogued systematically. An example follows.
Street and Number
Rent (per year)
When ready
Apply to
Hours for inspectio
Besides the differences as to size, dwellings are further differ- entiated, in the card catalogue, as to (i) with shops (or stores) ; (2) with workrooms, but no shop; (3) with special rooms other
than these (e.g., studios, etc.).