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at Portland, and then a similar decision set them free. Arthur Stevenson brought over a third group in the following January without molestation. Altogether, twenty-four or five experts came in, with wives and children.

A few weeks after the dedication Dr. Dowie sailed for Europe for a four months' visit, for the purpose of establishing centers of influence in London and other cities. During the four months abroad he held meetings in Paris, London, Manchester, Leeds, Edinburgh, and Belfast, in several of which cities he established permanent missions. He was mobbed by medical students in London and also by those of Leeds Yorkshire College and Owens College, Manchester. About the same time his elders were enduring the same treatment by mobs in Mansfield and Gran- ville, Ohio. But he went his way imperturbably, and in October furnished from London the following statement of creed to the Associated Press :

1. That we recognize the infallibility, inspiration, and sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures as the rule of faith and practice.

2. That no persons can be members of the church who have not repented of their sins and have not trusted in Christ for salvation.

3. That such persons must also be able to make a good profession, and declare that they know in their own hearts that they have truly repented and are truly trusting Christ, and have the witness in a measure of the Holy Spirit.

4. That all other questions of every kind shall be held to be matters of opinion and not matters that are essential to church unity.

And he adds :

The differences between our creed and those of the churches we call apostolic including in that term both the Greek and Roman churches and the Protestant denominations generally is that, while many of these so-called churches hold in theory as we do, they have invented creeds which destroy the supremacy and infallibility and sufficiency of the Word of God, and establish another foundation unknown to the Holy Scriptures namely, the definition of councils, synods, popes, and other official bodies and persons, as being of divine authority.

In order to make it easy to do right, Zion has to isolate her people entirely from the world and its ungodly occupations, both in business and in pleasure. Zion will not withdraw from the world, but Zion aims to rule the world, and to compel the world, which is so largely now in rebellion, to submit to the

love and the rule of God.

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