Set also Cooperation, People's Banks, Syndi- cates.
Anthropology: Anthropologie & democratic, C. Bougie, * MM..J1.
Physical anthropology, G. A. Dorsey, Sc.,Jl.
a university study, J. S. Flagg,
Anthropology of Brittany, Paul Topinard. JAI.,
Ag. Arbitration, Industrial : *Rights of capital & labor
& industrial conciliation, Mrs. C. R. Lowell,
Publications of the Church Social Union, No.
38, (AJS., N.) Education: The training of teachers: the old view
of childhood & the new, Frederic Burk, At- lantic. O. Biography: Thomas Chalmers, Elizabeth Oilman,
ChR., S. Henry Drummond& his books, H. M. Simmons,
NW., S.
John Ruskin, B. O. Flower, A., Jl. The late Professor Wallace, W. H. Fairbrother,
IJE..J1. Career of Francis A masa Walker, C. F. Dunbar,
QJE..JL Francis A. Walker: an address, C. D. Wright,
Am. Statist. Assoc. Publications, Je. Canals: Nicaragua canal commission, L. M.
Haupt, RRN.,5. Our diplomacy in regard to Central American
canals, J. G. Whiteley, NAR., S Capital: see Labor, Wealth. Charities: Elbcrfeld & English poor law systems,
W. Chance, EcJ., S. Poor laws in the U. S., C. R. Henderson, Ch.
R..J1. Sympathy & reason in charitable work, E. T.
Jones, ChR., Je. (AJS..S.) Law relating to relief & care of dependents,
H. M. Miflis,AJS.,N. Modern criticisms of the poor law, L. R. Phelps,
Organized charity, N. S. Rasenau, ChR.. Jl. Problem of pauperism, F. H. Wines, ChR., S. Child-saving: Proposed legislation concerning
children in N. Y., Homer Folkes, ChR., Jl. La protection de 1'enfance, J. Iludry-Menos.
ReS., S. The George Junior Republic, W. I. Hull, AAP.,
Jl. (AJS. S.) Dependent children and family homes, W. P.
Letchworth, ChR., S. Les enfants martvn., Paul Strauss, RP.S. Les hospitaux d enfants a Paris et a Londres,
Dr. Variot, RP.. S. China: La fin de rimmobilisme chinois, Albert
I'ouvourville, ReS., Ag Churches: Growth of religious tolerance in the U.
I ymann Abbott, F..AK.
Warfare of science with theology, Walton Batter- shall, NAR., Jl. Social evolution & the diuretics, Henry Davics,
The sects, Howard Evan*. CoK " The Christian," F. W. Farrar, CoK Le role social de l'cglie 2k travers les siecles,
A. Harnack, Revue de thcologie et de phi- losophic, My-Jl. Les luttes entre T'igllse ft Pciat au XIX? niecle.
i. Les causes. Etiennc I ..->,>. RDM., Ag. 15. Stake of the church in the social movement,
Walter Rauschenbusch. AJS., Jl. I. a question rrligieuse, Cletnence Royer, I
manitr Nouvellr
Citirs: New York should own its gas supply, nicipal Affairs, 1*. . Ag.
The city's purse, H. D. Baldwin, Municipal Re- form, Je.
Municipal govt. of Berlin, F. W. Blackmar, F. Ag.
Le mairie central de Paris, A. Combarien, RPP..
Shiftless & floating city population, E. T. De- vine, AAP., S.
Electric power & light from city refuse, the Shoreditch Enterprise, S., O.
Non-partisanship in municipal govt., R. P. Flower & F. D. Pavey, F., Jl.
No govt. should operate an industry, A. R. Foote, Municipal Affairs, Je.
Upward movement in Chicago, H. B. Fuller, Atlantic, O.
La transformation de Rome en capitale moderne, M. A. Geffrey, RDM., S. 15.
Washington city government, C. Meriwcther,
Greate/New York charter, J. W. Pryor, AAP.,
Problem of next century's city, Josiah Strong,
NAR., S.
Am. institute of civics, H. W. Waite, A., Jl. Progress of municipal reform, C. R. Woodruff,
Municipal Reform, Je. Civil service: Shall the civil service orders be
amended? G. B. Raum, NAR., Ag. A radical defect in our civil-service law, Duncan
Veazey, F., Jl. Communism: Le communisme en Amerique, Th.
Bentzon, RDD., O. i. Contract: .Right of contract, F. B. Thurber,
NAR., S. Cooperation : Failure of cooperation. Joseph Asch-
land,EcR.,Jl. Cooperative stores in New England, E. W. Bemis,
QJE..J1. Cooperative stores in U. S., Edward Cummings,
QJE., Ap. (AJS., S.) Corporations: Nature of corporations, J. P. Davis,
PSQ.,Je. (AJS.,S.) Criminology & Penology: Einfluss drs Alkohol-
ismus auf Verbrecnen, Dr. Aschrott, BG.,
31: i. II suicidio considerate sotto I'aspetto sociologies,
.rkheim, RilS.Jl. The delinquent in art & literature, Enrico
Fcrri. Atlantic, Ag. Idea of murder among men & animals, G.
Ferrero, PSM.. ( >. Die Strafanstalten Ungarns, Prof. Finger. BG.,
31 : i.
Egyptian prisons, Arthui Griffiths, NAR.,8. Le suicide en Chine, Matignon. AAC.. Jl. 15. Treatment of prisoners, W. D. Morrison, 1JE.,
La population des prisons italiennes, Ixniis Paoli,
RPe., Jl. Segregation & permanent isolation of criminals,
Norman Robinson, A., Ag. La question pcnale au point de vue ethique,
Wladimir Solovicff, RIS., j|. (AJS., N.) Study of the criminal in Mexico, Frederick Starr,
A/S..J1. Cuba : Provisional government of the Cubans, T.
- i democratic sociale chre"tienne,
De la Tour-du-Pin Chambly, AC., Ag.
Unrecognized essence of democracy, W. H. Mai- Despotism of democracy, Franklin Smith, PSM.,
A jr. II < i.ino della democraxia, G. To-
>., Jl.
rnir de la democratic, G. Tosti, RIS., My.