Ely. Labor movement, apx. 2. Crocker. Problems, pp. 117-58. Newton. Social &tudif>, p. 175-96. T)r. kainsford on the drink question ; (various authors), (see Lend a Hand, July 1892, 9: 1-18.) Moran, T. F. Gothenburg method of regulating the liquor traffic, (sec Char. Rev., April 1894, ,: 282-7.)
. . - imtitu- temperance. (see Pop.
Month.. Ian. 1^.48:343-54-) Wa.ldle, C. C. A modern misadc (W. C. \ (see Cosmopolitan, July 1891, n : 270-77.") 11 heredity of inebriety.
rican charities, pp. 66-71.
Environment. Hfmlerson. Dependents, pp. 22-33.
Improvement on Environment. PHYSICAL.
Henderson. Dependents, ch. 31. White, F. E. H \ . ,-isof morals. (set-
Pop. Sci. Month., May 1887, 31 : 67-79.)
Henderson. Dependents, ch. 10.
I'owles, Edward. Training schools of the future.
(see Nat. Conf., 1890, pp. 115-30.} Craven, Florence. Servants of the sick poor, (see
Nineteenth Cent., April 1883, 13: 667-78.) Fullerton, A. M. Science of nursinp. (see Nat.
Conf., 1890, pp. 130-39.) Palmer, S. F. The trained nurse, (see Nat. Conf.,
1895, pp. 259-64.) Somervjlle, C. E. M. District nursing, (see Chic.
Intern. Cong., sec. iii, pp. 539-47.) Wald, L. D. Nurses in " settlement " work, (see
Nat. Conf., 1895, pp. 264-7.) Gurteen. Handbook, pp. 94-106. Roosevelt, J. W. Abuse of dispensary charity.
(see Char. Rev., Jan. 1894, 3: 127-31.) Savage, C. C. Dispensaries historically and
locally considered, (see Chic. Inter. Cong., sec.
iii, pp. 630-50.) Beyer, H. G. First aid to the injured, (see Chic.
Inter. Cong., sec. iii, pp. 676-82.) Tobey, R. B. The floating hospital, (see I^nd
a Hand, March 1896, 16: 192-7.)
N. Y. (city)- Public baths and public comfort sta- tions, Mayor's committee on. Report.
Brown, Goodwin. Public baths, (see Char. Rev., Jan. 1893, 2: 143-52.)
I/jngworth, F. S. The people's baths, (see Char. Rev., Jan. 1893, pp. 180-83.)
Chaumont. Habitation in relation to health. Talbot, Marion. Sanitation and sociology, (see
Amer. Jour, of Soc., July 1896, 2: 74-81.) Welch, W. H. Sanitation in relation to the poor.
(see Char. Rev., Feb. 1893,2:203-14.) (Also in
Baltimore Char. Org. Soc. Annual report foi
1892, pp. 22-35.) iVru-r. Sanitary ins]><-. tion of certain tenement
house di^tri' K.
Reynolds, M. T. Housing of the poor in American cities, (in Amer. F.con. Assoc. Publications, Vol. 8, Nos. 2-3.)
Gould. Hou.Miig of the working people.
Flagg, Ernest. New York tenement house evil
and its cure, (see Scribner, July 1894, 16: 108-17.)
(Also in Poor in great cities, pp. 370-92.) New York's great movement for housing reform.
(see Rev. of Rev., Dec. 1896, 14: 693-701.) Porritt, Edward. Housing of the working classes
in I/ondon. (see Pol. Sci. Quar., March 1895, to:
Phillips, E. M. A dock lodging house, (see Fortn. Rev., May 1892, 57:668-77.)
Riis,J. A. Police lodging houses, (see Christian Union, 14 Jan., 1893, 48: 48-85.)
Ring, T. F. Municipal provision, (see Chic. Inter. Cong., sec. i, pp. 117-23.)
Shaw, Albert. Municipal lodging houses. ( set- Char. Rev., Nov. 1891, i : 20-26.)
PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS. Gould, E. R. L. Park areas and open spaces in
cities, (see Amer. Stalls. Assoc. Publications,
June-Sept. 1888, new ser., Nos. 2-3, pp. 49-61.) Hyatt, Alpheus. Next stage in the development of
public parks, (see Atlantic, Feb. 1891, 67 :
215-24.) Olmsted, F. L. The justifying value of a public
park, (see Amer. Soc. Sci. Assoc. Jour., Dec.
1880, 12: 147-64.) Public parks and playgrounds ; a symposium, (see
Arena, July, 1894, 10: 274-87.) Riis, J. A. Playgrounds for city schools. (see
Century, Sept. 1894, 48: 657-66.) Vrooman, Walter. Parks and playgrounds for
children, (see Century, Dec. 1891, 43 : 317-18.)
DOMESTIC SCIENCE. Campbell. Household economics. Abel. Practical sanitary and economic cooking. Atkinson. Science of nutrition. Sellers, Edith. How to organize a people's kitchen
in London, (see Nineteenth Cent., March 1895,
37 : 409-20.)
Improvement on Environment.
Mead. Modern methods of church work. Dickinson, C. A. Problem of the modern city
church, (see Andover Rev., Oct. 1889, la: 355-
Ede. Attitude of the church. Fairchild, E. M. Function of the church. (see
Amer. Jour, of Soc. , Sept. 1896, 2 : 220-33. ) [Also
reprinted in pamphlet form.] Henderson. Dependents, ch. 34.
Crunden, F. M. The free public library. (see Lend a Hand, June 1893, 10: 399-405.)
Jevons. Rationale of free public libraries, (see Cont. Rev., March 1881, 39:385-402.) Also in his Methods of social reform, pp. 28-52.
Larned, J. N. The mission and the missionaries of the book, (see N. Y. (state) University. Pro ceedings of the 34th university convocation, pp. 91-104.)
Cutler, M. S. Sunday opening of libraries, (see Lib. Jour., May 1889, 14: 176-90.)
Eastman, W. R. New aid to popular education, (see Forum, Jan. 1895, 18 : 616-21.)
Jevons W. S. Amusements of the people, (see Cont. Rev., Oct. 1878, 33 : 498-513.) (Also in his
Methods of social reform, pp. 1-27.)