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427. 722, 877 ; be 129, 133, 419, 473, 714, 869] ;

(set also Natural monopolies). CITIZENSHIP: [be 418, 717]. CIVILIZATION : \bc 874]. CIVIL SERVICE: [ac 437,: 71. Clark, mb 252; Clarke, R. F., ^875; Clausewitz,

Karl von, 450; Clay, Henry, 603. CLIMATE : suicide ft, 469. Clodd, E., be 129; Godd, Edwaid, br 417; Clos-

son, C. C., a 3*4-7, 7755 Cowles, W. L., br


CLUBS: saloon vs., 6. COAL: OK: 792. 878]. Cohn, mb 253 ; Coit, Stanton, mb 104, 109, 175 J

    • 573-

COLLECTIVISM : [ac 723].

Colleville, r 875 ; Collignon,3is, 318; Collins. 55. COLONIES: \bc\-\i\. COLORADO: 378, 479, 631 ; (** 130-44]. Colville, J., be 130; Comeniu*. J. A., be 130. COMMERCE : [ac 793, 878 ; be 134, 7*0, 875]. Committee of 50, bs 573 ; Commons, J. R., a 281-

96 J ab 414 ; a 433-48, 709; &s 573. 575 COMMI-NISM: 718; [ac 427, 722; be 133]. COMPETITION: conscience rj., 280; [<w 135]. Compte rendu, be 721. Comte, Auguste. 122, 212, 213, 259, 263, 505, 701,

707, 711, 712, 875.

CONDUCT: results the only criterion of, 331. CONFLICT: Conflict of races, classes, & societies, ab

273. Congres, be 130, 134, 716. 869; Conigliani, A. C.,

be 130.

Conrad, J., 209, be 716, 717; Cons, H., br 134. CONSTITUTION : [ac 723, 878 ; be 132, 420. 423] . CONSTITUTIONAL LAW : [<wi3s; & 423]. CONSULS: [ac 878]. CONSUMERS' LEAGUES: [ac 723]. CONTRACT: |<ic427l. Cooke, mb 107 ; Cooley, C. H., ab 273, 275 ; Cooper,

Peter, bs 572. COOPERATION : Cooperative stores in the U. S., ab

276; of French labor societies, 680; (ac 135, 427,

722, 8?8; be 134, 720, 721, 877]; (see also

Cooperative Union, bs 575 ; Corbett, J. S., be 871 ; Cornelius, Hans, c 714, br 870.

CORN LAWS: [132, 4??]

CORPORATIONS : nature of, 280 ; bribery by, 603-4, 613 ; [ac 427 ; be 130, 419].

Cossa, Luigi, bs 575 ; Coste, Leon be , 874 ; Cou- bertin, Pierre, be 420; Cournot, A., be 716, 874.

Coxe, Tench, 184; Crafts, mb 107, bs 139, 575; Cramer. A., <: 418.

Cre"e, J. A., bcTi\.

CREDIT ASSOCIATIONS: [0^793; 4? 134].

CRETE: [ac 13;].

Crewe, W. O.JJrtf*

CRIMINOLOGY & PENOLOGY : Study of tke crim- inal in Mexico, a 13-17; programme & bibli- ography, mb 256; at the Junior Republic, 284; Penal question from the ethical point of view, ab 414 : Character building at lilmira, a 577-600; Maryland prisoners' aid association, af86o',[ac 135,427,723,878;^ 129, 418,714, 870]-

Crocker, U. H., bs 575; Crooke, W., be 130; Crocker. I. H., bs 573, 575.

CROWDS: The mob mind, ab 412; remedy for the mob mind, 413 ; \be 130, 418!.

Crowell. J. F., b* 139: Croxler, J. B. ( be 133, br 418, 710: Crilger, Hans, ^875.

CRUSADES: [be 131].

' 7]-

Cumberland, 35; Cummin?*, Edward, ab 977, 555; Camming*. I., 380; Cumulative index. ** 375; Cunningham, U. I., 45; Cunningham, W.,

  • 1*1,674 :!.,
  • 1*1,674

7i6;Curti. <;. Vf.,bc 719.

CUSTOM : social control &, 3*8.

Cutler, M. S., bs 573.

Dabney, W. D., be 423; Daenell, E. R., bf 714; Dahn, Felix, br 715; Dallinger, F. W.. Ac 13*;

  • r 77 875; Daniel, AnnaS.. bs 140; Daniels,

W.W',WTix; Dante, 68,651; Dargun, L, voo, T^Si 767, 77. 77i J Darwin. Charles. 38, 40, 964, 513, 524, 708, 711 ; Darwin, Leonard, bf 715. br 871; Dauriac, L., 213; Davenport. H. J., mb 102, b 407 ', br 442; Davidson. John, ab 277; Davidson, J. M., be 716; Davidson, Robert, br 130; Davis, ).P.,m& 950, ab 980.

DEAF: jf? Defectives.

DEATH : Fear of death, ab 454 ; [be 199, 417. 713].

De Coulanges, mb 102.

Deems, C. F., bs 572, 573.

DEFECTIVES: provision of states for relief 01,484.


De Grafenried, Clara, mb 255 ; De Greef, 544, 701, 859 ; Dehn, Paul, be 875 ; Dehon. L.. be 875 ; Delaire.A., 913; Delarc, be 871; Delatour. A., be 717 ; Delaunay, G., 38, 40, 42, 49 ; De Laveleye. mb 102; Delbet, 213; Delbriick, Ant., be 714; Delbruck. S. W., be 424.

DEMOCRACY : Democratic tendencies, ab 198 ; [f 427, 723, 878; be 132].

Demoor, Jean, b 408 ; br 425 ; Demoulins. Edmond, br 420 ; Denkschrift. be 870 ; Denis. Hector, br 424 ; Denis, Samuel, be 420 ; Denison. Edward, 172. bs 572, 573; Dennis, J.S., be 423, b 545, br 815; Depaul, 56.

DEPENDENTS: Relief & care of dtf>t*dt*ts, a 378-91, 479*891 631-48, 777-94; obligations of community for resident, 378; of relatives, 380; town, county. & city systems of relief, 381-9; relief in homes, 382-91; relief of soldiers, 386; who administer poor, law 387-90, records kept, 390; relief in institutions, 479-87; manage- ment of almshouses, 480-1, 485; entering and leaving, 483; defectives, 483; special insti- tutions for defectives, 484-5 : destitute sick, 486 ; farming and binding out, 487 ; boarding out, 488; legal disabilities of, 489; conditions of legal residence, 631-8; care of non-residents, 638-41; of tramps, 642-8; dependent children, 777-94; private institutions, 777, 793; children not differentiated from adults. 777 ; adoption and apprenticing, 778 ; placing-out system 770-80. 783 ; children's homes, 780, 786, 790; exclusion from almshouses, 781-2; subsidy system. 783-4; dis- trict homes, 785-6; Michigan system, 787-9; boarding-out system. 791-9.

De Roberty. 701 ; De Santis. 707; Descartes, 199; Deschamps, P., be 129; Deussen, Paul, f-f 4ig; Deutscher Verein, be 713; be 869; IV Victor, be 871; Dewey, John, be 714; Dexter, Seymour, ; 573; Diderot, D., be 419; Didon, Pcre, be 870 ; Dike, S. W., 705. 858.


DIVORCE, suicide and, 470; [ac 498, 793]; (stt also Family).

Dix. D. L., bs 572 ; Dobresco. D. J., be 875 ; Dock, Adf., be 717. I*>le. C. F., br 719; Dollfus, be 715 ; Dollinger, be 132 ; Domanski, be 719.

DOMESTIC ECONOMY : at settlements. 180 ; [ae 878 ; be 718, 875].

DOMESTIC SERVICE: programme and bibliography, mb 103 ; " Domestic Service," b 114 ; Evolution of domestic sen-ice, ab 194 [me 135, 793, 878; *c

Donald, mb 107; Donald, Robert, be 1*9; Don,

572; Douglas, Charles. /' Douglas, Wm., be 715; Dowden. E.. be 130; Drage, mb too, 104 ; bs 571 ; Droyten, 998.

^c. E.. b< 714;' Dnickfachcn. ^874; I. A., br 369; I hi Hoi. \\ i br 110,490, ab$b\\ Dn

A., be 874; Dufm.rn., Dugdale. R.

'57,573;l>unba.W.H.,A < 87$Tbupooy,
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