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Labor: Etude d'une loi sur les accidents du travail

CD France, Augustin Blanchet, RefS., O. 16 &

N. x. (AJS.,Ja.) La crise du revenu et 1'ere du travail, E. Cheys-

son, RPP., N. 10. Le congrcs international de legislation du travail

a Bruxclles, Charles Dejace, RefS., N. i. The English workmen's compensation act,

QJETO. The condition of the American working-class:

How can it be benefited? F. K. Foster, F., F. Die dritte Republik und die Arbeiterfrage, Lud-

wig Fuld, Das Leben. Ja.

La conference de Berlin et la legislation Inter- nationale du travail, Yves Guyot, RPP., D. Impressions of the English labor movement,

G. D. Herron, Commons. S. Die deutsche Handwerksorganisation, Benno

Hilse, Das Leben, O. Die Reform der Arbeiter-Unfall-Entschadigung

in England, C. H. P. Inhiilsen, JNS.. O. Die Erfahningen in den deutschen Gewerbe-

gerichten, J. Jastrow, JNS., O. Woman factory workers, E. J. Kelley, Outlook,

Ja. M. La federation des travailleurs du livre, Leopold

Mabilleau, Musee Social, N. The incorporation of the working', class, Hugh

McGregor, F.,Ja.' Die Arbeiterverhaltnisse der Eisen- u. Stahl-

hiitten- Industrie Grossbritanniens, Walter zur

Nicden, JGV., 20:3. Der Arbeitsnachweis im Berliner Braugewerbe,

K.Oldcnberg, JGV., 20:4. Enais de solutions de la question ourriere : i,

Types de patrons et d'ouvriers, Leon Poinsard,

SS., Ja. De I'mfluence de la conference de Berlin de

1800 sur la legislation du travail, Raffalovich,

JEC..D. The laborer's view of the labor question, H. M.

Ramp and others. A., N. Die osterreichische Handwerkergesetzgebung,

Richard Schuller, ASG., 11:3. Die Entwickelung der deutschen Arbeiterschutz-

gesetzgebung seit 1890, Alfred Weber, JGV.,

4: i. Workmen's compensation act, H. W. Wolff,

EcR., O.

Woman's home industries, CoR., D. Set alto Factory Inspection, Strikes, Arbitration,


[For general information on Labor ttt BDL., 1 HOT., LG., RT.]

Land: Some characteristics of farm & home pro- prietors. G. K. Holmes, ASA., S. La defense de la petite propriete rurale au point

de vue legislatif, L. Milcent. AC., N. 15. Law: Wirtschaft und Recht, Karl Diehl, JNS., D. Prologue to a history of English law, F. W.

Maitland. LQR.. Ja. Lawrence: The city of Lawrence, Mass., G. H.

Young, New England Magazine, Ja. Legislation: English legislation in 1897, Edward

Porritt, YR M N. See alto Finance, Labor, Railroads, Referendum,

Trust*. Lighting: Municipalization of electric lighting.

R. R. Bowker & J. R. Commons, Municipal

Affairs, D. Liquor Question: Le degrevement des boissons

hyeiemques, Alfred de* Cilleuls, RefS., N. x. Our liquor laws as seen by the committee of fifty,

F. A. Fernald, PSM., D. The total- abstinence nJovement ia the United

States, J. T. Murphy, ACQ.,0. Law & drink, F. H. Wines, ChR., N. Lodging Houses: ttt Charities,

navy, Brassey,

London: The attack on the [ London] council T

M. Wood, CoR., F.

Luxury: Le luxe, Aug. Baridon, RCS.. N. Machinery: Automatic machinery the secret of

cheap production, H. S. Maxim, EM., Ja. The mission of machinery, H. M. Williams, A., F. Manual Training: si* Education. Missions: A cross-bench view of foreign missions,

H. H. Henson, National Review,!). Monetary Commission : see Finance. Money: see Finance.

Municipal Ownership: Objections to municipal ownership of electric plants, T. C. Smith, EM., F. Musee Social: Die Societe du Musee Social in

Paris, G. Blondel, JGV., 20: 3. Navies: The position of the British i

RRN.,ja. The rebuilt navy of the United States. Theodore

Roosevelt, RRN., Ja. Negro: Study of the negro problem, W. E. B. du

Bois, AAP., Ja.

Neighborhood Guilds: Stanton Coits Nachbar- schaftsgildeu. die sociale Theorie, von Rapp- herr,JGV.,2o: 3 . New York : The mayoralty election in New York.

James Bryce, CoR., N. Les elections de New York, Paul de Rousiers,

SS., D. Political inauguration of the greater New York,

E. M. Shepard, Atlantic, Ja. The reconquest of New York by Tammany,

Simon Sterne, F., Ja. New York city's progress under Mayor Strong,

W. H. Tohman, RRN.,Ja. The labor question in the department of street cleaning of New York, G. E. Waring, Municipal Affairs, S.

Should greater New York operate its street rail- ways? J. DeW. Warner & E. E. Higgins, Municipal Affairs, S. Old Age Pensions : see Insurance. Outdoor Relief : tee Charities. People's Banks : see Credit. Philadelphia : The lease of the Philadelphia gas

works. W. D. Lewis, QJE., Ja. The Philadelphia gas lease, F. W. Speirs, Mu- nicipal Affairs, D. Philadelphia gas works, C. R. Woodruff, AJS.

Philosophy: The goal of knowledge, J. H. Muir

head, Mi.. O. Police : The abuse of the police power, Herman C.

Kudlich, F., D.

Political Economy: Cournot & mathematical eco- nomics, Irving Fisher, QJE., Ja. Die klassische Nationalokonomie u. ihie Geg-

ner, Wilhclm Hasbach, JGV., 20: 3. The economic problem, F. H. Keating & others

National Review. D. Karl Marx als volkswirtschaftlicher Theoretiker

Ernst Lange,INS.,O. The present condition of economic science, L. I..

Price. F., D.

The function of the undertaker, Sidney Sher- wood, YR., N. Utility & cost as determinants of value, C.

Stroever, AAP., N. ZurKritikderpolitischenOekonomie, Franz Blei

JNS., D.

Stt also Capital. Law.

Political Science : Das Emporkommen des modern- uchischen Staatswesens, Kurt Breysig,

Capture of govt. by commercialism, J. J. Chap- man, Allan;

The political philosophy of Aristotle, Isaac Loo.,

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