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8vo. (AHR., Ja. -f- - ) , N\V.. 1>. 4- -) 7. Book of Judges. . . N. Y., Dodd, M<

  • Brinton, D. G. Religions of primitive peoples. Co. 12 + 99 pp. il. $1.25.

L., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. 280 pp. 8vo. *Schaff. D. G. The life of Philip Schaff, in

  • Bascom, John. Evolution &. religion. N. Y.,

G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. (Dial, la. i + ) (AJT., Ja. + +)

Benson, E. W. Cyprian ; his life, his times, his work. N. Y., Macmillan Co., 1807. 636 pp.

muni, i', vj. fxcugiiMia ui pumitive peopi^. L., G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. 280 pp. 8vo. S. 6. (Am. lectures on the history of religions, zdser.) (Critic, Ja. 8 + +) (AHR., j.+ + -) (AJP., 0.++) (Globus 73 : 34)

Falke, Rob. Buddha. Mohammed, Christus. e. Vergleich dcr drei Personlichkciten u. ihrer Religionen. 2. systemat. Tl. Vergleich der drei Religionen. 253 pp. 8vo. Giitersloh, C. Bertelsmann. M. 3.60. Kplt. in i Bd., M. 7.

Groot, J. J. M. de. The religious system of China, its ancient forms, evolution, history, and pres- ent aspect. Manners, customs & social insti- tutions connected therewith. Published with a subvention from the Dutch colonial govern- ment. V. 3. Bk. i. Disposal of the dead. Pt. 3. The grave. Leyden. K. J. I'.rill. Pp. 829- 1468. M. ao.

  • Guyau, J. M. The non-religion of the future: A

sociological study, from the French. N. Y., Henry Holt & Co. 543pp.8vo. $3. (Acad- emy, O. 16 -f )

Hearn, Lafcardio. Gleanings in Buddha fields: studies of hand & soul in the far East. N. Y., Harper & Bros., 1897. ( Academy. N. 13 + +) (Nation, F. 3 + -) (NW., D. +' -f)

Jiinglingsfreund, Jahrbuch f. evang. Jiinglings- u. christl. Mannervereine, 1808. i. Jahrg. Hrsg. v. Hcrm. Fatilhaber. Schaw. Hall, Buch. f. I nne re Mission, 1897. M. 0.40

Kleinpaul, Rud. Die Lebendigen u. die Toten in Volksglauben, Religion u. Sage. Lp., G. J. Goschen, 1897. 293 pp. 8vo. M. 6.

Lipsius, R. A. Glauben u. Wissen. Ausgewahlte Vortrage u. Aufsatze. Br., C. H. Schwetschke & Sohn, 1897. 467 pp. Svo. M. 7.50.

Lockyer, J. N. The dawn of astronomy. N. Y., Macmillan Co., 1897. 432 pp. $3 . (PSM., F. -f +) (Dial, F. i + +) [Study of Egyptian temples with conclusion that they were the first astronomical observatories of the world.]

Mackenzie, VV. D. Christianity & the progress of man as illustrated by modern missions. N. Y. & C., F. H. Revcll Co. 250 pp. i2mo. $1.25.

Muller, F. M., ed. The sacred books of the East ; tr. by various oriental scholars. American ed. 12 v. V. i. The Upanishads. N. Y., Christian Literature Co. 101 -f- 320 -f- 52 -f 350 pp. 8vo. $2.50.

  • Nash, H. S. Genesis of the social conscience.

N. Y.,The Macmillan Co., 1897. 309 pp. iamo. $1.50. (Dial.Jl. 16+) (AJT.,Ja. + +)

Palmer, A. S. Babylonian influence on the Bible & popular beliefs. Teh6m & Tiamat, Hades & Satan. A comparative study of Genesis i, 2. L., David Nutt. 120 pp. Svo. S. 3, 6. (Studies on biblical subjects.)

  • Peters, J. P. Nippur, or explorations & adven-

tures on the Euphrates. . .University of Penn. expedition to Babylonia, . .1888-90. V. 2. N. Y.. G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. 420 pp. Svo. $2.50. (Academy, S. n -f-) (Nation, Ja. 20 + +) (AHR.,Ja. ++) (Citizen, F.++-) (Outlook, Ja. i -f -f )

Rocquain. Felix. La cour de Rome et 1'esprit de re"forme avant Luther. T. 3. Le grand schisme ; les approches de la reforme. P., libr. Fontemoing, 1897. 460 pp. Svo.

  • Sabatier, A. Outlines of a philosophy of reli-

gion based on psychology & history. N. Y., James Pott & Co., 1897. 348 pp. Svo. $2. (LC.,Ja.i 5 +)

Sacred books of the East. V. 43. The Satapatha- B rah man a. Pt. 4, Bks. 8, 9, 10. L., Henry Frowde, 1807. Svo. S. 12, 6.

Sacred books of the Old & the New Testaments,


ed. by Paul Haupt. [Polychrome ed.] Pt.

, Me:

f, in

autobiographical. N. Y., C. Scribner's Sons, 1897. 526 po. Svo. $3. (Dial, Ja. i6-r--f) (Literary World, F. 5 + -4-)

  • Smith, H. P. The Bible & Islam ; or, the influ-

ence of the Old & New Testaments on the religion of Mohammed ... Ely lectures for 1897. L., Nisbett & Co., 1897. 332 pp. Svo. S. 7, 6. (AHR.,Ja.+ -f) (NW., D.+ + -}

Spence, H. D. M. The church of England; a history for the people. V. a. The mediaeval church. L., Cassell & Co. 476 pp. 410. S. 6.

Tiele, C. P. Elements of the science of religion. Pt. i : Morphological. Gifford lectures before the Univ. of Edinburgh in 1896. V. i. L., Wm. Blackwood & Sons. 312 pp. Svo. S. 7, 6.

  • Tiele, C. P. Geschichte der Religion in Alter -

thum bis auf Alexander den Grossen. Deutsche autorisirte Ausg. i. Bd. Aegypten. Babel-Assur. Norderasien. Bibliographische Anmerkunpen. Gotha, F. A. Pertnes, 1886. 446 PP. (HZ., 80:1 + +) (LC., N. 27 + +)

Walsh. W. Secret history of the Oxford move- ment. L., Swan, Sonnenschein & Co. 440 pp. Svo. S. 10, 6.

  • Warren, H. C. Buddhism in translations, ed.

with the cooperation of various scholars by Charles Rockwell Lanman. Cambridge, Har- vard University. 1897. (Harvard oriental series.) (Outlook, Ja. 29 -f-f) (ATP., O. + +) Sanitary and Domestic Science.

Encyclopadische Jahrbiicher der gesammten Heil- kunde. Hrsg. v. Alb. Eulenburg, 7. Jahrg. 2 Halften. Wien, Urban & Schwarzenberg, 1897. 652 pp. Svo. aM. 7.50; in i Bd. geb. M. 17.50.

Handbuch der Hygiene, hrsg. v. Thdr. Weyl. 25 Lfg. (5. Bd., 2. Abth.) Jena, G.Fischer. 251 pp. Svo. M. 6.

Johnson, Mrs. H. L. Central cooperative kitchens instead of private cooks. L., A. D. Innes & Co., 1897. Svo. S. o, 6.

Socialism. Bebel, A. Klassenpolitik u. Sozialreform. 2 Etats-

Reden. Br., Buchh. Vorwarts. 62 pp. Svo

M. 0.15.

  • Forecastsof the coming century. Manchester, The

Labor Press, 1897. 192 pp. 81110. F. 3.15.

(IJE.,Ja. +) (HN., Ja. ++) [A collection

of essays on the future of socialism by Wallace,

Mann, & others.] Gatti, Gerolamo. II partito socialista e la classi

agricole : relazione (congresso nazionale del

partito socialista italiano. . . 1897). Milano,

tip. degli Operai. 39 pp. i6mo. German icus. Bebel im Lichte der Bibel. Der

Sozialismus u. die Frau in Vergangenheit,

Gegenwart u. Zukunft. Lp., A. Deichert.

201 pp. Svo. M. 2.60. Harmel, Leon. La democratic chre'tienne, dia-

cours. . . an congres ouvrier de Tours. P.,

Rondelet & Cie. 44 pp. 32mo. Kautsky, K. Communism in central Europe in

the time of the Reformation. . . L., T. Fisher,

Unwin & Co. 300 pp. Svo. S. 16. Metin, Albert. Le socialisme en Angleterre. P.,

Felix Alcan, 1897. 313 pp. i8mo. F. 3.50.

(Bibliotheque d'histoire contemporaine. )

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