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Child labor has been the cause of much discussion and legislation abroad, but it was not until the census of 1870 called attention to its existence in the United States that any public notice was given to the subject in our own country.

This bibliography is confined to the United States to aid the investigator by separating the very meager American literature of the subject from the large mass of English and foreign publications.

The compiler soon discovered that the larger and by far the most valuable pan of the material was contained in the reports of the labor bureaus and factory inspectors of the different states.

In addition to these, references found in periodicals and in a few books have been given.

No attempt has been made to refer to the brief mention of the subject found in the general books on the labor question.

The references found in the Analysis and index of all reports issued by bureaus of labor in the United States prior to November 1892, the third special report of the Un<ted States department of labor, were taken as a basis foi the work, and brought down to date whenever practicable.

The list cannot claim to be complete, even in its very limited range, as it was impossible to obtain access to some of the most valuable reports.

The mine inspectors' reports and the State Census would, doubtless, contain material, but they were not accessible.

Bibliographic Aids.

A. L. A. index to general literature.

Annual American catalogue.

Annual literary index.

American catalogue.

Bowker and lies, Reader's guide to economic,

social and political science. Catalogue of the public documents of the LIII

Congress and of all departments of govern-

ment. Comprehensive index of the publications of the

United States government of the LI and LI I

Congresses. Cumulative index.

Poole's index to periodical literature. Review of Reviews' index. Tolman and Hull, Handbook of sociological infor-


General References.

Kelley, Florence. Our toiling children. Pamphlet

published by the Women's Temperance Publi-

cation Association, Chicago, 1889. Price loc. - , - . The working child. (In Proceed-

ings of the 23d national conference of charities

and correction, 1896, pp. 161-5.) Willoughby, W. F. ft TTraffenried, Clare de. Child

labor. Anv-i nic Association, Balti-

more, March 1890. Price ?sc. Campbell. Helen. Child labor and some of its

results. Chatitauqitan, October 1889. 10:91-4. Crafts Child labor in theU. S. Pub-

In < >i>ininn, April 9, 1896. 90:260. Crowe!!, John K. The employment of children.

Andover Review . July 1885. 4:49-55. Holmes, J. A. Children who work. Scribner's

Magazine. April 1881. i : 607-15. Kellrv The working boy. American

i of Sociology. November 1896. 9:358-

68 (aim pnr.liOir.1 ,'., tl.r

November 24, 1896). The evil of child labor. Leslie's Weekly, 1890.

Ch ? Ud fabor in the U. S. Our Day, ScptrmUr,

1890. 6:192-97.

Smith, J. T. The children at work. Catholic . 43:610-25.

Wright. Carroll, D. Child labor. Our Day, April 1886. 16 : 189.

General References in Labor Reports.

U. S. Department of labor. Analysis and index of all reports issued by bureaus of labor statis- tics in the U. S. prior to November i, 1892. (Special report No. 3, pp. 254-8.) Washing- ton, 1893.

Colorado. Bureau of labor statistics. Report, 1891-2, pp. 139.

Connecticut. Bureau of labor statistics. Report, 1885, pp. 44-^9; 1889. pp. 43-55J I 8o2, pp. 177-201 ; 1894. pp. 265-91 : 1895, p. 15.

Iowa. Bureau of labor statistics. Report, 1888-9, pp. 405-6.

Kansas. Bureau of labor & industrial statistics. Report, 1800, pp. 47-50.

Maine. Bureau of industrial & labor statistics. Report, 1890, pp. 180-1 ; 1892, pp. 216-17.

Minnesota. Bureau of labor statistics. Report, 1880-90, pp. 185-233.

Missouri. Bureau of labor statistics & inspection. Report, 1882, pp. 33-9; 1884, pp. 255-68; 1885,

Ohio. Bureau of statistics of labor. Report, 1882,

pp. 325-32; 1887, pp, 9-10 ; 1889, pp. 18-25. vlvania. Bureau of industrial statistics.

Report, 1873-5, pp. 37-8; 1886, pp. 38-50;

1880, pp. aK a8K. Rhode Island. Bureau of industrial statistics. Re-

I>rt. 1891 (entire i- Wisconsin. Bureau of labor & industrial statistics.

Report, 1883-4, pp. 160-2.

Factory Inspectors' Reports.

Ames. Child labor. (In Proceedings

of 5th mi mi .1 f factory inspectors,

1891.) (Also published in the report. -i

r, 1889, pp. 810-17, and in the rrjKirt of ilir < :<-ni of inspec-

1891, pp. 375, 380.)

Fell. I.. T. il,': I labor. (In Proceedings of the iv inspectors.

1889.) (Aim) puMishr.I in the report of thr N.

Y. fa. .n, 1889, pp. 999-100, and

rrjxm of thr i ncnt of inspec-

ll.'ll. 1889, p. 304.)


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