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sixty years

Divorce: Divorce in the United Stades, Gertrude

Atherton, CoR., S. Eastern Question: What to do in the East, W. M.

Ramsay, CoR., Ag. The powers & the Gncco-Turkish war, T. S.

Woolscy, F..J1. Education: Jowett & the university ideal, W. 1.

Ashley, Atlantic, Jl. Educational value of manual training, T. F.

Chapin, ChR.,Je. International Congress on technical education,

ire, Jl. 24. Evolution of the educational ideal, Friedrich

Paulsen, F., Jl.-Ag. Emerson's " The American scholar'

after, C. F. Thwing, F., Ag. New ostracism, C. A. Towne, A., O. Employment Agencies: Charity organization so- cieties as employment agencies, J. R. Brack-

ctt, ChR.,JK Equality: Lcgalite des conditions, Arthur Desjar-

dins, RefS., O. i.

American notion of equality, H. C. Merwin, At- lantic, S. Ethics: Basis of morals: a posthumous paper of

an anarchist philosopher, D. D. Lum, M., Jl. Ethics of the state, D. B. Purinton, AJT., O. Ethical significance of the idea of immortality, F.

C. S. Schiller, NW., S. Place of pleasure in the system of ethics, J. E.

Woodbridge, IJE.,J1. Ethnology: Hierarchy of the European races,

Closson, AJS..N. Racial geography of Europe, W. Z. Ripley,

PSM.. Ag.-O. Evolution: Determinate evolution, J. M. Baldwin,

PsR., Jl.

  • Natural selection, social selection, and heredity,

J. R. Commons, A., Jl. (AJS., N.) Place of isolation in organic evolution, F. W.

Hutton, NS. Evolution: what it is & what it is not, D. S.

Jordan, A., Ag. Principles of economy in evolution, Edmund

Noble, PSM., Jl.

On isolation in organic evolution, G. J. Ro- manes, M., O. Factories: *Factory inspection in!Illinois, Florence

Kelley (AJS., N.) Die weibliche Fabrikinspektion in den Vereinig-

ten Staaten, Florence Kelley, ASG., n : 2. Das schweizerische Fabrikgesetz & sein Einfluss

auf die industriellen Verhaltnisse der Schweiz,

Otto Lang, ASG., n : 2. Factory legislation for women in the U. S..

Annie M. MacLean, AJS., S. Die Fabrik- u. Sanitatsinspectorinnen in Eng- land, Helene Simon, JGV., 21 : 3. Family: Are American parents selfish? Elizabeth

Bisland, NAR., Jl. Le probleme de 1'amour, Desire Descamps, ReS.,


  • La disorganization de la famille & ses conse-

quences sociales, Passez Ernest, RefS., S. i

( AJS., N.) Mcthode pour la recherche des institutions pre-

historiques, Edouard Westermarck, RIS., Je. See also Divorce. Federalist: Authorship of the Federalist, P. L.

Ford & E. G. Bourne, AHR., Jl. Finance: Silver question, R. P. Bland and H. S

Ghosh, NAR, O. Greenback and the gold standard, Marriott

Brosius, NAR., Jl. Honest money ; or, a true standard of value, W.

J. Bryan and others, A., Jl. Issues of the second bank of the United States,

R. C. H. Catterall,JPE.,S.

Les discussions sur la banque de France, A.

Chirac, L' Human iu- Nouvelle, S. Recent aspects of the currency question, H. M.

Conacher, EcK.,Jl. La banque nationale de Belgique, en 1896.

Guillaume DeGreef, SS., My. Economic theories advanced to explain the

steady increase of public expenditure in

Europe, G. Fiamingo, YR., Ag. Ueber die MOglichkeiteines Wertmasses.Ludwig

Fick, INS., 68: 5.

Value of the money unit, T. N. Carver, QJE..J1. Bimetallism and the bank, Corn Hill, CoR., O. Le Marche financier de Paris et les projet de

reorganisation, L. Lacombe, RPP., Je. Gold standard in Japan, J. L. Laughlin, J PE., Je. La hausse du ble and la baisse du metal argent,

Raphael -Georges Levy, RDM., S. 15. New German exchange act, W. 'Lexis, EcJ., S. Die grossen Berliner Effektinbanken im Jahre

1896, Ernst Loeb, JNS., 68 : 6. Die Wirkungen des Borsengesetzes auf das

Bank- u. Bb'rsengeschaft, Ernst Loeb, JNS.,

68:5. Fall in the price of silver since 1873, E. S.

Meade, JPE.,Je. National finances, 1893-7, A. D. Noyes, PSQ.,


Outlook for currency reform, YR., Ag. Multiple standard for money, Eltweed Pomeroy,

A., S.

Bimetallism a necessity, Edward Tuck, F., O. La monnaie and la mesure des valeurs, Emile

Vandervelde, SS., My. Monetary reform in Russia, K. P. Willis, JPE.,


See also People's Banks. Food: The impending deficiency of breadstuffs,

C. W. Davis, F., O. France: The Franco-Russian alliance, J. B.

Eustis, NAR., Jl. Histoire de la civilisation frangaise, Alfred

Rambaud, AC., S. Gas: see Cities. Great Britain : Victorian Greater Britain and its

future. Thomas Davidson, F., Jl. Hawaii : Hawaii and the changing front of the

world, J. R. Proctor, F., S. Proposed annexation of Hawaii, S. A. White, F.,

A &- Health: Les bases economiques de la sante,

Adolfo Zerboglio, DS., Jl. Heredity : Fundamental principles of heredity,

Marcus Hartog, NS., O. Heredity of acquired characteristics, Cesare

Lombroso, F., O. Inheritance of acquired characteristics, J. M.

Macfarlane, Sc., Je. 18. See also Evolution. History: Delia base economica della stora, A.

Contento, GEc., Je. Ueber die Theorie einer kollektivistischtn Ge-

schichtswissenschaft, Rachfahl Felix, JNS.,

68:5. Individualitat, Idee u. socialpsychische Kraft in

der Geschichte, K. Lamprecht, JNS., 68: 6. Housing: Le logement and 1'alimentation popu-

laire, Ernest Brelay, RefS., O. r.

  • " Homewood," a model suburban settlement,

E. R. L. Gould, RRN., Jl. (AJS., S.) Improved homes for wage earners, J. G. Johnson,

Housing of the English poor, Lord Monkswell, NAR,J1.

Hypnotism: Hypnotism in its scientific and for- ensic aspects, M. L. Dawson, A., O.

Immigration: *The immigration question, J. H

Senner, AAP., Jl. (AJS., S.)

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