Rather a satisfactory summary but no special attention to the pub- lic school. Ham, Manual Training (New York, Harpers, 1886).
nthusistic argument for manual training as a means of solving
social problems. Hyde, The Social Mission of the Public School (Educational Review,
October 1896).
Posits a high ideal for the common school, and condemns practice
of the rich in sending children to private schools. Me Arthur, Education in its Relation to Manual Training (New York,
Appleton, 1890).
A good discussion of the whole question. Mann, Life and Work (Boston, Lee & Shepard, 1891).
Should be consulted by one who wishes to understand how the
foundations of our present public-school institutions were laid. Painter, History of Education (New York, Appleton, 1892).
A good historical summary of the education of the leading nations. Spencer, Education (New York, Appleton, 1896).
A philosophical discussion. United States Bureau of Education, Reports.
The special report of 1892 on Manual Training in the Public
Schools is most valuable.
2. Special Report on Our Schools.
Location, number, seating capacity, arrangement, supply of apparatus, etc., enrollment, average attendance, age at which pupils leave school, etc.; expenditure for schools, method of levying taxes for same, etc.; the school board, method of employing teachers, etc. What do the children study ? Make your study an investigation of the schools as a social servant.
3. General discussion, topic : Should Education be Compulsory. References :
James, Compulsory Education (Lalor's Cyclopedia).
Condenses into short space the history of compulsory education to date.
Mill, On Liberty (London, Longmans, 1882), ch. 5.
Mill, Principles of Political Economy, bk. v, ch. 1 1.
Mill is pronouncedly in favor of state regulation of education.
Shaw, Compulsory Education in the United States (Educational Review, August-September 1892).
A discussion of the evolution of compulsory education in Massachu- setts and other states, and of its advantages and difficulties.
Spencer, Social Statics (New York, Appleton, 1892), p. 156.