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Insanity : Treatment of the insane in France, J. P.

Beecher, S., O. Insurance: Insurance of industrial risks, Montague

Barlow, EcJ., S. Le proiet de loi sur les societes de secours

mutuels, A. Drake, RPP., Jl. Die amtlichen Ermittelungen iiber das Verhaltnis zwiscben Arbeiterversicherung and Armen- pflege, H. von Frankenberg, ASG., Ag. Die Gemeinden u. die Arbeitervcrsicherung,

H. von Frankenburg, JGV., 21 : 3. Result of German labor insurance, GM., S. Insurance against unemployed, W. F. Wil-

loughby, PSQ., S. Interest: La storia dell'usura nel mon do pagano

e nel cristianesimo, Angelo Main, RISS.. S. International Law: International law, F. R.

Coudert,ALRR.,Je. Treaties and treaty-making, F. S. Jones, PSQ.,

Contribution a Perude de la sanction du droit

Internationale, M. S. Kebedgy, RDL, 29:2. Les premiers elements de Porganisation uni-

verselle, Pierre Kazansky, RDL, 29: 3. Les rccentes efforts en vue de I'unification du

droit maritime, R. Verneux, RPP., Jl. Interstate Commerce : see Railroads. Invention: Forecasting the progress of invention,

W. Baxter. PSM..J1. Le role social de Pingenieur, Cheysson, RefS.,

O. i. Italy: La vie agricole en Italic, Filippo Virgilii,

DS.,Je. Japan: The coming sea power, C. H. Cramp,

New civil code of Japan, Tokichi Masao, A., Jl.

Labor: Die Arbeitsemstellungen in Preussen in

den beiden letzen Jahren, M. Biermer, JNS.,

68:6. Ein internationales <Amt fiir Arbeiterschutz,

Heinrich Hrann, ASG., Ag. La vieouvriere en Angleterre, Henry Clement,

RefS.. Je. 16. Die vomVerein fiir Socialpolitik veranstalteten

Untersuchungen iiber die Lage des Handels in

Deutschland, Hans Grandke, JGV., 21 : 3. Le cause storiche della questione opcraia, A.

Guidi. RISS.,Je. L'evolution du regime legal du travail, Raoul

Jay, RPP., Je.

The Union label, M. E. J. Kelley, NAR., Jl. The international typographical union, W. L. M.

King,JPE.,S. Le Congrcs de Zurich, Hector Lambrechts, Revue

sociafe catholique, O. L'ouvrier am6ricain, E. Levasseur, AMP., Je-

Anofher view of the Union label, S. H. Nichols,

NAR., O. La production capitalistc et la question ouvricre

en Russie, Marie Stromberg, ReS., Jl. The labor movement, Graham Taylor. Chicago

Commons, S., i8o6-Jl., 1807 (AJS., S.) Die deutache Handwerker-Gcsetzgebung. Paul

Voigt, ASG., 11:7. Die theoretinche Basis der britischen G<

vereine. Sidney ft Beatrice, Webb, ASG.,

it : t. For general information on, set BDL., BOT.,

LG., RT. Land: Agrarian reform in Prussia, L. Brentano,

Jury: De 'orlgines.de revolution, ft de I'avenir du jury, Raoul de la Grasaerie. RIS., Jl., Ag. Causes of bad legislation.

Recent economic and social legislation in the

United States, F. J. Stimson, YR., Ag. Liquor Question : Le devoir des Chretiens Francais en face de Palcoolisme, Jean Bianquis, RefS., Si.

L'alcoolisme; ses causes mesologiques ; son ex- tinction physiologique, Dr. Van Den Corput, RP.. Ag.

Temperance problem, C. R. Eliot, S., S.

Govt. liquor monopoly in Russia, John Karel,

History* of alcohol, C. E. Pellew, PSM., Jl. Manual training : see Education. Money : see Finance. Monopolies: see Tr Municipal reform: see Cities.

Negroes: Booker Washington & the Tuskegee institute, T. J. Galloway, New Eng. Mag., O.

Strivings of the negro people, W. E. B. DuBois,

Atlantic, Ag. Pauperism : see Charities. People's banks: Le, credit agricole, JEc., Jl.

Le neuvieme congres des banques populaires, G.

Francois, JEc., S. Pedagogy: see Education. Penology : see Criminology & penology. Philosophy: Wundt's system of philosophy, C. H.

philosophique, J. Martin,

La philosophic de Secretan, Pillon, RPh., Jl. Political economy: Senses of "capital," In

economics, A. T. Hadley


La demonstration

RPh., S.


Fisher,. EC., Je. Walker's work in

PSQ.,Je. Political economy in Italy, Achille'Loria, EcJ.,

S. Certain tendencies in political economy, Bernard

Moses, QJE..J1. Consistency of Adam Smith, August Oncken,

EcJ., S. New theories of economics, Vilfredo Pareto,


  • Philosophical basis of economics, S. Sherwood.

AAP., S. (AJS., N.) Bibliography of writings & reported addresses

[of] F. A. Walker, Am. Statist. Asaoc.

Publications, Je. Political Science: Decline of legislatures, E. L.

Godkin, Atlantic, Je. Du gouvernement direct et du govt. indirect R.

de la Grasserie, RPP., S. Points in the American & French constitutions

compared, Niels Gron, A., Jl. Roscher's politische Entwickelungstheorie, O.

Hintte,/GV., 21 : 3. Jefferson & his political philosophy, M. P. Par-

melee, A., O.

Studies in political areas. F. Ratzel, AJS.. N. Problems of political science, L. S. Rowe, AAP.,

Les'idees politiques de Diderot, H. See. RH., S. See also Administration, Jury, Legislation. Poor laws: see Charities. Population: Le probleme de la depopulation, Jac-

ques Bertillion. RPP., Je. La vecchia e la nuova fase nella teoria delta po-

polasione, A. Loria, RIS..II Populism: Populism ft state institutions, E. M.

Fair.l.il,!, A IS.. N. Postal Savings Banks: A propos du comptabilisme

de M. E. Solvay, A. A. Buylla. SS., My. Le comptabilisme social, Ernest Solvay, SS., Mr. Prisons : ttt Penology. Property: Oodguei phases de revolution de la

propric^J.Dallemagne.RIS.. My.

La proprieti idcale, Eugtne Fournfere, ReS.,

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