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  • Hutchinson, H. N. Marriage customs in many

lands. N. Y., D. Appleton & Co., 1897. 22 p. il. 8vo. $4. (Dial, Mr. 16 +) (Nation, Ir. 10) (Athenaeum, D. 25 -- ) Sanger, W. W. History of prostitution : its extent, causes, & effects throughout the world . . . New ed. N. Y., Medical Pub. Co. 709 PP- 8vo. $2.

Finance and Taxation.

  • Brough, W. Open mints & free banking. N. Y.,

G. P. Putnam's Sons. 179 pp. xamo. $1.35.

(Outlook, Mr.20X)

  • Darwin, Leonard. A summary & examination of

the arguments for & against a bimetallic sys-

tem of currency. L., John Murray, 1897. 341

pp. (EcJ.,Mr.++-) Eastman, F. M. Taxation for state purposes in

Pennsylvania, containing full information in

regard to every state tax & license . . . Phil.,

Kay & Bro. 284 pp. 8vo. $2. Engel, A., & Semire, R. Trait* de numismatique

moderne et contemppraine: Epoque moderne

(i6e-i8e siecles). P., libr. Leroux. 612 pp.

8vo. avec ^63 ill. F. 20. France Ministerede 1'intcrieur. Situation finan-

ciere des dcpartements en 1895. nc publica-

tion. Melun, Impr. administrative, 1897. 387

pp. 4>. France Ministere des finances. Renseignements

statistiques relatifs aux contributions directes

et aux taxes assimilees. (8 annee). P.,

Impr. nationale. 140 pp. 8vo. Globocnik, A. v. Geschichtliche Uebersicht des

osterreichischenGeld- u. Munzwcsens. Mit S

Miinztaf. Wien, Manz in Komm. 53 + 49 pp.

8vo. M. 2.

  • Gomel, Charles. Histoire financiere de 1'Assem-

blee Constituante. 2 v. Paris, Guillaumin &

Cie, 1896-7. (PSQ., Mr. + +) (EcJ., Mr.

X) Hamburg Stamtisches Bureau der Stener- Depu-

tation. 18. Hft., 8. Abthg. Hamburg, O.

Meissner. M. 4. Heilingenstadt, Carl. Die prcussische Zentral-

Genossenschafts-Kasse. Jena, G. Fischer,

1897. 102 pp. 8vo. M. 1.60. (DL., F. 12 -(-) Henze.Adf. Das Geld allerVolker. Nachschlage-

buch enth. die cursir. Miinzen u. das cursir.

Papiergeld aller Staaten der Erde in natur-

getreuen Abbildgn. (in metall. Hochdr. u.

Spiegel -Fksm.), m. Angabe des Werthes in

deutscher Reichswahrg. 22. Lfg. Die Ver-

einigten Staaten von Nordamenka. Lp., A.

Henze. 85-92 pp. 8vo. M. 0.40. Heyn, Otto. Kritik drs Bimetallismus. Br.,

Puttkammer & Miihlbrecht, 1897. 184 pp.

8VO. M. T3>

Katalog der oriental ischen Miinzen in den V

Museen zu Berlin, i. Bd. Die MUnzen der ostl. Chalifen. Br., W. Spemann. 423 pp. 8vo. M. 25.

Lane-Poole, Stanley. Catalogue of the collection of Arabic coins preserved in the Khedival Library at Cairo. L., Bernard Quaritch, 1897. 384PP.8vo. (LC..F.S)

Leiier. Frdr. Wer muss Rcntensteurr /ahlen? Krlauterg. . . . Wien, M. Perles. 80 pp. 8vo. ' '

Leiter, Frdr. Wer muss PersonaleinkommensMMr u. Besoldungutetier zahlen? I . . . WienTM. Perle*. 909 pp. 8vo. M. 3.

i-npmta ptoerestiva, in- i di storia e d'economia delta nnanza. I'.occa, 1897. (PS'

Massachusetts Krfxut of the commiwion ap-

pointed to inquire into the expediency of revising & amending the laws of the common- wealth relating to taxation. B., State Printer, Sfr- ??l^ v.- (PSQ M ++) (EcJ., Mr. i (JPE-, Mr., p. 2*5 -f-+)

M. & A. Dictionnaire universe! des mon- naies cpurantes (poids, titre, valeur, monetaires de tous les pays) . P., libr. f re res. 142 pp. 8vo.

  • Noyes, A. D. Thirty years of American finance

. . . 1865-96. N. Y., G. P. Putnam's Sons. 277 pp. i2mo. $1.25. (Nation, Mr. 24, p. 228 -I- +) (Outlook, Mr. j +)

  • Russell, H. B. International monetary confer-

ences ; their purpose, character & results, with a study of the conditions of currency & finance in Europe & America . . . N. Y.. (Harper Bros. 477 pp. 8va $2.50. (Outlook, Ap. 2

  • Stephens, T. A. Contribution to the bibliography

of the bank of England. Effingham. Welsh & Co., 1897. (PSQ., Mr. + ) (EcR.,D.

Wagner, Adolph. Grundriss zu Vorlesungen iib. Finanzwissenschaft in aphoristischer Form. Als Leitfaden fiir seine Zuhorer, in Anlehng. an sein Lehrbuch u. seine Abhandlgn. im Schonberg'schen Handbuch, m. einigen naheren Ausfuhrgn. iiber die indirekten Steuern. Br., Puttkammer & Miihlbrecht. 144 pp. 8vo. M. 2.40.


Appel, Alwin. Enstehung u. Niedergang des spanischen Weltreiches u. seines Kolonial- handels. 54 pp. M. 0.75. (Sammlung ge- meinverstandhcher wissenschaftlicher Vor- trage.)

  • Benoist, Charles. L'Espagne, Cuba et Etats-

Unis. P., Perrin &Cie. 272pp. i6mo. (RPP.,

Boos, Heinr. Geschichte der rhein ischen Stadte- kultur von ihren Anfangcn bis zur Gegenwart m. besond. Beriicksicht. der Stadt Worms . . . 2. Ausg. 574 pp. 410. Br., J. A. Stargardt. M. 9.

  • Cameron, D. A. Egypt in the nineteenth cen-

tury ; or, Mehemet AH & his successors until the British occupation in 1882. L., Smith & Elder. 296pp. 8vo. S. 6. (Athenaeum, Mr. 26 H )

Cavaignac, Godefroy. La formation de la Prusne contemporaine. T. 2. Le ministere de Har- denberg . . . (1808-13). P., Hachette & Cie. 517 pp. 8vo.

Chan nine, Edward. A student's history of the United States. N. Y., Macmillan Co.. 1808. 603 pp. 8vo. $1.40. (Outlook, Ja. 89-f--f) (Nation, Mr. 17+-) (AHR., Ap.?-|--)

Chronographia regum francorum. Publire pour la SocUtlde 1'histoire de France par H. Moran- ville. T. 3. (1380-1405) P., libr. I^urcni. 1897. 3*0 pp. 8vo.

Corbett, J. S. Drake & the Tudor navy ; with a history of the rise of England as a maritime power. N. Y., Longmans, Green & Co. v. il. 8vo. $10.

Delate. L'Abbc. L'cglise de Paris pendant la Revolution francaise (1780-1801). T. 3. P., libr. Desclce. de Krouwer & Cie. 600 pp. 8vo.

Deville, Victor. Partage de I'Afrique (exploration, colonisation, ctnt politi<|ue). P., Joaep Andre ft Cie. 466pp. 8viv

Fiske, John. Old Virginia and her neighbor*, loughton, Mim-in & Co.. 1807. 8 pp, 8vo. $4. (Academy. Ja. i -f -f ) (Nation.

Ja. 13 + +) (Dial, F.i ++)

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