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successful, 266; North Carolina vs. Norway plan, 266 ; suicide &, 467 ; intemperance as a cause of poverty, 617 ; sex question &, 703 ; [ac 136, 429, 724, 725; be 134, 7i 875, 876, 877] ; (tee also Saloon).

LITERATURE: [001361.

Littre, E. 701 ; Loch.C. S., b 574, tnb 256; Lock- yer, J. N., br 718 ; Loeb, J., 60.

LODGING HOUSES: [ac 725, 879].

Logia, Jesou, br 424; Lohmann, W., be 7x6, Lombroso, C., 13, 45, 5, 57. 6c 130.

LONDON: [bo 129, 426, 869].

Lonsdale, Margaret, be 574; Loomis, mb 248; Lorenz, Ottokar.be 869; Loria, Achille, b 115-20, 822. br 133; Lorini, Eteocle, be 715; Lotz, W.,

Louisville Conference, be 870: Loutchisky, J., be 721 ; Low. Seth, 265 ; Lowell, A. L., br 132, 423; Lowell, Mrs. C. R., ac 553; Lowell, J. K., 70, 71 ; Lowell, J. S., b 571 ; Lubbock, Ger- trude, b 574, 576 J Lubbock, John, mb 251, 754, 759; Lucas, C. P., br 131; Lumbroso, Alb., be 131, br 421; Lummis, C. F., br 872; Luther, Mart., be 424.

LUXUKY: foe 725].

Luzzatti, Giac, be 419.

LYNCHING: [00879].

Mably.be 717; McArthur, mb 108; McCarthy, Justin, br 4 2i; McCarthy,}. H., b 872; Mc- Cook, mb 105 ; McCulloch, O. C., b 573-4 Cullogh, T. R., b 576; McDonald, Arthur, 6*576; McDonald, William, br 872; McDon- ough, John, 6 573; McDowell, Mary, 174; McElroy, mb 251; Macfarlane, 50; McGee,

. ., , .,

A. M., a 183-205, 356 ; McLennan, J. F., mb 770 ;Macleod,H.D.,br 132, 77: McNeil!, G. b 574; Mac Veagh, Wayne, 603 ; Macey, Je

. J., 757, 758,768; Machiavelli, 821. MACHINERY: effect of on labor, 279; machinery

[ac 725, bo 876].

Mackay, Thomas, be 860; McKechnie, W. S., br 133, 423 ; Mackenzie, J. S. 544, 701 ; Mackenzie, W. D., be 718; McKmley, Wm., 86; MacLean, A. M., a 183-205, 356 ; McLennan, J. F., mb 102,


acey, esse,

br 423; Mahan, A. T., br 873; Maillet, Eu- gene, br 875; Mailly, De, 214; Maine, Henry,

Maitfand, F. W., br 423, be 870; Malet, A., br

875; Malgaigne, 51 ; Mallock, W. H., be 876;

Malot, Hector, bo 7'5 J Maltbic, M. R., be 870;

Malthus, mb xoi, 102, it?, 533. MALTHt'siAMSM : truth of, 533 [be. 719]; (see

a/so Population).

MAN : fear the leading motive of, 532 ; [be 417]. M-inley, J. H., 44; Mann, Horace, mb 108, 821 ;

)equin,Th., bo 425 ; Manning, 861; Manou-

vrier, 210. MANUAL TRAINING: reform of criminals by, at

Klmira, 577-600; (see a/to Industrial education;

Margerie. Amedee de, be 715; Marin, Louis, 213. MARK: [60418].

MarotiMsem, P. du. 214; Marquardsen, br 423. MARRIAGE: suicide &, 470; various kinds of, 754-76; cephalic index &, 861 ; (see also Fam-

Mam, Ant., b 703. br 713; Marshall, Alfred, b 574; Marshall A. M., be 713: Manineaux, James, 67, 509; Martin, 51; Marx, Karl, bo 117. ... mb 254, 268, 822.

Mas^-Dari. br 871 ; Maspero. 0.. br 131. 421.

MASSACHUSETTS: 378, 479,631; [br 129,871; bt 140-44); M assart. Jean, b 408; Masson, P., 6c

. , , .,

871; Ma thews. Shailer.be 425. b 548. Jon., br 419; Station, Henry, b* 576; Maupas, E., 36; Maurice, 171; Mayo Smith, mb tot ; Mayr.Gr. p6; Ma/ini,8ai; Mead,

G. W., bo 132, b 574.

MEXICO: criminal anthropology in, 13-17; [be 87*].


Mehring, Frz., be 434; Meinardus, be 424; Mela, 52; Nleloit, M. & A., br 8; Melon,T>.ul. 60 870; Mencius, 513; Meager. 267: Mcrlino, Saverio, be 44, 875; Mercer, H. C, br 417; Menwcther, Lee, b* 574; Merrick, G. P., b

S4 ; Merrill, J. J., be 419 ; Men, J. T., br 719 ; esmer, Charles, br 719; Mesuil, du, 214; Metin, Albert, 213, bo 718; Meuriot, Paul,

Meyer, B. H., ob 558; Meyer, E. H., br 869, be 873; Meyer, George.be 120; Meyer. K. M 721; Meyers, mb 249; Miaskowski, be 425; Michael, Wolfgang, br 873 ; Michelet, J.,be 873; Mikhailowski, N., be 816; Mikkelsen. mb 249; Mill, I. S., mb 108, 253; Miller, William.br 421; Millis, H. A., a 378-91, 479-89. 631-48, . E., b 576, mb 107;

777-94, r 548; Mills? R. Q., 86.

Milwaukee public library, b* 576.

Mirabeau, 236; Miriel, Emile, bo 870; Mismer, Charles, bo 875.

MISSIONS: "Christian Missions & Social Prog- ress," b 545; new methods vs. old in, 659; [ac 725. 879; bo 423, 718, 875].

Mitchell, A., 43,44! Mitchell, Kate, mb 106, be

84; Mitteilungen, bo 716; Modjeska, mb 109; ohl, Robert von. 121 ; Moll, 46; Mommsen, 298 ; Monanges, Maurice, be 716.

Molinari, G. de, br 130.


MONEY: circulation of paper currency, 835 (set also Finance).

Monod, Gabriel, be 421.

MONOPOLIES: [00429].

Monroe, Paul, mb 254, o 729-53.

Monroe, W. S.. be 714, br 875 ; Montanari. Ant., 60873; Montesquieu, br 424, be 719; Mont- gomery, Edward, ab 553 ; Monticelli, Car., 60 719; Montvalon, Gabriel de, be 714; Monu- menta, 60421,873 ; Moore, E.C., o 1-12; Morag- Ha, G. B., bo 418.

MORALITY: effect of poverty on, 116.

MORAL PHILOSOPHY : is the successor of theology, 512; nature of its influence, 511-19.

Morel, Francois, br 875; Morgan, C. L., br 199, 713; Morgan, L. ri.. 756, 757, 774; Morley, lonn. br 423; Morris. William, nth 254, b* 574; Morris, W. O'C., bo 421 ; Morrison, W. D., 6r 130, 418, b 574 ; Morselli, 52, 464, 468, 469, 470.

MORTALITY : see Vital statistics.

MOTHERS: [ac 136],

Motley. J. L., be 873; Mott, Mrs., b 573 1 Muel- ler, D. von, be 873; Muffang, H., ab 706; Miihlbrecht. Otto, b 537-41, br 717; Muir, mb 252; Mulhall. M. G., 84, br 134,426; Milller, -18, br869.

Munchener Volksw. Studien, bo 7^. i'AL GOVERNMENT: see Cities.

MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP: [00 725]; (tee alto


i AL REFORM: see Cities.

pal year-book, bo 870; Munsterberg. E., 60

7i3;Muntz, E., 213; Musatti, Eug., (> Musce social : [ac 725, be 425!- Music: social control and. 398. Musick, J. R., bcl8 73 ; Musters, 769; Mutahorl,

Christo, be 716; Myrick, Herbert, b 576,60


LOGY: [60 869!. Nandc, W., br 132; Napoleon, 237, 8ti ; Nash. H.

S., 79$ ; br 425, 718 ; Nassc, 47. National Cash Register Co., rotsibilitits of tk

present industrial systftn, a 799-53 ; men vs.

systems, 799-30 ; description of the methods of

the National Cash Register factory, 731-53;

extr .,igs, and decorations of plant,

739-3; management by committees, 734-*;

publicity, 736, 738-9; complaints and

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