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IDEAUSM: 820; [ac 724, 879; be 131 419, 424]. [bt i 140-44; , be 717].

ibert de Saint-Armand,

ILLINOIS: 378,479,631

Imbert, Henry, be 721; be 872.

IMMIGRATION : The immigration question, ab 277 ; [ao 136, 428, 724]-

INDIA: [ac 136, 724; be 130, 422, 869].

INDIANA: 144,378,479,631.

INDIVIDUALISM: [ac 724, 879; be 133, 423, 424, 425, 870].

INDUSTRIAL EDUCATION : at settlements, 180.

INDUSTRY: [ac 136, 879; be 134, 422, 426,877]; (see also National Cash Register Co.).

INHERITANCE : advantages and disadvantages of, as a factor in society, 678 ; [ac 879].

INJUNCTION: [ac 724, 879; 6c 875].

INNER MISSION: [ac 136; be 129, 417, 713].

INSANE: sex and, 44; state provisions for care of, 484; suicide &, 467 ; puberty &,703; |ac42g].

INSTITUTIONAL CHURCHES: responsibilities & dan- gers of, 25-6 : programme & bibliography, mb 107; [06724; be 132]

INSURANCE: Over insurance and under consump- tion, ab 277: " Neue Beitrage zur Frage der Arbeitsloscnversicherung," 6 546; Study of a law on accident.', to labor in France, aft 556 ; features of, in trades unions, 851 ; ac 136, 429, 724, 879; be 134, 422, 716, 720, 721, 877.

INTEMPERANCE : see Liquor question.

INTEREST: [ac 429: be 132, 422, 874].

Internationale Kongress, 6c 716, br 419.


INTERNATIONAL LAW: [ac 429,724; be 131, 421, 716, 875].


INVENTION: [etc 429, 879],

IRELAND: [ac 879].

IRON: [ac 724],

IRRIGATION: [ac 136].

ITALY : [ac 136, 429, 724 ; be 130, 132, 134, 420, 426,713,715,872,873],

Jacob, 37 ; Jacques, 6c 424, 425 ; Jahn, M., be 418 ; Jahrbuch, be 423, 721, 874 ; Jahresbericht, be 716 ; James, E. J., be 870; mb 108, 256; ab 710; James, William, br 419; Janet, Paul, be 419.

JAPAN: [ac 136, 429, 879],

Japp. A. H., ac 874; Jastrow, J., be 872; Jenks, Edward, br 420, be 131, 717; Jenks, J. W., bs

T 575, 709-

JERSEY, ISLE OF: [ac 724].

Jesuit relations, be 872 ; Jeune, bs 574 ; Jevons, \V. S., ml' 109,205, 252; bs 574, 575.

JEWISH QUESTION: [ac 724, 879].

Joanne, Paul, be 423. 717; Johnson, H. K., 6 406; Johnson, Mrs. H. L., be 718; Johnston, H. H., br 420; Johnston, VV. J., be 418; Jones, E. L., 48, 49, 57,58; Jones, E. T.,a6 277 ; Jones, M. K., bs 574, 575; Jordan, John, 141; Joux, Otto de, be 719; Jiinglingsfreund, be 718; Jur- nitschek, Osc., be 422.

JURY: [ac 429, 724].

JUSTICE: as an element in social control, 519.

Kahn, Julius, br 419; Kane, 767.

KANSAS: 378, 479, 631 ; [b* 139-44]-


4 ; reorganization of, by populists, 394-404. Kant, 513, 514, 519.

Kappes, Matthias, be 714, 871; Kauffmann, Ri- chard, br 721 ; Kaufmann.A., be 872; Kautsky, K., be 718; Keasby, L. M.,6r 131, 421 ; Keeley, Dr., ii ; Keeley, L. E., bs 574 ; Kelley, Edmund, /^ 574; Kelley, Florence, as 139, 140,198,204, 376; a 490-501; Kelley, Harrison, 394, 395; 396; Keltic, J. S., be 132; Kennedy, 1., he 715. Kerr, Dr., 9; Kerr, Clara Hannah, br 132; Keufer, 214; Keutgen, F., br 423; Key, Axel, 33; Kidd, Benjamin, 270, 520,535, 701, 827, 858; Kines, 208; King, W. A., a 216-35; Kingsford, br 131.

KENTUCKY: 378,470,631.

KINGSHIP: as sociological factor, 672.

Kmt:sley, Charles, bs 572; Kingston, A., br 872; Kinsky, Count C., be 875; Kirchenheim, In- 424 ; Klebs, 34, 35, 36 ; Kleinpaul, Rud., be 718 . Knapp, mb 255, 256.

KNOWLEDGE: [be 418] ; Koch, 44; Koechlin, M.. 276; Kohler, J., he 418; Kongress. //< Koren, John, b 265; Korniloff, 48; Korosy, Jos., be 720; Krafft-Ebing, 45, 46: Kramnr, J. U., be 870; Krebs, J. A., be 713; Kriegk, G. C.,462; Kronenberg, M., be 131 ; Kropotkine, Pietro, 6C424J Kiilpe, Oswald, br 715; Biblio- thek, be 719; Kurella, Hans, be 719.

LABOR: mortality statistics as to occupations. 216- 35 ; The labor movement, ab 278 ; humanity to laborers pays, 279 ; present condition of, 350 ; is fighting tor security, 351 ; Inspection of labor in France, ab 551 ; [ac 136,429,724,879; be 131, 421,716; (see also Arbitration, Housing, Insur- ance, National Cash Register Co., Statistics, Trades unions, Unemployed, Wages).

LABOR BUREAUS : list of states having, 144.

Labriola, Antonio, br 420, 822 ; Labriola, Arturo, 8, be 132 ; Lacanu, 43 ; Lacombe, 701 ; Ladd, G. T., 6?- 715; Lafitte, J. P., be 717; La Grasserie, be 423, 719; Laidlaw, Walter, a 795-808; Lamarck, 711; Lallemand, Leon, br 417; Lalor, J. J., bs 574; Lambert, Maurice, be 874; Lamerie, L. de, 60419; Lamy, Etienne, br 417; Lanciani, R. A., 6r8 7 2.

LAND QUESTION: programme and bibliography, mb 253; [ac 429, 7 2 5, 879; be 134,424, 425, 716, 717, 721].

Lane-Poole, Stanley, br 871; Lanessau, de, 214; Lang, Andrew, br 417; Langner, E., 6c 417.

LANGUAGE: [ac 136].

Lapouge, G. P. de, 314, 315, 319, 321 ; ab 862.

Lamed, J. N., bs 575; Laughlin, J. L., bs 575; Laveleye, Emile de, br 874; Lavigny, 208; Lavisse, Ernest, br 131, 420; be 872.

LAW : Sociology as an introduction to law, ab 121 ; danger of rigidity in, 696-7; [ac 725,879; 6c 132, 133, 423, 875].

Lawrence, T. J., br 131 ; Lawrence, W. M., r 550; Lawrie, 51.

LEADERSHIP: as a force in social control, 236-47 ; error in Carlyle's theory, 243 ; limits of, 244 ; decline of, 247.

Lebon, Andre, br 872; Lecestre, Leon, br 420; Lecky, 510; Leedy, 398; Le Dantec, F., br 870; Lefevre, Andr., 210, 60872; Leffingwell, Albert, 6,s 574 ; Le Fur, Louis, br 423.

LEGISLATION: [ac 429, 725, 879; 6c 874].

Legouest, 50, 51; Lehr, Julius, 6 266-8; br 422; Leichtenstern, O., 45,

Leiter, Fredr., 6c 871 ; Lely, Walter, Adt.

209, 213; Lerda, Giovanni, a6 559; Lerou, Pierre, 6c 719; Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole, 311, br 425 ; Leroy-Beaulieu, Paul, 208, br 422; Le- roy-Beaulieu, Pierre, hr 425, 872; LeSage, 65; Letourneau, Charles, br 417, mb 102, 210, 859; Levi, G. G., 6c 815; Levi, Leon, 324, 325; Lewes, mb 254 ; Leypoldt, 6a 575.

LIBERTY : no real without money, 116.

LIBRARIES: [ac 136].

Licht, he 134 ; Lichtenberger, 213 ; Liebermann, F., br 717; Liechti, Eug., 6c 716; Liepmann, M., 6c 717 ; Liesegang, Erich, br 870.

LIGHTING: programme and bibliography, m b 249 [ac 725].

Lilienfeld, Paul de. br 425, 6 258-64, 701, 712; Limousin, C. M., 6c 424 ; Lincoln, C. H., 6c 429 ; Linde, Ernst, 6c 419; Linsay, S. M., bs 576; Lippert. J., 759, 766, 775 ; Lipsius, R. A., 6c 718.

LIQUOR QUESTION: " Liquor problem in its legis- lative aspects," 6 265; prohibition, how far

censern, ., 45, 4.

r, Fredr., 6c 871 ; Lely, J. M., 6c 717; Lenel, lter, br 872; Lenner, J. H., a6 278; Lenz,

t., 6c 418; Lepin, M., 6c 132; LePlay, 155,

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