From Prehistoric Times to Foundation of New South Wales in 1788. Early Rumours of a Great South Land—Navigation of Indian Ocean—Maps in 16th Century—Dirk Hartog, 1616—Pelsaert, 1629—Tasman, 1642—Dampier, 1688—Captain Cook, 1769—Cook's Discovery of East Coast of Australia, and of Endeavour Straits—Cook's second and third Voyages—Pitt's Ministry, 1783—Disposal of Convicts—African Exploration—Occupation of Australia determined upon—The Problem before the Pitt Ministry—Colonization—E. Gibbon Wakefield's subsequent Scheme of Colonization, 1849—The first Governor of New South Wales, Arthur Phillip—Legislation for Founding the Colony—Establishment of Courts of Law—Phillip's Labours in England—The First Fleet, 1787—Phillip selects a Site, and founds the Town of Sydney—Elements of the Population—Criminal Courts—Norfolk Island occupied—Phillip's Moral Influence—Parramatta—Agriculture—Phillip asks for Free Settlers—Grants of Land—Henry Dundas—Assignment of Convicts to Officers—Farms for Free Settlers—Supply of Food—Want of Food—Food procured at Cape of Good Hope—Starvation imminent—Famine—Governor Phillip—Loss of Cattle—Phillip and P. G. King—First Theatrical Performance in Sydney—Norfolk Island in 1789—Mr. Grenville on Norfolk Island—Phillip sends P. G. King as special Envoy to England—Loss of the Sirius at Norfolk Island—Martial Law there—Famine in Sydney—Food sent for from Batavia—Starvation and Robberies—Loss of the Guardian—Arrival of the Julina—The Second Fleet—John Macarthur—D'Arcy Wentworth—Famine at Norfolk Island—"Birds of Providence"—Arrival of the ships Justinian and Surprise from Sydney—Famine averted—The New South Wales Corps.
Natural Phenomena and the Australian Tribes. Flinders on the Name Australia—Mountains and Rivers—Climate—Drought—Hot Winds—Floods—Pasture—Minerals—Flora—Cordillera—Barrier Reef—Fauna—Tasmania—Tasmanian Fauna—Tribes of Australia and Tasmania—Dr. Pickering on Australian Tribes—Professor Owen's Remarks—An Australian Casuist—Dr. Prichard on Human Races—Sir G. Grey—Mr. E. J. Eyre—Australian Dialects Probability that the Australian Race Immigrated from Hindostan—Their Mode of occupying their Territory—Their Songs and Dances—Their Designation of Tribes analogous to that in Provence—Their Stone Implements—Their Class-names, and Marriage Laws—Their Tribal Territories—Their Government and Laws—Their Wommerah for throwing Spears—Their War-boomerang—Their Toy-boomerang made to return to the Thrower—Their Mode of killing Game—Boomerang of War—Boomerang of Amusement—Their Expertness in climbing Trees—Their Use of an exhilarating Plant—Their Food—Their Canoes—Their Skill in Tracking—Treatment of Women and Children—Usages and Superstitions—Their Rock Paintings—Their Ceremonies—The Induction of Young Men to Tribal Rights—Their Superstitions—Murramai (Rock Crystal) venerated—Their Manufacture of Nets, and of Weapons—Their Institution of Heralds Free from Molestation—Their Mode of Producing Fire—Rev. W. Ridley, Missionary—Sir G. Grey and Miago—Mr. Eyre—Count Strzelecki—Mr. J. Manning—Rev. Mr. Gunther—Rev. W. Ridley on Australian Traditions of a Creator—Sir Bartle Frere—Remnants of an Ancient Cult—Cannibalism not general—South Australian Folk Lore—"Kamilaroi" and "Kurnai"—Humboldt on Speech—Max Miller—Human Faculties—Australian Marriage Laws—New Norcia Marriage Laws—Narrinyerri Tribes, South Australia—Tasmanian Natives, Father Clark—Truganina—Mr. Calder on the Tasmanians—Mr. Bonwick's Opinion of a Tasmanian Native. Appendix on the Formation and Flight of the Boomerang of Amusement.
1788 to 1794. Governor Phillip's Explorations—Phillip and the Natives—Natives shot by the French at Botany Bay—Affrays of Convicts and Natives—Phillip's Measures—Small-pox, Question of its Introduction—Capture of Arabanoo, and his Death—Colebe and Bennilong captured—Bennilong's Escape—Phillip wounded by a Spear—Bennilong Friendly—Pemulwy and Balloodery—Native Boys killed (1799)—Lord Hobart moralizes on their Fate—Mortality among Convicts—Want of Food—Return of Phillip's Envoy to England, P. G. King—Law at Norfolk Island—The Marine Corps and Major Ross—Phillip's Difficulties—New South Wales Corps to be raised—Arrival of Drafts—Major Francis Grose—George Johnston joins New South Wales Corps—Bryant, Convict Fisherman, escapes in a Boat to Timor—Runaway Convicts—Missing
Records—Convicts enlisted in New South Wales Corps—George Barrington well-behaved Convict—The first freed Settler, James Ruse—Arrival of Free Settlers entreated for by Phillip—Thomas Rose first Free Settler—Major Grose errs—Phillip's Ill-health and Resignation—Regret in England—Farming, Live Stock, 1792—Black Caesar, Convict Bushranger—Whaling—Character of Governor Phillip—Major Grose Acting Governor—Grose abrogates Civil Law—Consequent Disorders—Grose disobeys Instructions—Grants of Land to Officers of New South Wales Corps—Grose and Rev. R. Johnson—Grose "plagued" by Settlers—Maori Chiefs at Norfolk Island—Grose declines to pay Norfolk Island Corn Bills—Hunter pays Them—B'Arcy Wentworth at Norfolk Island—Pitt and Dundas—Law at Norfolk Island—New South Wales Corps at Norfolk Island—Theatrical Performance at Norfolk Island—Mutiny of Detachment of New South Wales Corps at Norfolk Island—Grose abrogates Civil Law at Norfolk Island—Grose demands Explanation from P. G. King—(Grose's Court of Inquiry—King's Justification—Sec. of State approves King's Conduct—Sec. of State reinstates the Civil Law—P. G. King visits England—Grose retires—Capt. William Paterson, New South Wales Corps, Lieut. Governor—His Explorations—Grants of Land by Phillip, by Grose, by Paterson—Arrival of Samuel Marsden, 1794—Grose, Rev. R. Johnson, Wilberforce, Marsden.
1795 to 1800. Governor Hunter—His Efforts—Civil Law Restored—Magistrates' Court in Sydney—Misconduct of Military—Lord Mayor, London, obtains Redress for Shipmaster—Hunter and the Natives—Spurious Report about Cliffs of Salt—Dawes, Paterson, Hacking—Wild Cattle—George Bass—Bass's Whaleboat Expedition—Flinders and Bass—Bass's Strait Discovered—Hunter fixes Rates of Wages—State of the Colony in 1799—Fugitive Missionaries 1798—John Macarthur's Sagacity—Merino Sheep procured by him—Mutiny in a Convict Ship—The Scotch Martyrs:—Muir—Gerald—Skirving—T. F. Palmer—Wolfe Tone—Maurice Margarot—Margarot's Diaries—Judicature—Absence of Taxation—Hunter's difficulties—Royal Instructions condemning Spirit Traffic—Recall of Hunter—Appointment of P. G. King as Governor—King's Reflections.
1800 to 1806. Governor King—Trade with the East Indies—King's Instructions to repress Spirit Traffic—He checks it—He excludes Spirits—He sends Spirits away—His Orders—Success of King's Measures—Cattle imported—Importation of Spirits from East Indies Checked—Repression of Spirit Traffic—Port Orders—A Convict Lawyer, George Crossley—King asks for a Judge Advocate or a Chief Justice—Lord Hobart's Ineptitude—Spirits sent away—King on presenting Petitions—Excise Laws suggested by King—Illicit Stills Destroyed—Improvement in
Condition of Colony—The New South Wales Corps—John Macarthur—Foveaux—Recognizances of Officers of Corps—Courts Martial—Piper—Macarthur—Ruled that Officers cannot demand Court Martial—New Military Order on Courts Martial—Loss of Governor's Despatches by Lt. Grant, R.N.—French Exploring Ships—Captain Baudin—Courts Martial—Dr. Harris—Captain Kemp—Paterson determines that Military Officers shall not aid Colonial Departments—The Governor's Remedies—His Body-guard—Lieut. Bellasis—Court Martial arrests the Judge Advocate Dr. Harris—The Governor restrains violent Officers—His proposed Remedies—Dr. Harris—George Johnston—Sir C. Morgan, Judge Advocate-General in England, on Colonial Courts Martial—Lord Hobart and Captain Colnett, R.N.—Governor King and Captain Cohiett—King on remodelling Courts of Judicature—The Courts of the Colony—Armed Association to aid the Military—Macarthur ready to repress Sedition—Sedition—Convicts in the Ann strive to capture Her—Foveaux quells Insurrection at Norfolk Island—The armed Associations in New South Wales—King's published Order, on Seditious Meetings—Seditious Irish Convicts—Governor King respecting them—He asks for Copies of Statutes at large, particularly about Sedition—Sentences on some Irish Prisoners—Chevalier de Clambe—Rev. Mr. Dixon, Roman Catholic, emancipated in order that he might minister to his Co-religionists—Armed Associations re-embodied 1803—Francois Duriault—Captain Abbott and Mr. Marsden—Margarot's Journal on the Irish Insurgents—King—Major Johnston—Major Johnston's Despatches on Capture of Insurgents Court Martial—Executions—Governor King's published Orders—Investigations—Joseph Holt and his Memoirs—Margarot—Maum—Sir H. B. Hayes—Magistrates' Report on Margarot—Duriault sent away by the Governor—Governor's Reports on the Insurrection, and the State of the Colony—No present (Clause for Apprehension—French Exploring Ships, Naturaliste and Geographe—Lieutenant Grant and the Lady Nelson—Discoveries—Grant and Barrallier—The Governor's Instructions to Murray—Port Phillip entered by Bowen—Baudin at Western Port 1802—Matthew Flinders meets Baudin at Encounter Bay—Flinders at Port Phillip 1802——Flinders at the Barrier Reef—Flinders Prisoner at the Mauritius—Flinders—King—De Caen—Peron—Sir Joseph Banks—Flinders released; His Papers retained—Baudin and Hamelin in Sydney 1802—The Hoisting of a Flag—A French Sealing Voyage King's Conjectures as to French Designs—Rumours of French Settlement—,Chas. Robbins, H.M.S. Buffalo—Governor King's Letters to Baudin—Baudin's Letters to Governor King—Robbins and Grimes at Port Phillip—King resolves to occupy Tasmania—River Derwent Settlement 1803—Collins to occupy Port Phillip—Lord Hobart's Instructions to Collins—Apprehensions of Collins—Despatches of Collins—King—Collins—Buckley—Collins at the Derwent—Lord Hobart's Blunders—Cattle sent for—H.M.S. Buffalo—Lord Hobart suggests Rice-growing—Colonel Paterson at Port Dalrymple—King deprecates Abandonment of Norfolk Island—Food for Settlements in Tasmania—Colonel Collins' Difficulties—Collins on Slaughter of Tasmanian Natives—Collins on Favours to Military Officers—Collins on Holt and Margarot—Hunter River Settlement—Sir H. B. Hayes and Margarot—Paucity of Military Officers—John Macarthur and Wool-growing—Lord Camden—Governor King and Macarthur 1805—John Macarthur's Hopes—Barrallier's Explorations 1802—Caley's Explorations—Treatment of Natives— Pemulwy—Tribal Divisions—Portland Head Settlers and Governor King—James Bath—Destruction of the Fittest—Musquito—Atkins on the Absence of Necessity to treat the Natives lawfully—Musquito undergoing a Tribal Ordeal—Governor King founds a Female Orphan Institution—Samuel Marsden its Treasurer—Occupations of a Governor in 1802—Missionary Refugees from Tahiti—Rev. Mr. Fulton—Rev. Mr. Dixon—Musters of Convicts—Forgeries by Convict Clerks—Escapes of Convicts in departing Ships—Ill-usage of Convicts at Sea-Inhuman Masters of Ships—Mutiny of Convicts in the Hercules—Trial of a Shipmaster—Escapes of Convicts—Harbour Ordinances—Currency in New South Wales—Petition for Suspension of Civil Courts—General Order to repress Monopoly and Extortion—Promissory Notes—Public Brewery—Flax and Woollen Factories—Occupation of Lands 1806—Agriculture 1806—Reserves of Land—Grants of Land up to 1806—Live Stock in 1806—Commons—The Plough—Cattle in 1806-The Great Flood of 1806—Regulations after the Flood—War and Letters of Marque—The Privateer Harrington—Regulations concerning Privateers.—Regulations as to Labour of Convicts—Female Convicts Convict Tutors—Pardons—Punishments—Statistics, Population in 1806—Bass, his last Voyage—Robbins—Pomare of Tahiti—Ti-pa-he of New Zealand visits Sydney—Governor King's Career, and Dr. Lang's Opinion about it—Claims on a historian, John Macarthur and Lord Camden—Immigration of Capitalists, John and Gregory Blaxland—Departure of Governor King—His Death—Encomium on by Secretary of State—His Widow.
1806 to 1809. Governor Bligh—Mutiny in H.M.S. Bounty—Instructions to Bligh as Governor—His Demeanour—Dr. Harris's Description of his Conduct—His Advisers—Punishments ordered by Him—His Favouritism—His Deportation of Settlers from Norfolk Island—His Relations with John Macarthur—His Treatment of the Criminal Court—John Macarthur imprisoned—Governor Bligh placed under Arrest by Major Johnston—Johnston, as Lieut.-Governor, assumes the Government—Addresses of Officers and others to Johnston—Major Abbott's Opinion—Bligh's Arrest a Necessity—A Serjeant's Evidence—Bligh's Deposition—Johnston's Appeal to Officers, military and civil—Johnston s Government—Gregory Blaxland—Johnston's justificatory Despatch—Bligh 's Despatch of the same Period—Colonel Foveaux's Arrival—Bligh's Demand—Foveaux maintains existing Conditions—Johnston—Paterson—Bligh—Foveaux's Government—Colonel Paterson arrives and governs—Bligh's Solemn Pledge to Paterson broken by Bligh—Paterson's Indignation—Paterson forbids Communication with Bligh—Governor Macquarie arrives with Instructions—Macquarie assumes the Government—His Opinion of Bligh—State of Public Opinion in the Colony—Macquarie's Patronage of Convicts—Kent acquitted and Johnston cashiered—Courts Martial in England on Lieutenant Kent and Colonel Johnston—John Macarthur—Under-Secretary Goulburn and Mr. G. W. Taylor—Macarthur and Lord Bathurst—Macarthur's Banishment at an End—His Return to Australia.
1810-1821 Governor Macquarie—Mrs. Macquarie's Chair in the Domain at Sydney—Census of 1810 and 1821—Macquarie's Regulations—Macquarie in Van Diemen's Land—Colonel Davey—Judicature of Van Diemen's Land—Bushranging in Van Diemen's Land—Martial Law in Van Diemen's Land—Lieutenant-Governor Sorell in Van Diemen's Land—Aborigines in Van Diemen's Land—Discoveries in New South Wales under Macquarie—Gregory Blaxland—W. C. Wentworth—Lieutenant Lawson—Discoveries in New South Wales—Oxley on the Lachlan and Macquarie Rivers, and at Liverpool Plains, New England, and Mount Seaview—Hamilton Hume discovers Goulburn Plains, &c.—Captain P. P. King's Marine Discoveries—New Courts of Judicature—Judge Bent and Governor Macquarie—Judge Barron Field—Macquarie and the Judges—Macquarie on a proposed Council of Advice—Macquarie builds a Hospital—His Method—Lord Bathurst on Spirit Traffic—Marsden on Parramatta Female Factory—H. G. Bennett, M.P., on Macquarie's Government—Bank of New South Wales formed 1816—Savings Bank, 1819—Currency Question -Public Meeting Regulations—Export of Wool to England—John Macarthur and Commissioner Bigge—Macquarie and Marsden—Macquarie and the Natives—Annual Meetings of Natives at Parramatta—Military Operations against Natives, 1816—Court Martial on a Chaplain—Royal Veteran Company—Macquarie deports a Roman Catholic Priest—Religious Bodies—Marsden and Leigh—Religious Bodies—Convicts build a Church—Macquarie's Treatment of the Free Settlers and of the Convict class—Assignment of Convicts Judge Burton's Charge on Convict Gangs—Sydney Smith on Transportation—Macquarie's Patronage of Convicts—Colonel Molle and the 46th Regiment—Marsden 's Testimony as to the Service rendered to the Colony by the 46th Regiment—Colonel Erskine and the 48th Regiment—Macquarie's Poet Laureate—Macquarie and Judge Bent—Macquarie inflicts the Lash on a Free Man-H. G. Bennett, M.P., denounces Macquarie's act—Macquarie's Defence—Legal Action instituted by an Emancipist—Barron Field's Decision—Position of emancipated Colonists—William C. Wentworth's Book (on New South Wales) published, 1819—Commissioner Bigge on Just Grievance of Emancipists—Macquarie and Marsden—The Free Man, William Blake, flogged by order of Macquarie excites Sympathy in England—Wilberforce, a Champion of Marsden—Lord Castlereagh—Commissioner Bigge's Reports—Imperial Legislation on Australian Customs' Duties—Duties in England on Australian Wool, Timber, &c.—New South Wales Judicature Act (Imperial) passed in 1823—A Legislative Council created—Chief Justice to certify that Projected Measures are not repugnant to General Law—The New Constitution—£4,000,000 expended by Imperial Parliament in founding the Colony—Sir Thomas Brisbane appointed Governor—Macquarie's Proclamations and Orders—Macquarie's Departure.
1821 to 1825. (Van Diemen's Land to 1836) Governor Brisbane—His Observatory—Selects Hamilton Hume to go with an Expedition overland to Western Port—Hume's overland Journey to Port Phillip—Penal Settlements at Port Macquarie and Moreton Bay—Surveyor General Oxley at Port Curtis and Moreton Bay—Allan Cunningham, Botanical Collector and Explorer—Lord Liverpool and Mr. Canning safeguard Australia—The Natives and Martial Law—Windradine, a Bathurst Native—Brisbane forms a Corps of Mounted Police, Soldiers of Regiments—Their great Services—Australian Agricultural Company—Grants of Land by Brisbane—Lord Bathurst's Despatches—Colonel Arthur to be Governor of Van Diemen's Land—Francis Forbes to be Chief Justice of New South Wales—Judge Advocate Wylde on Judge Advocate's Functions—The Jury Question and C. J. Forbes—W. G. Wentworth—Amended Constitution Act, 9 Geo. IV., cap. 83—The Governor's Legislative Council, 1824—Government of Van Diemen's Land, Despatch on—Dr. Douglass and Marsden—Sir Robert Peel and Lord Bathurst—Dr. Douglass and Marsden—"Torture" Proceedings—Governor Brisbane and Attorney-General Saxe-Bannister—Indemnity Act for Magistrates, 1825—Saxe-Bannister—Marsden's Defence—The Australian Newspaper on the Torture Proceedings and the Magistrates' Indemnity Act—Mr. (afterwards Dr.) J. D. Lang—Governor Brisbane, Major Goulbum, and Dr. Lang—Mr. Thomas Icely and Dr. Lang—Governor Brisbane, Dr. Lang and Mr. Wemyss—Dr. Lang and Mr. Wilmot Horton in England—Dr. Lang and Lord Bathurst—Dr. Lang and Mr. Busby—Wentworth and Dr. Wardell—Lord Bathurst's Instructions as to a Measure dealing with the Press—Chief Justice Forbes—John Macarthur and Governor Brisbane and Judge Field—Addresses to Governor Brisbane—Macarthur's Recommendations on Public Affairs—Gibbon Wakefield's Theory of Colonization—Lord Bathurst's Directions that Faith be kept with Macarthur as to Land Grants—Statistics of New South Wales, 1825—Commerce and Settlement—Sir Robert Peel encourages Interests of Science in Australia—Mr. John Busby—Governor Brisbane, the "Exclusives," and the "Emancipists"—Van Diemen's Land and Colonel Sorell—Musquito, the Australian Native, after capturing Bushrangers in Van Diemen's Land, becomes a Leader of Van Diemen's Land Natives—Colonel Arthur becomes Governor of Van Diemen's Land—His Executive and Legislative Councils under the Constitution Act, 4 Geo. IV., cap. 96—Chief Justice J. L. Pedder—Charter of Van Diemen's Land Company—Colonel Sorell's Introduction of fine-woolled Sheep to Van Diemen's Land from Camden Park Flocks—Statistics of Van Diemen's Land in 1824—Chief Justice Pedder differs from Chief Justice Forbes as to Creation of Juries under the Constitution Act—Governor Arthur's Laws for the Press—He suspends his Attorney-General—His Legislation—His Usury Law—His Management of the Crown Lands—Lord Goderich abolishes Grants of Land, and substitutes Sales by Auction in Australia and Van Diemen's Land—Quit Rent Question—Governor Arthur will not allow Mr. A. M. Baxter to become a Judge—Macquarie Harbour, Maria Island, and Port Arthur Penal Settlements—Colonel Arthur's Control of Convicts—Capture and Death of Musquito—Rev. J. West's Description of a "Black Hunt"—Colonel Arthur outlaws the Natives—
Object Boards—John Batman—George Augustus Robinson—Colonel Arthur's Committee of Inquiry—Its Report—Eumarrah and Colonel Arthur—The Cordon across the Island a Failure—G. A. Robinson's Successes—Truganina—Island Imprisonment—Colonel Arthur's Epitaph on the Natives—Horrors amongst Convict Bushrangers—Extinction of Bushranging—Governor Arthur's System—Visit of Quakers: their Narrative—Arthur as a Moral Reformer—Rev. W. Bedford, Chaplain—Colonel Arthur's Departure—His Farewell to his Legislative Council—Material Progress during his Government.
1826 to 1831. Governor Darling—Governor Darling's Council—Alexander Macleay—John Macarthur and Robert Campbell—William C. Wentworth—Alexander Macleay—Discoveries in Darling's Time—Allan Cunningham—Sturt—Hume—Sturt on the Murrumbidgee River—At Lake Alexandrina—Settlements in Australia—Lord Liverpool keeping Guard—Governor Darling occupies Posts—King George's Sound—Western Port—John Batman—Swan River occupied, 1829—Troubles of the New Settlement—E. G. Wakefield's "Letter from Sydney," with an Outline of a Theory of Colonization—His Theory—Treatment of Natives in New South Wales—Governor Darling and his Attorney-General—Governor Darling and Outrages on the Natives—Killing a Native—A Trial—Dr. Wardell—Western Australia—Mr. Moore—Midgegoro—Yagan—Sir Charles J. Napier on Yagan—Saxe-Bannister—Juries under the Constitution of 1828—Grand Juries not adopted in Australia—Departmental Convenience and Public Loss—Stipendiary Magistracy—Settlement of the Jury Law under Governor Darling in 1829 (1830, 1834).—Juries-Press Law—Judge Forbes and Governor Darling—Newspaper Stamp Act Suspension, 1827—Veto of Chief Justice on Bills abolished—Prosecutions for Libel—Newspaper Stamp Act, 1830—Currency—Governor Darling's Bushranging Act, 1830—Encounters of Soldiers with Bushrangers near Bathurst—Robbery and Housebreaking Act, 1830—Outbreak of Convicts at Norfolk Island—Robbery by Soldiers—The Case of the Soldiers Sudds and Thompson—Captain R. Robinson, of the Royal Veteran Company—Debate in Parliament—Governor Darling's Conduct Approved—Assignment of Convicts in New South Wales—Grants of Land under Macquarie, Brisbane, and Darling—Immigration—Van Diemen's Land—Swan River—Lord Goderich abolishes Free Grants of Land—Mr. Busby constructs Tunnel to conduct Water from Botany Bay Swamps to Sydney—Drought of 1828—Financial Crisis—Legal Profession formally divided (1834)—Fisher's Ghost Story—Dr. Lang and Lord Goderich—Dr. Lang and John Macarthur—Deaths of early Colonists—Revenue and Population when Governor Darling left the Colony—Farewell Address of Legislative Council. |