fortunes of the Scots' church iiiider what Lang called "a
sentence of proscription." Lan^ puliliBbed in 1828 (after Brisbaiie'R departure) what he eailed **scraps of PreRbyteriaB conversation/* in which liis mother accused the Governor to iiis face of *'sh^4iting her family and persecuting the cause of God." While her son ^yas still an almsman in the houBe of Weniyss, the mter%*ention of Mrs, Lang created illwill between Wemyss and Brisbane. The latter promised to assist the church, and the former (according to Lang's statements) distrusted the promise. Under these circum- stances Lang declared that lie '* determined to leave the Commissary's family altogether, and to live in futore in his own hh'od house," He abstained from conversing w^th Mrs* Wemyss, in compliance with the injunction —
- Ephraira is joined to his idols; let him alone." Sever-
ance from the Commissary had *' become indispensably necessary" in order to profit by the grace of Sir T, Bris- bane, with whom Lang put himself in communication in May 1824, and from whom he received promise of assist- ance. Brisbane subscribed ilOO, and hi July 1824 was present at the laying of the foundation-stone of the Scots' Church on land which he granted for the purpose. Wemyss was absent, and Lang said '* he was evidently hardening bis heart against the Lord, who had acconipliehed the deliverance of the Scots' Chiii'ch from the hand of her enemies." Brisiiaue undertook to recommend to the Secretary of State the issue of a stipend to the successful Lang, who sailed for England (Aug. 24) to ply his persua- sions io person, ostensibly to secure a grant in aid of the erection of the church, but with an eye to a more personal matter. There he found that Lord Bafchurst had akeady animadverted^^ upon Brisbane's offensive reply to the Presbyterians. The requirement from them to prove then- loyalty was one wdiich on reflection Brisbane would consider '*an ill-advised and extraordinary demand," Brisbane was directed to '* assign out of the Police Fimd a sum equal to one-third of what upon an estimate of a jjlan hrst approved" by himself might appear requisite for the erection of a Despatch, 16tli Aug. 1824.