he pursued for sending out of this kingdom such of the
convicts as are under sentence of transportation." The, Nautilus Bloop, havinf^ explored the southern coast of Africa, | l>etMeen 15^^*50 south and HB' south, and found it harren and iinfitj His MajeHtj **lias thought it advisable to fix upon Botany Bay as a pUiee lilvcly to answer" the ret|uired IMirposes. Seven lumdred and tifty convicts, and three companies of marines, were to he sent with provisions for two years, aiul it was thought that *' perhaps two hundred females" might he "procured from places in the neighbom*- hood as companions for the men." Cattle, pigs, and seed grain were to he ol>tained at the Cape of Good Hope, and "every possible expedition" was lo be used. On the 31st Aug, further instructions reached the Treasury from Lord Sydney, to whom Lord Howe wrote (8rd Sept., 178()), **1 cannot say the little knowledge I have of Captain Phillip would have led me to select him for a service of this comjilicated nature, but as you are satisfied of his abilit3^ and I conclude he will be taken under yomc direction, I presume it will not be unreasonable to move the King for having His Majesty^s pleasure signified to the Admiralty." The marines were told that three years would probably elapse before they would he relieved. PJiillip asked that ten wives in each company of marines might he allowed to go with their huwhands, and (2nd Dec.) '* feared roiudi discontent in the garrison if there is no allowance of wine or spirits (to which they have been accustomed) until spruce beer can be procured for them." , The Prime Minister's liand is seen even m the manage- | ment of details. The paramount control of his advice can only be inferred. A memorandum still preserved in the Hecord Ofiice in London conveys a prouiise (Lith Dec.) from Sir Charles Middleton to '* furnish Mr. Pitt with the information required as far as the state of the business will admit as soon as j)ossihle^ probably thin ert'itiiuj or early to-morrow J' On the 28th Dec. a secretary at the Admiralty sent, for *' the information of Mr. Pitt," an estimate of the cost of the marines for three years — 1*45,752.^® '* In the **Aimuftl Register" for 1791 the acUittJ expLuuUture on th I'^itat IHeet was set tlown as ,C81,81>0 11a. 6il. , which hini aU lieetj paid Trmls ajjd iniplenieiits of husbandry hud uost tWfTyiy 8b- 7d.