going on boaril i'lOth Feb.), Bli^h availed himself of the
facilities afforded hhii in ^'commuiiicathig with hin friends/' Crossley was out of reach, havin*^ been traiiBparted: but others were acceshible, and Bli^b circulated tbrouf^'h their agency what Paterson described as libellous atnl de- famatory papers. The ship Admlnd Gamhier was about to convey to England JohuRton and other persons required as witnesses. Af? soon as Elijah's foot was on board tbe FoijioiHc, he pointed the fjjnns against the Atlminil Gamhhr, and pro- hibited the master from taldiig Johnston as a passenf^er. His word plighted to Paterson he cast to the winds, and saw no shame in doing so. He said at JolniBton's trial (1811) : **I took the Purpmsc upon the terms they had proposed to me; and the moment I got the command I took care to keep it, and would not snfTer any of their terais, or anything which they said, to have the least influence upon my mind/'^"^ Tbe officers and men of the Porpuhe distinguished with a rough bonesty lietween the lawful and the lawless. Bligh could not carry out bis plans. Kent was pot under arrest^ but the meitiory of the Jiounttf repelled the ship's company from their angry commander, and he was a commodore with- out a crew. Neither ollicers iior men could be brought to wage war against their countrymen on shore. The deceived Paterson cut off connnunication with the deceiver, Foveaux's departm'e was deferred in connequence of the " exigency of public affairs at this moment." As if to siiow that neither Johnston nor Foveaux had eucoiuaged importation of spirits, Paterson (5th Mareli) published an Order declaring that great inconvenience and injury were ** experienced l>y prudent ami industrious settlers from the length of time which has elapsed since they have been able to procure the least quantity of spirits,*' and that the master of the Admiral Gfunhfrr had been autliorized
- to import a supply for tbe express purpose of being
divided in proportionate shares among them at 11«- 6<L per '-^^ Jolinston's coniTnent was that tins lifeacli of *^sokMiiii pletlge might, perhaps, be vindicated, hwt lie uoiUd tint uiKleiHtaiid the cudv of Jioiiour from which such a viiifliratinn tiiUHt )>e drawn/' — '* J(>Uvi'?>vwV% '^xXsiX;"' p. 158.