< Page:History of Australia, Rusden 1897.djvu
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It was resolved to sweep away the imputations recorded

against Macarthur, and (2nd Feb,) he was tried before the Criminal Conrt on the charges jirepared by Crossley. Grimes, the Surveyor-General, was Judge- Advocate. The officers composhig the Court were those appointed hy Bligh. Macarthur waB nnaniniously acipiitted. It was pronounced that the warrant under which he was arrested was illegally issued and served, and that even his written statement '* delivered to Gates, an unsworn constable," was defenHible. Ob the 4th Feb., Johnston forbade Bhgh to hold any ^ commanication with the officers of H.M,S» ParpmseA then m the harbour. On the liith Feb., Johnston made' Macarthur a magistrate, and [Secretary of the colony witliout salary* Gore and Crossley found that the Secre- tary '" lived not to he griped by meaner persons." Gore was tried and imprisoned for perjury in an affidavit made by him as to the custody of Macarthur on the 25tli Jan.; and Crossley was transported for seven years for having acted as an attorney in defiance of the Act of Parhament prohil>itmg convicted perjurers from appearing as attorneys* The act of a native may be recorded here* It will be re- membered that Pemulwy, dreaded in the days of Phillip antl Hunter, was, after years of perilous adventure, shot in the time of King. Macarthur was kind to Pemuhvy's son, , l^edburo, who in return was grateful to Macarthur. The I day after Bligh's arrest Tjedboro stalked into Sydney with his weaY>ons of war, and as he put down his spears at Macarthur's liouse said — '* They told me you were in gaol." i

    • Well, Tjedboro, what have you come with your spears I

for?'* Tjedboro's eyes flashed as he answered, '* To spear] the Governor."^ Bligh's deposition has been minutely represented m these pages, not only because it was in itself a singular episode in the life of the colony, but because it has been misrepresented^^ as an act caused by Bligh's determination i to carry out faithfully bis instructions to repress a traffic ' " At a 8ul»3t.Hiutiut date, in nUercsation with a whit© iiiau, Tjedljoro wtti . «hot at Parmniattii mid tlieil of the wound. I '■It i» btK'uuse of uilareprc«efilution«, which, when onoe made, have! Jyeen JieetHeasly repeatetl, that; it hat* Wen iieedfu! Ut masa togijther io much iuformatiou, iioiue of wMcli ia now puljliahed for the first time. ,

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