Gore, aB liaa been seen, had suffered for bis attachment to
Bligh. It m^y be mentioned as some indication t>f public feeling, that Foveaux and Paterson were honoured in Sydney while they remahied there^ both by the i^eople and liy Macquarie, When Paterson sailed in H,M,S. Dromeilftnf (May 1810), great numbers assembled to l)id him farewell,
- ten crowded boats followiid bis phinace, cheering all tiie
way as a public deDionstratiou of respect to (ouo) endeared to all classes of the inhabitants.""^^ The death nf Paterson and of Jamison the Burgeon prevented their lieing sum- moned as witnesses at JohiisLon's trial in 1811. ■ Before Bligh left the colony he or his friends seem to" have exerted baneful inflnenee over Macquarie, for it is difficult to suppose that he siionfcaneously adapted the course he took within a few months of bis arrival, and before Bligh sailed for England. As Helots in the com- munity convicts might be seen without contamination, though even that was doubtfuL The free inhabitants had drawn a rigid line of exeluhiou of convicts or freedmen from society. AH Governors had done the sauie* At a distance vice might, in the words of the poet, be shunned as a monster l>y tbose who would embrace it when drawn near. On the 80th April 1810 the vain or beguiled Macqiiarie wrote that lie was very much surprised and
- ' coiicuriiiud lit the extraortliiittry and illiberal policy 1 found had Imjuu
adopted by all the persons m^Iio had preceded me in oliice, i especting thorn tueii who had been oi igioally neiit out to this comitiy aa convicts. . Thojsc pereonfci liavti never been countousiiiced or receivetl intcj aoeiety. have nevcrtheloaa taken upon myself to adopt a new line of conduct . admitted to my table" (several whom he named j one of whom was IMiglrn bailiff, ThoniBon, who was at the time labouring under the imputa- tion of defrauding the government),-^ This^ man wai^ made a magistrate— the first of his kind — before ^hicquarie had been a fortnight in office;^** and before BliglTs departure in May, had become Macquarie's private guest, although, -' Sfjdntif GazetU. ^ Among the papers seixcil by John a ton was a letter fronv Thoniaou Bligb, Hiiggeatijig that tbe latter might rapidly acL*umiilate a herd of cattld by excbaugiiig, with tbe governoiijnt her<.l» cowb witinmt calves for cow»J with ualvGs. A repetition nf the proccsa from tiuic to linic would work| marvela, hi the opinion of the uujuat steward, =* HQiise of Conimona' Papet^, k^^ U^tcX^u ^^^^^ **^^* ^^^Ji I 1