< Page:History of Australia, Rusden 1897.djvu
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OfiSciall}" he sent the opinious of the officers, and n

l^deposition of the informer. He said : — •*In this remote part of the world, where we are not even acquaiuted rith the laws of our country^ it is, I ix>nceive, the duty of an hono«t man |o secure life and property, to enforce ortler and obedience, and to prot^^t the innocent from the ba^ie and wicked designs of dangerous and dis- ^AflTecteil villains. 8uch has l>een my endeavour during my coinntaiid here." The officers who advised the execution of the culprits were T, Hobhins, Judge- Advocate ; T. Davies and V» Pattullo, lieutenantB ; J. Brabyn and N. Bayley, ensignn ; and J. Mileham, a surgeon. Hobbins added this rider to ^^tbeir general Btatement : — ^H|^ ** Be it remembered that the Judge-Advocate, or auy other iMrmon on ^^■his island . . , ia not in possession of or ever has been supplied with i ^fj^y of the late Actfl of Parliament relating to hii^h treason, Mcdition, i ^^Tinlawful asseml>liea, the administering of iUegal oaths, Ac, and th^irvlori* the speedy trial of the offenders is impracticable,** Foveaux seat throun;b Kinrr a long defence of his conduct. King commended and Lord Hobart highly approved c>f it. In his despatch, written wliile Margarot was watching hiti movemeuts, Khig reported that ** a second attempt Btill more diabolical than the first*' had been discovered in New i South Wales. The circumstances were clear •• to every one's conviction, yet no two evidences could be b; a third f>erson, such is the art with which they carry " Though everything was ready for ^eneml iasnrreVtiun -" as no overt act hud taken place I did not conceive r. ^opting more rigorous measures, which I conceive < i ive excusetl, than some severe corporal punishment on th- ^^id forming them into a gang in construetiug batteries and t> , ^' tuicier the immediate eye and inspection of the military**' He added that the desperadoes brought bv tfi including a notorious and rebellious priest. ha<i ■fc umbers of rebels to 600, ** thirsting to put i ■ ^Klans into execution.** ** I do not wish m I i ^Kianner ^^V tci imy^rcas your Grace that I am alarmed, or t^ ' ^ .mv '"*'* ^Hhetr plans succeeding. The steady l»ehaiaui- < ,4^ ^^ iUMk j H^f Hia Majesty's New South Wales ('uii»,s il, behaviour of the Association!? and the ^' tants, are so many sureties to me of pen- iU, the state of suspicion we must W 1. ertions in cultivation which woulil otl

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