< Page:History of Australia, Rusden 1897.djvu
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too idle aiKl vicioxis to send liere, and from wboiii no good could be got.

Hence it appears aa well as from his general conversation that the Emoki are made to labour by the authority of the chiefs." King sent Tip-a-he home in the Lfuhi Ndson, and re- ported that from '* everything that passed duriiif^ the Lady Ndsons stay it is evident that Tip-a-he is a chief of con- fiiderahle anthority." King hoped (26th July 1806) to call at New Zealand on hiw way to En^^land in the Buffalo, and confirm the friendly relations established with Tip-a-he, m that Governor Bligh (then expected) might derive benefit therefrom. Visitors to Sydney at the present time can scarcely pic- ' tare to themselves the aspect of the shore when the Tank stream ran where Pitt-street is laid oat, and a watery inlet spread widely over the space near the Sydney Exchange. In Angiisfc 180B the Governor reported that amongst other works ** w© have begim a strong stone bridge to facilitate the eommnnication of the two sides of the Cove at Sydney." A ** stone fort" (Fort Phillip) w^as commenced soon after the rebellion in 1804, and a *' stone barrack*' had previously been built at Castle HilL A '* stone church** was in course of erection m 1803. The enlargement of the wharf in Sydney, and the construction of the diminutive vessels, the ('Hmherhutfl and others, which carried the flag of England in the Southern Seas, w^ere duly communicated to the Secretary of State. The assessment" or Customs duty of one shilling a gallon on wine, and sixpence a gallon on w^ine which King imposed in order to create a **Jail Fund/' yielded 4' 881)0 Ws. Sd, With this he lunlt and nmintained gaols at Sydney aiul Parramatta, discharged other public claims, and left a l)alance in 1806 in the Treasurer s liands. The approval of the Secretary of State was not witltlield from a singular distribution of titular honours in 1802 by Governor King in naming two parishes and churches- It was ordered that Sydney and adjacent districts should be a parish, ** to be henceforth named * Saint Pliillip' in honoui* of the first Governor of this territory ;* * that Parramatta aud certain districts ** l>e henceforward nanjed' Saint Johns/ in honour of tlie late Governor Captain John Hunter, and that the churches now building at Sydney and Parra- I ^

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