B.'8 BEFOfilB.
op fra^b attempis, bo long pursoed in Ii^land, and wldch Aim now failed la the cok»iy. He was about to form a ipmi at the Hunter river, and aend some of the most daring N her; others be would ke^p in separate i. ' mth no other intermission than the time allowed for their meals and the Sabbath.'* The five irt}(jy(^rH bad been of infinite use, and were highly praised by /ohngton. King asked permission to raise their number to thirty. He would increase it to ten in the meantime, appointing ** Engligh convicts of whose fideUty there can be no doubt,'* and ensuring its continuance by giving them conditional pardons. The presence of H.ILS- CoUutta had be^jn opportune. It enabled King to obtain from Captain Woodriff the services of Lieut, Menzies (Royal Marines) in establishing a post at the Hunter, whitlier thirty-four of the most imruly Irish were sent in Murch 1804, divided Lq three small vessels to- I guard figainnt surprise on the voyage, Newcastle was ' fixed u]>on as the jiame of the new settlement by King, and thtj containing county was called Northumberland, Again the Governor urged that two artillery officers and Llirne non-commissioned officers should be sent to the j colony. He eould find well-behaved conricts to work nntkvr Lbeni, Then, with tlie active, loyal, and zealous |J»(rnv HfiuUi Waltis Corps, the Associations, and the free Rottlers, it miglit bo trusted that a foreign enemy could be repelliHl and interiuil disorder prevented. Soon afterwards the (lovornor wrote that he had been compelled to stop the Halaiy of the **Koniisli priest I>ixon for very improper con- dnct» and to jirevont the seditious meetings which took place ill t'onsiu] Ounce of the indulgence and protection he roceived/* Tho desperate characters at Newcastle were not «!ow tu concoct a phm to assassinate Lieut. Menzies and the guard, ImU Munzies discovered it, and the ringleaders recoiviHl *' severe corporal punishment." "Two of the Wornt" wore sent back by King's order to Sydney, " double- Irontnl iiUtX handcuffeil," in June 1804, The Armed Asso- I riatioii at Syilney was increased to fifty ; that at Pan*a- liiiatta to forty men, "A oitadel" in Sydney was com- menced without delay. A dmm'ii^x from the Calctt^^a being found " to have been