5Cl[I>" BY SI
l€7 ^ whaA aa 1 ^inp^ flcfpc, aixmd wilh i Gfostt pcirtlttsed spirits froni the mftsler, who noi, Oi o m jaidr otlieiime sell genial sapp^^ In lepnt Grae miliBclaii to be igiMMmnl wiietlier qiirils were I be isBiied as aa aBo'wmiiee, or vhetlMr dedoeiioBs WQ^ waitB tnmk the soUierB* paj. He retatiied Ibe maney i liemiglit beadrtntL lo tliefiame de^atdt^be good off bemg '"miieh phgved with the people who sellteft ;^ thej had '^ no other view than lai^oga t wmpflj to pay their paasagea lo Ungland f^ ibej ] in ** dispofiiiig of thiir flkick»'* and Groee was A i i gp d to eneoma^ and pronote the piiire}sae& of them 1 the ofieeiH,^ becaose he dieaded the extemunatioD of doek whieh it " had been the work of jem to collect" 8aeh a man was unfit fio govern the singnlar commcmity at Sjdnej, and the Seeretaiy of State bestirred himaelf fnd a GoTemor. As to the iaeoe of spirits to the eorpe, 1 IHradas repeated hiB ^eeifie instrqelioiis (to Phillip in 1 that men as well aa c^o»s wexe to be allowed to pay epiiitfi, like other articles, at prime cost. As Gro^e allowed* the offieerm to pay for conviet labomr with spirits at iteSt the profits of the traffic were eoosidesable. While thus eondneting hima^ in New Sooth Wal^ I Groee was b j no means williiig lo eo^^iperaie loyally the sailor Governor tinder him at Norfolk Island. >1md mrgjed opon Phillip repeatedly, and also npon I Secretary of State, the procurement of Maori teadtere the ii»n^ifiietQre of flax. He renewed his reqnest when and at the Cape of Good Hope met Captain fTaneonrer in 1791. and asked him, if it shoold be in hii wfaOe in the Southern Seas, to obtain two Maoris b; friendly means. In Jan. 1792 he asked the master of tmdmg Tessel to persoade two Maoris to gp to Ki Island, and he forwarded to the Seereiary of Slate a L off kts letter. C^iain Yanconrer, who had in 1791 discovered King leofga^s Soond^ was joined by the Dtfclnliu, sic^e-ehip, at (Xootka Soond, and sent her thenee to Sydney under command of Lt. Hanson. That officer, inatriMted by Heoord Office. ToL