For commons there were devoted (in 1804) in the — NeJ son district more than Richmond Hil! diatrict nearly Phillip district about ProBpeot and Seven Hills more than Banlkham Hdla and North Boundary nearly ... Eastern Farm and Field of Mara about The Go veiiimeiit occupied at Toongabbe At Castle Hill At Parramatta ..» .., ♦. Acren. 9,000 6,00t> 6,000 flpOOtJ 4.000 5,000 410 700 30t) '* exclusive of the i^round the towns stand on" (as a jjreeis in Kiiig^H handwriting informs ub). In 1805 the Judge* Advocate notified by command the rights appertaining to commons, and the residentiary trustees throughout the colony. The distribution of land and grants before and during King's government was thus stated by him in 180S : Acres Onnted aad ruroh»«dbe* and PuTtiliABed fore 18G0. aince ISOO. 32 Civil Officers 7,190 7,930 29 Military and 6 Naval Officers. , . 10,186 10,700 74eettlers, free, from Ktigland 1.440 6,751 JJ8 from ships .. .,. 8m 4,584 13 born in the colony and came free ... — 4,668 80 discharged soldiers and seamen 2,480 5,329 405 from lat^e convicts 11,593 7.073 Association, 2 officers 1,930 7,000 The live stock was estimated thus r — TiflrknffTTirr tn TViii^rVnaim"' Horaea. Cattle. Sheep. Ooats. Pigs. In New South Wales ,. 34 2,158 1,068
191 In Norfolk Island 5 23 1,228 — 27 In Hobart 6 194 225 ^ 4 In Port Dalrymple 3 287 200 — 48 2,662 2,721 _ 222 To " Individuals'*— In New Sontb Wales... 518 2,128 20,389 2,283 6,797 Many cattle and sheep were stated by the Governor to have been given to settlers, and he recorded dolefully:
- 1103 cattle purchased ; 62*2 were landed at Port Dalrymple,
where 400 died!" The earlj' Governors thus> with seanb means, maintained a continual struggle with crime, and with the vicissitudes of nature.