characters of Juror and judf^e were combined, and that his
authorities were therefore to the point. Atkins vainly endeavoured to interrupt the reading of the protest, whicli was wound up by an appeal to the officers of the New South Wales Corps; '"to tliem the administration of justice is committed; and who that is just has anything to dread?" Atkins, still unsworn, threatened to commit Macarthur, but one of the officers (Kemp) retorted, You commit ! No, sir, I will commit you to gaol." Atkins then called out that he adjourned the Court, but the officers declared themselves a Court without him, Atkins left the place* Macartlmr appealed to the Com-t for proieelion, deposed that he was informed that armed persons, associated with Crossley, were prepared to carry into execution a warrant from Atkins j and therefore, declining to give bail, asked for a military guard. The officers desired some of the soldiers to guard him. The Provost-Marshal forthwith acquainted Atkins, who, with Messrs. Arndell, Campbell, and Palmer, magistrates, issued a warrant to lodge Macarthur in gaoh This warrant waal executed earl^^ on the 26th Jan,; but in the meantime thj members of the Court had been in constant commimication, on the 25th, with the Governor. They told him they bad allowed Macarthur's objection to Atkins, asked him to appoint another Judge-Advocate to preside, and prayed for protection against the gross insults ami threats of Atkins, Bligh (at *' half-past noon'*) told them there could be no cause of challenge against the Judge-Advocate, *- without whose presence there could be no Court — that Atkins had a right to commit any one who insulted him in Court;" and directed that iVtldns should sit. The officers rejoined that they could not consistently with tlieir oath or their con- sciences sit with Atkms, and prayed His Excellency's further consideration, styling themselves ** faithful and obedient 1 servants/* Bligh (at *' quarter past t%vo o*clock") took nol notice of this appeal, but *' required" the officers to deliver | to the Provost- Marshal and BHgh's secretary the paperaj left by the Judge- Advocate on the table, and those read hfi Macartlnnv, *'that they may be dehvered to the Judge-! Advocate, His Majesty's legal officer." The officers enclosed' to Bligh a copy of a deposition by Macarthur, praying for