GOVERNOR HUNTER. b ^ I In Sept, 1795 Governor John Hunter reached Sydney by H.M.S. Reliance, in which George Bass was surgeon and Flinders was midshipman. The interest he displayed in the colony and the reconimendation of Lord Howe prociu'ed for Hunter the appointment of Governor, ahhough the retirhig Phillip suggested that King was the fittest man for the office. Hunter took back to the colony Beiiniiong, the native taken by Phillip to England. He received Eoyal instructions in England, with a provident despatch from Mr. Dundas, as to Ins multifarious duties as Governor. It does not appear that be w^aa able to stem the tide of drimkenness and del>auehery which was sweeping over the land- There was indeed a curious mixture of reprehension and encouragement in the conduct of the governuient with regard to the love of spirits. The niimite journal of CoUins informs us of **tho strange design" of some persona to apply to the Governor for a hcense to distil spirits. *'A practice so iniquitous and ruinous, being not only a direct disobedience of His Majesty's commands, but destructive of the w^elfare of the colony in general, the Governor in the most positive manner forl)ade/' and several stills were found and destroyed. At that very time the same chronicler informs us that the Governor could think of no better way to arrest a bushranger than hy offering "as a reward five gallons of spirits/* Hunter seems to have been conscious of want of decision, and vainly to have tried to produce an uii^vYe^^icyYt X^H» Vs^