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intervalsj kangaroo flesh was iesued ; ami after the flootl

uf 180G seed wheat cost fiometiraes three or four pounds ttterlmg x>er hushel, as in the older colony. Hohart had no control over the settlement at Port Dalrymple, wliere PaterBon presided, and, with King's coneent, named the river Tamar, and the town Launceston, m honour otm Governor liing, a native of the ancient capital of Corn- ■ wall. There, al^o, difficulties were met hy grants from Sydney. Durintir Bligh's gavernment many of the settlers at Norfolk Island were removed to Hohart, chieHy in IHOH.^ Colhns, having declined to recognise Bhgh as Governor- in -Chief, when caUed upon to do so in 1809, Macquarie would have proceeded against Collins if tlie '* fell sergeant death" had not anticipated him. Maccjuarie" had lost no J time in suggesting that Collins ought lu he recalled, and tlialB Foveaux should be appointed in his room, hut Collms *hed" before Bligh sailed to England in 1810. Macquarie visited i Hohart in 1811, and reciprocated compliments with thefl inhabitants. He marked out and named many streets." Lt.-CoL Giels {73rd) became Acting (jovernor' in 1812, and, after encouraging agriculture for a time, gave way to a newly-appointed Governor (Colonel Davey), who arrived at Hohart in Feb, 181^. He had served at Trafalgar in the Marine Corps. He was rough, but generous. He was not prone to repress evil tendencies in those aroimd him, for he is reported to have ** shared in common a taste for siurituouB liquors.** But trade prospered, agriculture was extended, wheat was exported to Sydney, and wJiale-fishiiig grew into importance. Until 1814 Van Diemeu^s Land depended solely on New South Wales for the adoiijiistration of justice in civil eases. Besides the Criminal Court of Judicature established under the Statute 27 Geo. IlL, cap- 2, there was the Governor's Court — a Civil Court jiresided over by the Judge-Advocate, and two nominees of the Governor. These courts were the Judicatm*e in the parent cfilony. Bates, the Deputy Judge- Advocate, arrived in Van Utemen's Land iji 180G ; but Collins thought Bates* ' 111 Oct. IHIO Miuiquarie recouimeuded that Norfolk labntl Kbunld be ♦* totally evacuated." ' Desptktcht M&ctj[uarie. IHiO. I

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