Pliillip showed in London his care for the natives of
Australia- He lioped to '* furnish theiu with everythin<^' that can tt^ad to civiUjse them, and to t^dve them a high opinion of their new guests/' Convicts should liave no ^^ intercourse with them, for if tfiej had, *'the arms of the ^p natives will be very formidahle in their hands, the women ^^ abused, and the natives disgustech" Convicts should *'ever remain separated from the garrison and other settlers that may come from Europe, and not ho allowed to mix with them even after the st^ven or fourteen yeai's for which they are transported may he exiiired. At a later datti (March, 1787), he wTote — *' Any man who takes the life of a native will be put on his trial the same as if he had killed any of the garrison. This appears to me not only just, but good policy.'* He descanted on the administration of jusliee and capital punishment. A strange notion was discussed, vix., sending murderers and those guilty of unnatural crimes to an island where cannibalism existed, and might make an end of them; but as to his own territory, the laws of England would, of course, be introduced — **and there is one that I would wish to take place from the moment His Majesty's forces take possession of the country : that there can be no slavery in a free land, and consequently no H Prom Oct*, 1786, to May, 1787, Phillip corresponded ^^with various departments, as to supplies, appohitments, dismissals, procurement of flax from New Zealand ami bread-fi^oit from the Friendly Islands, ^ the power of changing the ** species of provisions" to be issued in the colony, of suspending and senduig home any officer w^ho "from his situation cannot be tried by court-martial," trials by courts, and other tpiestions,
- ' It must be left to me to fix on Botany Bay if I find it a
tm p roper place ; if not, to go to a port a few leagues to ^H| <^* Pitt's hand Is visible on this subjt?ct. On the 9tli March one Mr. ^BVangban writes :—*' Mr. Pitt having inforiucJ Mr, Long that everv ^Bopportiiuity uhould be iiaed to collect the breinl-frint plant in the Houtli ^^Heas, and afterwards to forward it to the BrLli«li West India islands, 1 beg, &c. . . . (the Chatniian of the East India Conipauy has been instructed to use the opportunity of his next i^onference with Mr, Pitt to iiak for the attention of the (iovernment ou this subject on beimlf of the East India CompflDy.)"— Record Office MtilS.