ruled from 18*25 until October 1880, when he was killed by
tbe natives, who were said to have been instigated by the convicts, although Logan was accused of cruelty to the natives himself. Governors Brisbane and Darling had visited Moreton Bay. Captain Logan's remains were taken to Sydney and inteiTed with military honours at Garden Island- Other military commandants succeeded until it was determined to abolish the penal settlement, and establish a free one, settlers (Patrick Leslie and others) having taken their flocks overland in 1839, to Darling Downs, about a hundred miles from Brisbane. After tm^iiing back from Port Curtis, Oxley sailed south- wards and anchored off Moreton Bay. A party of natives was seen approaching. The foremost man was less dark than his companions. He hailed the Europeans in Enj^Hsh. He was wild with delight ; and on that day but little could be gathered from him, Oxley, however, gave presents to his friendly entertainers. The man was Thomas Pamphlet, one of four men wdio had sailed from Sydney some months before m a small craft bound to Illawarra. Driven they knew not whither, they thought themselves at the soutli of Sydney, and after twenty-four days, suffering from thirst, of which one man died, they ran their boat on shore and found water. Their boat was dashed to pieces, They marched northwards with the hope of finding Sydney. They fell in with natives who treated them khidly. ** Their behaviour to me and my companions had been so invariably kind and generous that, notwith- standing the deHght I felt at the idea of once more return- ing to my home, 1 did not leave them without sincere regret." From Pamphlet Oxley learned that a river was near. He explored it for some days, and was satisfied that
- it afforded every reasonable ground for expecting that the
most beneficial consequences would result to the colony by the formation of a settlement on its banks.*' He named it the Brisbane, and Governor Brisbane at once occupied the 36 place with a penal settlement. There was apprehension it this time with regard to the pretensions of the French. The re- occupation of Norfolk Island under an order from Lord Bathurst might be looked upon as aidant to Bigge's ยป Despatdi 2'2rLd July 1824, I