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coast of this islancL Talcing for granted the existence of such an island, I shall proceed with my proposal/' H&j would load the Vf'mis with the salt, sail to Batavia, and ^

    • imder favour of ymir Kxcellency produce (to the Governor there) some

paper froin you, aigiiifyiiig tliat I was an adventurer upou uo other than a voyage of lawfid commerce. From Batavla I would loiid the Venus back, to thifl colony with rice, sugar, arrack, coffee^ and Java horaes, , . tmnnot he ignorant of your Excellency's imremitliDg exertioua"® to prevent the excessive importation of spirits into this colony, nor am I ignorant that you find the necesaity of importing certain quantities of common spirit oecaeionally for the use anfl due support of the lahouriug jjeople. Now, the quantity of arrack to be by nie imported I would leave to your ^_ Excellency's judgment, and upon its arrival here, after the govern mentis ^H necessities are supplieil, I shall most cheerfully Huhnnt to your will in the ^| disposal of the rest, as to time, quantity, eind peraona^ so that no ill consequences may he likely to en.sue from an improper issue." He would sail to the westward through that strait

    • w'liicli I had the good fortune to discover in 1798, and

which through the favour of his late Excellency Governor Hunter bears mj name." He would lay his journals and charts before King on his return, but added: *'I cannot here refrain from remarking that my unwillingness to exhibit to your Exeellenc}' the journal and sketches of the discoveries I have made during my late voyage arises from no other cause than the unparalleled neglect I have met with from the British Government for my services in this country formerly.'* Looking forward to a safe return, after extending his voyage to South America to procure guanacos, he carved out a new career for himself* On the 80th Jan, 1803 he wrote again to the Governor, By his recent voyage to the Society Islands he had enabled King to issue meat from the public stores at greatly diminished cost, **thus furthering yom^ arduous exertions and producing to myself a profitable though very moderate return/* He w^ished to do more with the same view, '*! have every proof short of actual experiment that fish may he caught in abundance near the ^ south part of the south island of New Zealand or at the^ neighboturing islands, and that a large quantity might be

    • The letter of Basij, clearly written in ink atill black, comes like testi*^^

mony from the grave to refute the statements which have ao long beea^^l circulated, by maliciousness or niiatake, as to the importation of spiritft during the government of King* I

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