was about to sail to Englaml from Sydney when the rising so long prepared by the Irish prisoners bnrst forth. There waB no Rpecial siispicion, thongh the web of con- spiracy had been widely spread* Holt, a leader in Ireland in 1798, was looked np to as the general who w^onld ensure success. Two French prisoners of war, volunteering in England to teach how^ wuie was made, had arrived in Sydney in 1800, They received salaries, go ar an teed for three years; but one w^as found inefficient, and preferring a passage to England to a grant of land, had left in Dec. 1803, The other, Francois Dnrianlt, was a conspirator in 1804. Lient. Cnmmings, *'sent from the New South Wales Corps" in 1H00» but allowed to sell his commission, w^as an object of hope with the disaflected. He had been ai'rested on sus- picion in 1802, but was released, ^lany hundreds were pledged, and the co-operation of hundreds more was ex- pected with the first flush of success. Secret as were the preparations, the ordinary vigilance of the authorities detected them. On the 8rd March Captain iVbbott sent a prelinimary warnmg to Sydney, to the effect that something was stirring. His informant was a man of *' tolerably good character,^* and was indeed employed by himself as an overseer. On the 4th the magistrate, Mr, Arndell, wrote from theHawkesluiry : — **We are under strange alarms here by several mysterious infor- mations about an intended insurrection." On the same day, Sunday, Captain Abbott and Mr. Marsden procured more precise information, and sent it to the Governor. A man wlio declined to join the conspiracy had seen a paper, fixing the 4th March for tlie rising, and the password '* St. Peter." One Cunningham was an active leader. King received this information at midnight on the 4tli March, Margarot's French Journal says; — *' A minuit Ton tii'a des canons — battit la generale — et King s'en fnt a Parra- matta avec un detaclimont do 100 soldats centre les Irlandais insm'gens'*^but Margarot was slightly in error. Kuig started for Parramatta in hot iiaste, leaving Major Johnston to follow at half-past one a.m. with two oflicera, two sergeants J and fifty- two rank and file of the New South Wales corps. Emissaries were sent to collect the arms in the hands of the settlers, lest they should be seized by the I I I J