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347 Iving[*s published orders prove that there was hardly any exercise of authority which he avoided, and a few instances will give a hfe-like picture of the social condition of the colony. Writing to the iHike of Portland (1st March 1802) he described the demands upon liis time thus : — • **The most rigid et^ononij- ia observed . . , nor is tliere a nail issued but by my written firder, which takes up one entire day in the M'eek, nor am I less occiipieil the reumiiiiiig days in other objects of public duty : nor can tbu affairB uf this colony be transtictcd in any other manner ttban by the Governor's immediate tbrectiou and control in every and the most minute public transaction/' When soon after Hunter's departure it was ascertained that numbers of convicts, by bribes to clerks (also convicts) employed by tiie f;overnment, had fraudulently procured the alteration of the register h of their sentences^ stringent measures were taken and musters both of convicts and settlers were rigidly enforced. It was necessary even for a free labourer to carry a jmss from a magistrate. A General] I Order is worth perusal :

    • 6th Aug, ISthi. The settleis, aufl other persons cultivating or occupy-

ing grounds by grant, IcA&e, rental, or permission^ ^iW be mustered by the tTOvemort at the following times aud places, viz.: — Those in Sydney and its diatricts at (lovernment Hoiiae thercj on Tuesday monuug, the 10th instant, at eight o'cbxk. At Pai ramatta ... at Government House there * . . at eight a.m. At Hawkesbury at Government House there on A]on<lay morning, the 16tb iiif^tant, at eight o'clock Ofhcers, civil and military , holdiug ground as abovt, are directed to give an account of their fanns, stock, Ac, according to the forms left with the (iovernor'sBccrctary» the Rev. Mr. Marsden, and T- AruflelU Esq. I'bose forme are to be iiUed up previous to the day of muster at the reapective settlements where the farms uiay be placed/' In 1801 and 1802, by General Orders, limitations were imposed as to the number of assigned servants allowed, and I as to those who, when assigned, " would be victualled by the Crown/' In August 1798 Hunter had issued injunctions for due observance of the Sabbath by all in the colony; and directed

    • that the women, who, to their disgrace, are far worse than

the men, he mOiSt strictly looked after, and ordered to attend Divine service regularly, or they will expose them- » selves to punishment." '* As example from superiors is certainly highly effectual in all such cases,'* officers were told to send their domestics to church, and the Governor

    • desires he MAY have, and he trusts he SHALL have, the aaaistauce of

the whole body of the officers, both civil and military," , • . ** U Ansa

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