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201 of Christianity. Siieh corruptioiis are the shame r>f humanity, but it is the glory of reHgion that they vanisli before it. Bufc though Hunter Avas incapable, it was during his government that Jolni Macarthur hiitl the foundation of the material prosperity of New South Wales. Qniek to observe and prompt to act, the firethngs of his heart were at once shaped by his hand. The tale may be succinctly told in his own words. The following evidence was fur- nished by him in 1820 to Mr. Commissioner Bigge: — ^^

    • In 17f)4 1 purcluiaed from an ofticer sixty Bengal ewes and lamtis

which had been imported from Calcutta, and very 9tJf>n afterwards I pro cured from the captain of a traoaport from Ireland two Irish ewes and u young ram. The Indian sheep produced eoaise hair, and the wool of the Iriih sheep was then vahied at Jio more than iiiiiepeuce pei' pound, lay croasing the two breeds I had the stitisfaetion to see the Iambs of the Indian ewes l>car a mingled fleece of hair and wool. This cireumatauce originated the idea of piodncing fine wool in New South Wales." In the year 1796 the Siipjth/ and the Jldiannr, sloops of war (under Captains Kent and Waterhoiise), ** were sent to the Cape of Good Hope, and as their commanders were friends of mine, 1 ret|uested them to inqnire if there were any w^ool-bearing sheep at the Cape." It iiappened that at the Cape there were some Merino sheep derived fi^om animals of the celebrated Esciirial Hoclv presented by the King of Spain to the Dutch Government, and sent by the latter to the Dutch colonj^ at the Cape. The flock was under the control of Colonel Gordon, a Scotchman, who held high ofliee under the government. When he died there were dilFereuees between his representatives and the Dutch government. The value of the sheep was not under- stood by the latter* When Maearthur's friends reache*! the Cape some of the sheep were about to be sold by order of Colonel Gordon's widow.

    • At the period of the arrival" (of Kent ami Waterhou&e, Macarthur

continued) ** there was a Hoek of 3^1erino sheep for sale, from which alxnir tw^enty- were puretiaseiL (jf these I waii favoured with five ewea and three rams. The jeiuaiuder w ere distrihiited amongst different indixiduals who did nut take the neeeaaary precautions to preserve the hreed pnre, and they soon disappeared. Mine were earefitUy guarded agaiu«t an Imp^ne " Camden Park Papers. •'-House of Commoua Papei^, 1837. Committee on Trausportatfon/ ' p, 3^,

  • Appendix to Report of 1 Select
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