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did **everytlihi;^ he could to jiccomDiodate;' his guest, who

received what he waotod from Goveniuient Hoiifle- Finiicane himself did not belong to the New South Wales Corps, but had iraiuigrated i]i 1808 as f=;eeretarY to Foveaiix at Norfolk Island, llligli (iBt Feh.) apjiealed to Paterson to remove the restraintH npon him. Taterson (4t]i Feb.) made Btipnlations with him. It was deemed alisohitely essential to send hiiu immediately to England;" hut as Bligh represented tlnit it would he desirable that he should go iii U.M.S, PorpotHe, Paterson, '* anxious to contribute as much as posfiiljle to the convenienee of Governor Bligh/' con- sented to his proceeding to Europe in the ]*t>rp<>he '*on the the following conditions, to the strict and unequivocal observance of which Governor Bligh hereby solemnly pledges his honour as an officer and a gentleman, viz,:" He was to embark on the 20th Feb., and put to sea without delay. He was to *' proceed to England with the utmost despatch/' and '* neither toucli at nor return to any part of tliis territory until he shall have received Plis Majesty*B instructions or those of his ^finisters." He was to throw no impediments in the way of equipping the Porpoise, and not **on any pretence whatever interfere in the government or affairs" of the colony, (hi these conditions Paterson, to facilitate Bligh's private arrangements, consented to

  • .' remove the additional restraints im|)osed upon Bligh on

the iiTth pJan. William Paterson and William Bligh signed the convention in due form (4th Fel). 1H09), B,nd Bligh returned from the barracks to Government House, Lieut, Kent, who bad succeeded to the command of the FarpoiHc (on the death of BliglTs son-in-law, Captain Pat* land), was in an eiulairrassing situntion. After Foveaux*8 arrival in July 1808 Bligir^^ had railed ut Kent for not having reinstated ** him to his government.

    • He told tilt? with extreme viokiicc, if I know my ilniy, the moment

tht» guns wore on iMJonl the Porpohe. ilmt. 1 8jn:»til*1 liegiu aii^l Imtter the town of Sytlney until aiich time us they iklivureil him «p the governnieot. 1 ruplietl 1 tli<l not cnnceive my tluty lod me to su-frtlice ^o many innocent Uvea. He then Hew into a most vinlrtil rage» ftncl t«lcl me that one ilay or other he woiii^l innke mc repent not ktmwing my iUtty." By givint^ thti command of the Pi^rpom- to Bhi^li, Colonel Paterson suljected Kent to inevitahle insults. Before -' F.viilence of Lieat, W, C. G. Kcit tit ** Trial of Johjistoii/' p. 33 i 4 4

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