111 for iK On tb e iith Jime, refusmg to plead he was fonnd guilty and fined committed lor trial before the Crmiinal Court, 4'50 to the King/' Paterson*s local measurGs need not be eiilarj[,'ed npon. He, like Fuveanx, reverted to strict control uf tlie emau* cipist class, and uppriHed convict attonieys daring to plead without special licunsti tliut they ^YOuld be severely punished. A flood at the liawkeshury caused apprehension in August, and the magistrates recommended ** rigorous means to prevent the monopoly of grain/' For some time it was not known whither Bh'gh had proceeded in the IWpohc Paterson reviewed the troopB with approbation* The Stfdneif Gazette reported that Johnston sailed in the Admiral Gamhier, receiving '*mih- tary honours, the populace taking leave of this nuich- eateemed officer with reitemted hursts of acclamation/' In April the Governor and the New t^outh Wales Corps attended Divine Herviee in mourning, **as a tribute of respect to the memory of the late much lamented Governor, Pliilip G» [King, EHquire/' In August tidings arrived tliat the coi^ps 'had been officially numbered as the lOiind l^egiment- Paterson inspected and ctmipliinented it, dechiring tliat he woidd report its condition with satisfaction to His Iloyal Highness, the Commander-in-Chief. His words were grate- [ful to the corpSj for no man knew how its deeds would be scanned in England, either at the War OtHce or by the Secretary of State. Bhgh's partisans hoped for hia re- instatement. He had been deposed in Jan. IHOH, and in Nov, 18011 no tidings had reached the colony as to what was thought in England. Bligh, meantime, had sailed not to England, but to the Derwent, where Colonel Collins received him politely. W' hen a letter from Paterson with his pfoclamation denouncing Bhgh's lireach of faith reached Holtart, Collins became cooler. Bligli was alarmed, and hastily took refuge , with his daughter in the Porjutisr, Collins prevented the despatch of supplies to the ship, and having no respect for an officer wlio broke his word, upbraided those who were Bo "'infatuated as to consider Captahi Bligh the Governor 8tiU/' On the last day of the year 1809 a new Governor, Colonel Macquarie, brought news of his own aY^}0ulcvfeJ^< ^^