5ITI0US MEETINGS" 267 Mr. Mareden was doomed to a cruel death, in a contem- plated outbreak in 1802 ; bat that vigilant jj^entleraan caused one Corporal Cregmore to conceal himself undc^r a bed in the house of a conRpirator, and there the plotters were overheard. A report was sent to the Governor to the effect that there had been " manifestly an intention to overturn Hia Majesty's Government in this territory, to sacrifice the hves of many of His Majesty's subjects and generally to disturb the peace and tranqnillity of the country; and we are further of opinion that some vigorous and effective measures should be speedily adopted for the purpose of preventing similar attempts. — W. Paterson, EicHARD Atkins, Satiiuel Marsden, J, Harris, James Thomson, Willlvm Cox. 2Sfh March, 1802." In April 1802 there was a general search for a-rms. Only one musket was to be left to each settler. Ofhcers' houses were not searched, but lists of all arms in them and in the barracks were required. Fragments of the Seditious Meetings Act, 3G Geo. III., had reached the hands of the Governor. He ** reminded the inhabitants of its provisions." No meetings of more than twelve persons could be held, '*By 36 Geo. III. cap, 8, if twelve or more persons (two in this colony) who may have assembled contrary to this Act shall continue together one hour (in this colony half-an-hour) after having been required by a magistrate to disperse (or in this colony any person of the description of a free man), they shall suffer death.'* Unlawful oaths and engagements, tamper- ing with any person in His Majesty *s service, were dealt with. Seditious speakers were to be exemplarily punislied, A hearer of seditious words, not informing, was to be punished as an accomplice. A house in which a seditious
- meeting may take place will be erased to the grotnid."
the forward tlisposition of every Briton ami Idahman to defend tlieir families and properties against ^ny invader's mistaken attt*Ebion to this colony, and U> gmix agivin^t the first effects of any UTjexpeeted attack/"" be, as (TQvemorj reqaired **all free meii» inhabitants of the towns of Sydney, Parramatta, and Greenliills ncighliourhood , - . to give in their names to Hi3 Honour the Lt. -(governor tiuriog the ensuing week, in order tbjvt I may be enabled to make a eeleetion of the number required " for the Loyal Association, This order preceded by only throe months the re- bellion of 1804.