< Page:History of Australia, Rusden 1897.djvu
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twelve children), 253; of convicts (with eleven children),

729, On the 13th May the fleet sailed, accompanied by the fi'if^ate Ilffcna, deputed to attend it through the Channel,

    • the most <lifficulfc part of the voyage," and to return with

despatches. She returned on the 20th, taking no "account of the state of the transports, for the sea at that time ran so high that the Governor found it difficult even to sit to write, and quite impraeticalde to send on board the several ships for exact reports of their situation, and of the behaviour of the convicts." In this short space of time, however, the convicts on board the Scarborouifh had formed a plan for seizing the ship, and tw^o ringleaders, having been taken on board the SiriuH for *' proper chastisement/* were removed into the Frinre of Wales, An early chronicler expatiated upon the flourishing state of navigation which thus enabled England " without hesitation to send out a fleet to plant a settlement near the antipodes." Phillip wrote (by the Tlyerni), *' The provost-martial, who had not Ijeen seen for a considerable time before we sailed, is left behind ; as it will be very necessary to have such an officer on the spot, I have ordered Mr. Henry Brewer to act as such, and shall be very glad if he is approved of," PliiUii) touched at Tenerifife, to obtain water and vege- tables. On the 5th Aug. the fleet anchored at Piio Janeiro, There Phiflip received marked attention from the Governor, ' Don Lewis de Varconcellos, ol>tained proWsions, procured tobacco and otlter seeds, orange and lemon trees, coffee, indigo, cotton, and other plants, and sailed away on the 4th Sept, Phillip's knowledge of Spanish was grateful to his hosts, and useful. Besides an oflicia! report (2nd 8ept.)ยป he wrote (to *' My dear Nepean"): ** At the Cape I shall have more time, for here, as the only one that understands the language, I have been obhged to bo linguist and commissary." On the 13tb Oct. the fleet anchored at the Cape of Good Hope. The Dutch Governor hospitably entertained his visitors, and Phillip took in provisions and live stock,

    • The ships, having on board not less than 500 animals of

different Jdndsj but chiefly poultry, put on an appearance

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